One week experiment... low carb to low fat!

Hi everyone!

I'm 54, 5ft 3 and 348 pounds.

I've lost 19lb since October by low carbing. I only lost 6lb from October to 5th Jan, but I did not weigh, measure or count anything.

Once I starting tracking (on Fatsecret) things changed dramatically. I lost 13lb in just 25 days by obsessively weighing, measuring, logging and being much stricter with calories and carbs. My carbs averaged at 43 and my calories at 1850. I also introduced intermittent fasting (18 hours several times a week) and increased my one-hour sessions of water aerobics from once a week to 5 or 6 times.

Today I am giving up low carbing for one week and trying high carb, low fat instead. I think it's the South Beach Diet, in essence. I will still eat no wheat, legumes, beans, lentils, or refined sugars. My only sugar intake will be fruit. My meats will be lean, mainly ham, gammon, salmon, prawns, chicken breast. I'll eat boiled eggs daily. I'll have carefuly-measured portions of hard cheese. . My only grain will be one or two Ryvita per day.

I will keep to 1600-2000 calories a day - the same as I do on Atkins

Here are my reasons:

1.. It was all going nicely, then the weight loss stopped, reversed, stopped again and so, after a bit of up and down, I am back where I was ten days ago. To me this is a waste of ten days! I should have lost at least 3 or 4lb in that time!

2. I have a cold and my body is calling me to eat fruit. This is incompatible with Atkins.

3. Many people on MFP have lost over 100lb simply by calorie counting and NOT low carb or Atkins. Many keep on telling me that *carbs are not evil*. Many people claim that dieting is all about CICO and nothing else matters.

4. Some people believe it's good to shake up your metabolism or "keep the body guessing" by changing your diet now and again.

5. Eating the Atkins way blunted my appetite so much that I have not felt hungry even after an 18 hour fast followed by vigorous water aerobics. I'd like to see if Atkins has permanently re-trained my appetite, or whether eating low fat is going to make me ravenous.

6. Eating the Atkins way killed my sweet tooth, stopped me bingeing, taught me to live without anything sweet in my diet. I'd like to see if Atkins has permanently destroyed my sweet tooth or whether eating fruit is going to cause sugar cravings.

7. Eating the Atkins way stopped me from having any stomach problems. I've never had constipation, diarrhoea, wind or indigestion . I'd like to see if I get digestive troubles once I eat low fat.

8. As I have not tried low fat calorie counting in many years, maybe my metabolism has healed and can take a more varied diet.

9. I am really looking forward to eating a wider range of foods, especially sweet, crunchy, fat-free foods. It will make such a change from eating only greasy, meat foods.

10. I worry that my high-meat diet isn't doing me any good because of the hormones in the meat and the grains in their diet. I cannot find any grass fed meats.

11. I have suffered with a lack of energy and feeling depressed. I've had three attacks of hypoglycaemia this year.

12. Many people say it's better to graze all day, eating little and often, six small meals a day and no fasting, rather than what I have been doing which is fasting 18 hrs then eating 2 big meals in a 6 hour window.

13. It will be MUCH easier to eat out in restaurants if I am only counting calories.

So today I begin my 7 day experiment. I am going to print out 7 questionnaire sheets and fill them in each day. I will of course track all my foods (will try again to make the one on MFP work for me!) but also ask myself a few times a day how I feel how is my appetite and energy levels.


Breakfast: fresh fruit salad with fat free live plain yoghurt. Followed by low fat protein e.g. ham, egg, cheese.

Lunch and dinner: A choice or combination of ham, egg, cheese, prawns, tuna, with raw fresh vegetables e.g. tomatoes, carrots, (limited) baby potatoes, red or white cabbage, onion, lettuce, red pepper, scallion, cucumber, olives. Dressings vinegar, lemon juice (maybe oil or mayo depending on how many calories I have left to spend).

Snack: Ryvita with grated cheese, slice of ham, sliced boiled egg.

I shall continue taking the same supplements as usual (omega 3, multivitamins, ALA) and also start using BCAA if I have a meal without protein.

If it all goes pear-shaped I will be back on Atkins next Wednesday!



  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    have u tried losing weight on a balanced diet?
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    I am not an expert my any means, but thought I might mention that ham is not low fat,; chicken breast, ground turkey breast (97% fat free or more) fish/shrimp is.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Jeez. Just eat. Stick to your calorie goal. Job jobbed.

    FYI I eat chicken wings with the skin. I also eat cake. And cheese. And chocolate. And whisky. :drinker: And I ate all these last year when I was on a calorie deficit for the entire year.
  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member

    Well done for your weight loss so far, I can see you are committed to bettering yourself.
    Personally, reason number 3 is the best on your list. Forget high/low carb/fat, just enjoy your food within your calorie budget.
    Add lots of fruit and veg to your diet but as this works best when it's sustainable, enjoy your food and don't over complicate things.
    Remember that your body needs fats, and there are plenty to be found in oils, nuts, avocados etc.
    Find some exercise that you enjoy and can keep going with and just keep doing it.
    Patience and persistence will pay off!
    Best of luck
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    I am not an expert my any means, but thought I might mention that ham is not low fat, but chicken breast, ground turkey breast (97% fat free or more) fish/shrimp are. I wouldn't recommend eating too many eggs either due to their fat & cholesterol. Oatmeal is a good alternate as long as you are practicing portion control with it (and all foods) Good luck to you! Hope you find what works for you.

    P.S. You might want to do a google on low fat diets (or ask your doctor). Since low-fat dieting is an experiment for you, it would be a good idea to make sure you are doing it correctly to get the best results.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    I am not an expert my any means, but thought I might mention that ham is not low fat,; chicken breast, ground turkey breast (97% fat free or more) fish/shrimp is.

    Maria: - The fat content of all the foods I buy are listed clearly on the packaging and I can read that on the internet. (I do ALL my food shopping online).

    As I have a calorie limit, all I have to do is eat within that calorie limit, so it makes no odds, anyway.

    Chad: - maybe your definition of balanced isn't the same as mine. To me, eating fruit, vegetables, meats, fish, seafood, cheeses and some fats IS perfectly "balanced".

    Darren: if you don't understand the decades of struggle I have had, or what I am doing, please keep off my thread. I'm not getting drawn into fighting with people with no understanding. I don't have the slightest inclination to waste my calorie allowance on cake, chocolate or whisky.


    Cally: "Remember that your body needs fats, and there are plenty to be found in oils, nuts, avocados etc."

    If I ahve calories left over to spend I'll definitely use them on having olive oil on my daily salads, or more cheese!
  • norghost
    Trying something for a week and seeing how it works for you sounds like a good idea, but don't expect miracles from going from one restricted nutrient to another.

    I think a lot of people fall into the trap of the "pre-made diet" mindset. Your point 3 is right, energy in/energy out is the main goal for weight loss. All diets should do that, that's how they make you lose weight. But how you build up your daily calories is your own choice and it doesn't have to come pre-packaged in the form of an expensive hardcover book. Just keep experimenting until you find the macro and the foods that make it easiest for you to stick with your calorie deficit without suffering and feeling restricted.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Your point 3 is right, energy in/energy out is the main goal for weight loss.

    Well, as I said, it's only an experiment. My main fear is that ceasing to eat fatty meats and high fat generally is going to make me ravenously hungry. I do hope not, for I would much RATHER be able to eat a wider range of foods. I'll ditch this diet without hesitation if I don't see at least 2lb weight loss in a week, or if I am ravenous, bingeing or craving.

    But we shall see! Watch this space! Fingers crossed!
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    Switching from a very low carb diet to a normal carb diet you WILL put some weight on short term.
    Eating more carbs will normalize your muscles glucogen stores and your body will store about 3g of water for every gram of glycogen.
    This may be significant water gain if you have allot of muscle. ( can see 2-3 lbs when carb loading)

    This is why atkins has a fast loss early on in the diet, its basically staving the muscles of glycegen which causes water loss ... not fat.

