My Fellow Gamers



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I'm currently on a bit of a WoW hiatus because since starting MFP I have become way more active, and all this food logging and exercising business is keeping me so focused and busy, and I haven't found my stride just yet. And also, because I'm playing Skyrim again/still and I'm really bad when it comes to focusing on more than one (more involved) game at a time (meaning I can't do it).

    But, I have a few WoW toons around that need to get to 90 some time this year. I will pick it up again. At the latest for Children's Week because I do want to get my drake this year, finally.

    Right now I'm discovering the Kinect though, and that lets me nerd it up while moving my butt at the same time, which is like the best thing ever!

    I'm expecting a mail from my GM any time asking where the heck I been (cause I've been in the same guild for like 7 years and they tend to notice after a while if I'm away for too long).

    Game on I say! Game on!
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I used to play Wow--a LOT. My husband and his brothers/cousins had a guild and my husband had 2 lvl 80 shadow priests, and they needed someone to play one of them to help get through Karazan. So, I sit down, my husband tells me "hit these keys in this order when I tell you." The rest is history. I played my warlock through grad school, my most recent pregnancy, and after the baby was born (she would lay on the couch next to me while I played). We all played together up through Cataclysm, which completely ruined the raiding experience for all of us. Up until then we were able to raid with just the core group of us (pretty much all family with a few friends thrown in). Unfortunately, it became so difficult to get everyone online at the same time that we rarely had a full group and would have to pug--and we all know how that can turn out. The arguments over when to raid and how to divide loot pretty much took the fun out of it. It really began to feel like a full-time job, and I've already got one of those, thanks, not to mention three kids and household stuff. Our guild pretty much fell apart--our guildleader (my brother in law) and our main raid lead (cousin-in-law) and another cousin left server and that was pretty much the end of that. =(

    We did then play Star Wars: TOR and most recently Diablo 3 (which is kinda cool) but I haven't been on for a long time.

    There are times I really do miss it--we had some AWESOME times, and it was great to be able to do something with family and "meet" new people. The great thing about being a family guild was we all understood if conflicts came up (sick kids, crazy work schedules, family from out of town) and our mantra was "real life comes first." Nobody worried about being /gkicked if they didn't raid once (though a quick phone call or text was always encouraged). However, I now spend more time with my kids and I'm happy with my life. If I knew we could get back to "the way it was" back in the day, I'd probably jump back in without hesitation, so long as I wasn't expected to be online ALL. THE. TIME.

    Oh, and "FOR THE HORDE!!!!"
  • Adrini
    Adrini Posts: 56 Member
    I've never been told that, but I think our family knows better.

    My husband and I met in a DnD game just over 6 years ago. We spend at least an hour every night playing something - and I still make time for the gym.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Was reading the first page, people talking about Howling Fjord and being level 85 was wondering what was going on...then realized that this thread was from a year and a quarter ago. Holy ****ing necro man. o_O

    Then again, I haven't played WoW in over a year. /shrug Guild Wars 2 and EveO have proven far more challenging and time consuming for me anyway. \o/
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    i've pretty much given up games but i used to be there.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    I've never gotten into WoW but I do play Call of Duty on PS3!! I'm Loveleeb if anyone wants to add me lol

    Im on it!! :) MRS_NEZ_REZ invite sent :)
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    This is a great post! I'm usually an MMO girl but right now I am really into Path of Exile Hardcore mode!
  • suffer4you87
    suffer4you87 Posts: 5 Member
    I LOVE how you can find WoW gamers anywhere, I find WoW (or any other game) a useful tool in weight loss as I get so involved that I don't feel the need to snack. And since I gave up hardcore raiding there's no need for a load of snacks by the PC as there was no time to make dinner. Anyone who says you can't lose weight without giving up gaming has obviously never been an avid gamer before. Games are amazing, I met my significant other on WoW and moved to be with him in Sweden 2 years ago, gaming owns!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I LOVE how you can find WoW gamers anywhere, I find WoW (or any other game) a useful tool in weight loss as I get so involved that I don't feel the need to snack. And since I gave up hardcore raiding there's no need for a load of snacks by the PC as there was no time to make dinner. Anyone who says you can't lose weight without giving up gaming has obviously never been an avid gamer before. Games are amazing, I met my significant other on WoW and moved to be with him in Sweden 2 years ago, gaming owns!

    The wife and I met on WoW as well.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Why did someone battle rez this thread? It should be dead not undead.
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm right there with you. I spent most of my college years playing WoW, and still graduated on the Dean's List. I play video games at least 3-4 times a week. I never got into Magic or DnD, but I did live with some guys that were die hard players. I had a Therapist tell me that I should allow time for video games because it made me feel better and be happy. When my mom would complain about how much I played I would just show her the paper with my "homework" from the Therapist. At the top was video games. I will always play video games as long as they exist.
  • leemay001
    leemay001 Posts: 13 Member
    In conclusion, I tell you to drive Mario’s cart. Get your warrior to level 20. Go win a booster draft. If you happen to be a shooter, keep shooting, and let your opponents fear you. The zombies are not going to kill themselves and neither will the Covenant. If we don’t stand up to Sephiroth then who will? Go forth and get your 25 point hunter pounces! Charge people off of bridges! Shoot portals on to walls! Rock out with your “Rock Band” and kill Deathwing for the security of all in Azeroth!!

    You forgot to FUS RO DAH!

    Da da dun dun da da dun dun da da dun dun da da dunnnnn (totally in tune with the song).

    I would also like to add, and this is 100% truth as crazy as it may sound: Playing games that drastically elevate your heart rate (and I don't mean DDR, but that would work too of course) can actually get you burning calories. Not much more than a casual stroll would burn, but that's pretty good if you're sitting down :P Essentially it's the same with watching horror movies as long as they get your heart pumping / body filled with adrenaline.

    Don't believe me? Google it, there's a good amount of research and plenty of people who vouch for it. Here's a good one: 5 New Ways Video Games Help You Lose Weight. - Not sure if HTML works but we'll find out in a moment.

    EDIT: Okay HTML doesn't work, let me try BBCode.
    EDIT2: Eh, close, but it doesn't seem to render properly T_T

    Poop, here is the link anyway:
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    klaatu barada nikto...that movie had me thinking for days.

    damn it with my nostalgia for raiding days. even when i wanted to stab my rl's eyes out i was still laughing and having a great time.

    horde for life! :drinker:
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Gamer checking in for duty, sir!

    I love me some god of war, katamari damacy, little big planet, assassin's creed, monster hunter, Super smash bros (and brawl), Mario, Legend of Zelda (BEST SERIES EVER), and Castlevania. My ex got me into Borderlands as well ^_^
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    Gamer here as well!
    I've lately been addicted to Torchlight II, Civilization V, and Skyrim! I have Fallout 3 and New Vegas for the Xbox - love them both, though I'm not very good. I'm still trying to get better at them. I reward myself for a hard workout with some gameage!
  • amilypic
    amilypic Posts: 30
    Aha right there with you. If I'm not playing Skyrim I'm killing hordes in L4D2. Are my friends over? We're Rock Band-ing. And when my hubby says something about my gaming, I spend an hour or so on the WiiFit, still gaming aha

    Gamers rule.