In the 200's for the second time.

I just creeped up into the 200's and swore I would never get there. Here I am. I need other 200+ women to lean on, talk to, and kvetch...

UGW: 145 #


  • jazzynazzy1992
    jazzynazzy1992 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am there as well and it is not a good feeling :(
  • Cpriesing
    Cpriesing Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am in the 200s, 52 years old and seriously tired of not being healthy or slim. I feel like I am trapped in this body. I would love to help you reach your goals and provide encouragement.
  • Hey there. I'm 19 and weigh 210. I started at 245. Feel free to add me :) I just made this account so I need friends too!
  • Also new to MFP. I weigh 220. Would like to see how other women have lost weight. tips and motivations are welcome. New friends are welcome :smile:
  • Good luck. I'm in the 200s too and it's a long road but be glad you are starting that path to health and wellness because its easy to creep up.
  • aprmay
    aprmay Posts: 216 Member
    You can add me. I am aiming to lose about 100 lbs this year! Thanks!
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    Same here!!!!

    Anyone can friend me. I need all the motivation and support I can get!!! :(
  • I broke below 200 (first time in over 7 years) about 3 months ago and have been bouncing around between 195 and 205 ever since. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • I crept up to 207lbs last month and started back at the gym just ovIer a month ago. The last time I was on MFP was over 18 mths ago when I was committed to the gym and at 170lbs. Back then I thought 170lbs was high---until 18 mths later finding myself at 207lbs. This is my 2nd time back on MFP and 3rd time back to working out at the gym. I am in this forever. Currently at 197lbs and already lost 10 inches. It hasn't been easy--but thank God for MFP because of support! I'll support you!!
  • sue3mac
    sue3mac Posts: 6 Member
    Please add me! In the mid 200s and could use all the support I can get!!:smile:
  • shirleylmartin
    shirleylmartin Posts: 68 Member
    I've been there, and I found it really hard to get down below the 200 lbs mark. But now I'm at 179 lbs and slowly going down.
  • original weigh in at 199.8 and on my way down. I joined the NDPP, national diabetes prevention program which has been wonderful thus far. Focus on fat and calorie reduction also activity goal of 150 minutes per week. UGW similar to yours. good for you for focusing on you health again! you go girl!:heart: