So down in the dumps =(

Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
Hi guys,
I've been doing so well with my new diet and fitness regime and was up to day 6 of the 30 day shred (ready to move onto level 2) on friday and suffered a really aching knee. I left it for one day and by the following day it appeared to have completely healed. Great! Throughout the day I was ready and looking forward to Jillians *kitten* whooping in the evening but noticed my heal had become incredibly sore.

This was 3 days ago...It's not the bottom of my heel but just above on the back of my heel....It is slightly swollen and tender to the touch. Looking it up on the internet, I fear I may have a slight case of burstitus which has caused the area around my achilles tendon to become sore. I am currently limping and can't bare to put trainers on. I am still mobile though but even as I type this it is throbbing

I have kept it elvated as much as possible and am applying deep freeze cold gel to the area. I am booking an appointment with the doc tomorrow but am not holding much hope that they will be able to see me (I live in a small village). It doesn't appear to be anything serious but hopefully medical intervention may speed up the healing process.

I can't exercise and this had made me soo low these past few days...I have almost completely lost my appetite and threw away a beautiful salad a few minutes ago. I'm soo worried that my progress so far will be undone by my injury. I started a group for the 30DS and can't even keep up with it. Grrrr....Hope this injury doesn't take too long to heal! I have even considered giving some exercise a go to see if I can cope with it...I know this is silly, and I won't do it. Just finished my exams and was soo looking forward to getting seriously fit and now all I can do it sit and wait for it to heal.

Sorry guys for dumping this on you but I needed to vent my frustration :frown:


  • bikker59
    bikker59 Posts: 11 Member
    Hang in there..I broke my foot at the beginning of the summer last, I did a lot of recumbent biking..had to give up spinning for a few weeks, as well as walking our dog, etc. I also did some exercise tapes sitting down, so at least I got cardio and really focused on my upper body.... Listen to your body, you don't want to push it and hurt yourself even more, esp a foot injury, those really need time to heal....
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    Try to get into the doctor just to verify that there is nothing seriously wrong with your heel. Keep your head up. Don't push yourself too hard or get too hard on yourself for being injured. Things happen and we need to be patient with ourselves (I know it's very hard to do).

    Good luck! Keep us updated. :flowerforyou:
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    :cry: Sorry to hear!! I know exactly what you mean -- I sprained my ankle last fall and it sidelined me for 3 months. In that time I had my very first bout with something I consider close to depression.... it's funny how working out becomes such an important part of your life, and you miss those endorphins like crazy when they are not around!!

    Hopefully you can learn from my mistake, I kind of gave up on my eating when I couldn't work out, and packed on 15lbs..... Maybe you can use your rest time as a time to focus more on nutrition and less on exercise?? Find some new recipes to try out, anything to keep you motivated and in the right mindset to jump back in right where you left off once you are all healed up!!

    Good luck. :happy:
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    I feel your pain since my own efforts to begin jogging and ultimately run a 5k are hampered by some serious shin issues. The mind and lungs are willing, now damn it legs, get on board! You may not be able to keep up with your shred group, but there are always people on here looking to start something every week. Can you do some non-impact cardio? What about swimming? A recumbent bike? If nothing else, it is good you are seeing your doctor about it.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Hang in there..I broke my foot at the beginning of the summer last, I did a lot of recumbent biking..had to give up spinning for a few weeks, as well as walking our dog, etc. I also did some exercise tapes sitting down, so at least I got cardio and really focused on my upper body.... Listen to your body, you don't want to push it and hurt yourself even more, esp a foot injury, those really need time to heal....

    ditto! Def try your tapes sitting down. If nothing more it will get your heart rate up and get in a lil cardio. Maybe try a lil toning with light weight lifting. Just hang in there. You'll be back at it in no time.
  • timandavan
    timandavan Posts: 9
    Try some weight training. You can do some leg lifts and resistance work without involving your feet at all.!! it's not cardio, and it doesn't do much burning, but it helps build muscle for burning. Sit on your bum and work on those arms!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Maybe try modifying the shred so you really minimize the impact on your heel. Anita-style pushups don't involve your foot, you could do the arm moves sitting down and cut out the leg portion, you can do the punching section for your cardio for 2 minutes instead of jumping jacks or jump roping. According to Jillian that's a great exercise for a lower body injury. And the ab moves really don't use your feet at all. Half the time your legs are in the air (ouch! haha). It takes a bit of creativity, but I think you can still try it :)
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys :flowerforyou:

    Thanks all for your good words of advice! I will definatetly be working on my upper body and abs from now on. Especially after the news I had today :frown:

    Tried phoning the Docs this morning to book an emergency appointment and line was engaged for a whole hour. My heel and ankle was particularly stiff and sore this morning, so I asked my mam to take me to the hospital. I had an xray which was clear although the doctor diagnosed tendonitis of the achilles tendon :frown:

    He told me that it was difficult to treat and provided me with some super strength Ibuprofen. He was lovely fair play. I have to see my own GP tomorrow to arrange to have a splint/boot fitted sometime this week to encourage the healing. He said it should take between 4 - 6 weeks to heal if I correctly identify the cause of it in the first place.

    I am 100% sure it has a lot to with the footwear I have been wearing for the past 3 months...they have been basically extra flat sandals and I have done a LOT of walking in them. I have quite a high arch on my feet and have therefore been stretching my achilles for a very long time (I live in the Welsh valleys so mountains are a regular thing to walk up). :ohwell:

    I cannot start any physically demanding exercise for quite sometime and have been pretty C**P all day. However, over my mams earlier, I stepped on the scales and they had stayed at the same point since friday (phew....after a pretty naughty weekend) This reset my mind and thinking and I realise that there are people out there who are considerably worse off than myself and I CAN still be positive about my weightloss even without physical exercise.

    Thanks again everyone for your kind words....I am, right now, feeling much much happier about my current status! With all this free time too, I'm sure I'll be filling up the forums with (hopefully) positive words of advice and encouragement! Thank you! This forum is fantastic xxxxx :flowerforyou:
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Hang in there and don't give up for starters. Like others have said, try modifications to your workouts. If you have access to a pool, swimming would be great. No pool, that's okay too. Fill a large bucket or pan with warm/cool water stick your foot in it and do gentle exercises to stretch/strengthen the tendons/muscles/ligaments. Do not stretch to the point of pain, just keep the joint moving. The water will provide gentle resistance and you can even throw in some epsom salts to reduce inflammation. You could also try resistance band training. Using the lightest resistance band, place it over the ball of your foot and gently push/pull. Do these exercises on both legs/feet to maintain strength. And remember, ice and rest are your friends.
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    oh hun!! oh dear, i had something happen to me a few yrs back after i started a workout dvd everyday.. and unfortunelty dman it i cant spell. it left me unable to do excersise even walking lots of the time. so im trying to lose weight being completely sedentary. i understand how you feel seeing as it was your mission.. but your mission was a healthy body, and tendonitus cant be good. so just relax on the excersise front and carry on logging your cals,
    chin up lady.. it will be ok, its not permanent and your lucky for that. good luck cheer yourself up watching your fave movie with some fat free ben jerrys and smile :) go see the satc movie? :) maybe your body is telling you slow down a bit you know?
    so yes, keep positive, maybe switch to some weights for a change upper body.. it doesnt always have to be cal burning..
    this is alife change and you have the motivation.. so rest up drink lots to keep the swelling down and it will heal soon im sure xxxx
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    and please keep eating chicken, for your body to heal you need the basic amount, at least 1250 if not 1500. its crucial you get the energy to heal xxxx