Im struggling losing weight.....

Reyna2010 Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I was wondering if maybe im eating too many calories. I workout 4 days a week, which include 2 (45 min) spinning classes, and 2(45 min) high impact aerobics classes. I drink plenty of water and im watching what im eating, but when I put on here that I worked out then I earn extra calories. So I eat them obviously.

I lost 5 lbs two weeks ago and then I gained 7 lb last week. I dont understand what Im doing wrong. My doctor wants to do some blood work to check my thyroid. Im going to do that ASAP. Im 22 years old and very active. I have already lost 52 lbs but Im struggling to get off the last 40lbs. Please help! :frown:


  • mtracy11
    mtracy11 Posts: 13
    I would definitely try to stay within the ORIGINAL calorie goal and only use the excess calories you are given on occasion. You should also check the thyroid bc that could be it. Hang in there!!! If you're doing spinning, you could be building muscle. Have you taken measurements? Try that
  • Reyna2010
    Reyna2010 Posts: 3
    :happy: No I havent been taken measurements I should do that!! Thanks you very much...
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I was struggling with weight loss as well. I realized that even though I was staying within my calories, I was eating junk food and processed foods. I then stopped eating all processed foods (which is difficult) and stayed away from sweets for 4 weeks. I lost A LOT of weight. Are you eating too many processed foods?
  • Reyna2010
    Reyna2010 Posts: 3
    Yes.. Now that I think of it. Thanks for your help!
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