Do you tell people you're losing weight?



  • chkn_WANG_Train
    friends, co-workers, people around me generally notice when I'm being especially healthy minded.... especially when I ditch them to go to a yoga workshop, or tell them I can meet up until I go for a run. I also have a mega sweet tooth, so when I opt for a flourless brownie bite and make it last for a half hour or more rather than toss a delicious vegan muffin down my throat.... yeah it comes up. I just smile and say "I'm on a diet".... because I am.
  • boulinoute
    I have not told anyone. Beside my husband of course. It is my reward when people start noticing. : D
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    I don’t say too much about it. Most commonly it is something that few people are successful and along with that come negative comments. Once they noticed then they seem to have positive things to say to you about your efforts. Only if people ask I say something otherwise I kind of keep it to myself.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    At first I didn't tell anyone, but people did figure it out. Now having lost 94 pounds there's no disguising it and I'm all but shouting it from the roof tops, posting my runs, checking in at the gym and the like...

    I'm just so happy about how I feel and how active I can be so I occasional toot my own horn. It's especially fun when people ask how I've done it and I say, watching how I eat and exercise or sometimes I just say "I'm a shameless gym rat" or "running, it's fun"
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'll tell my parents, because my mom is always ragging on me about how I look. But that's it.
  • plumbobet
    I do not tell anyone,I do not want to hear the "I told you it was just a phase" if i slip up and have a bad day
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Nah. It's not for them so it isn't anything I bring up often unless they ask.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    The important people in my life know :)

    In the last month my coworkers have started making rude comments about how I am wasting away, to thin and my favorit how I have an eating disorder. I have never told anyone at my work what I am doing but its kind of hard to "hide" it when you eat healthy. One of the girls I work with asked me how I expected to lose weight when I eat all the time. All I do is smile and keep my yap shut :)
  • dizzimamma
    I tell everybody, family friends facebook... everyone rolls their eyes or gives me the ya right you will quit soon look. I love it even thrive on it. Cuz it drives me. I am gunna do this **tches!
  • cheshire29
    I didn't tell anyone but most figured it out and said so by 20 lbs gone. The only person who never said anything was my mom and I actually called he out tonight. She made excuses as to why she didn't say anything but I'm still a little pissed. She had plenty to say when I was fat, would be nice to hear something after losing 40+ lbs.
  • QuietRain
    Nah, the only person who knows at the moment is my SO.
    I'd likely tell someone if they as / mention that I've lost weight.
  • alaneylane
    alaneylane Posts: 19 Member
    I've told my a few few family members and a couple friends. Everyone is super supportive and I think talking to them keeps me encouraged.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    Ive lost enough weight (78lbs) so I really cant hide it. And I work at a medical school so lots of health focussed people to notice. My students are very interested and very supportive so how Prof Lyndal lost all her weight is very much a topic of conversation ;) Fortunately I am OK with all this !
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    My work knows because one lady at work knows everything about everyone and she goes to the same gym so yeah, I've been pretty open about it there. Of course my family knows and they're supportive.

    My church has been extremely supportive because I told them about it due to the fact that we have a Bible Study once a week at someone's house that's also a potluck. I don't go every week but maybe 2-3 times a month and every time I would go there would be food there I couldn't eat because it was just unhealthy. Well, the past month or so I've noticed a lot more veggie dishes, salads, baked chicken and healthier fare like that. So, I've been making those things like my Tuesday dinner and staying away from the fried stuff, rich sauces, etc.
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    Another thread got me thinking about this.

    Since you started eating better, working out, etc. have you told people? Or are you keeping it to yourself?

    As for me, I haven't really told anyone. I've lost around 30 pounds so far, and only a couple of people have commented.
    The few people who know that I'm losing weight, how much I've lost, etc. tell me that I look thinner every time they see me.
    I think it's interesting and it makes me wonder if those people actually see a difference, or if they're just saying that to be encouraging/nice.

    I think I prefer people not knowing though...

    What about you?
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    I try to avoid telling people for as long as I can. If they notice it and comment, then I will say yes. But people tend to act like "Food Cops" and start monitoring everything you eat and I detest comments like, " you're not supposed to be eating that" or "is that on your diet"?"
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I let them figure it out on their own. Of course after 123 lbs... it is kinda hard to keep to myself....
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
    I didn't tell anyone but my husband. And nobody ever said a word about how much weight I'd lost. I don't know if it's an awkward subject or what, but I kept thinking someone would notice and ask me about it!
  • KinzieElise
    KinzieElise Posts: 584 Member
    I don't know why but it feels really personal/embarrassing to me so I don't like telling a whole lot of people about how much weight I've lost. Maybe it's partly because whenever someone in my family notices they want to know numbers. I'm just not that comfortable with even implying how much I actually got up to, the reason I started losing weight was because I was embarrassed of reaching 200. So, on here where everyone is going/went through the same thing it's fine but in the real world? Not so much.
  • samygirl928
    samygirl928 Posts: 19 Member
    Same here, I don't really tell anyone I am losing weight unless they ask. I do tell close family members though... I share with people on health and fitness websites that I go on that I am losing weight on my profile and maybe on forum posts too.... I don't really mind telling people either....