    Switching to a more balanced diet will help you feel more energy when exercising and hence burn more fat and be more sustainable.
    One cavet is ; keep your protein at around 1g per 1lb of Lean body mass (100 -150 gr) to prevent muscle loss and keep hunger down.
    Also make sure you eat carbs 1-2 hours before exercise to maximize your energy.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    Darren: if you don't understand the decades of struggle I have had, or what I am doing, please keep off my thread. I'm not getting drawn into fighting with people with no understanding. I don't have the slightest inclination to waste my calorie allowance on cake, chocolate or whisky.


    My response was sensible and supportive. It just disagrees with your plan because I think it's unnecessary.

    You don't have to stick to any special diet. Perhaps your struggles have been down to you flipping between eating really, really clean then giving up or eating really low calories and then giving up. It's nothing new. You have heard of yoyo dieting - that's all it is. (Assuming you don't have underlying medical conditions which have caused you to gain weight - in which case you should be following a diet that a doctor has prescribed.)

    First you were low carbing, now you're going low fat. It's no different to any other yoyo dieter's approach. And you know where that ends up. Should anyone on MFP be supportive of that?

    As per my profile, it's about lifestyle changes: Cut down, not out! Eat healthier, live healthier, you will be better than you were yesterday!

    PS Good luck. I hope you achieve your weight loss success regardless of which route you take. We are all here for you.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I am not an expert my any means, but thought I might mention that ham is not low fat,; chicken breast, ground turkey breast (97% fat free or more) fish/shrimp is.
    As above - the ham I buy is low fat. Plenty of options for that in the UK.

    I'm a big fan of 'CICO' - though a lot of poeple decide it must be 'wrong' when they don't account for how the 'CO' bit can change.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'll ditch this diet without hesitation if I don't see at least 2lb weight loss in a week, or if I am ravenous, bingeing or craving.

    But we shall see! Watch this space! Fingers crossed!

    Hmmm. I'm thinking you'll be disappointed. Weight loss is not a linear, steady-paced thing. Ever. Also, one week isn't ever enough to know if something will work. Try sticking to something, preferably something you can sustain for a lifetime, for a minimum of 4-6 weeks.

    I am not really sure why I am bothering, since you have already indicated that you only want people to tell you what you want to hear, but you are way over-thinking things, and the more you keep your mind focused on all these different "diets," and obsessing over whether eating a certain way "killed" your sweet tooth (really? lol) the more likely you are to fail in the end when you cannot sustain them for life. Eat whatever you want to eat, just eat less of it. Move more. It REALLY is that simple.

    But I'm sorry that's not what you want to hear, so I'll "keep off your thread" now. Best of luck!
  • norghost
    ... I'll ditch this diet without hesitation if I don't see at least 2lb weight loss in a week ...

    I'll second what snowbike said. It is very unlikely you will see a 2 pound weight loss the first week, if any at all. For the reasons he mentioned. If you're going to make it a one week experiment, forget about the scale completely, it will likely disappoint you. You will need to replace the calories you got from fat somehow and that will be mostly carbs. This will refill your glycogen stores with the water that brings along. Count your calories and you won't have to worry about it. Just evaluate how it makes you feel, not what it makes you weigh. Personally if I had to chose one restriction, I'd rather have lowcarb than lowfat.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    have u tried losing weight on a balanced diet?


    Also it's the little things. Like you said you only do your shopping for food online. Maybe get out to a grocery store and shop there. The more active you are, the more likely you are to keep up the healthier lifestyle.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 54, 5ft 3 and 348 pounds.

    I've lost 19lb since October by low carbing. I only lost 6lb from October to 5th Jan, but I did not weigh, measure or count anything.

    Once I starting tracking (on Fatsecret) things changed dramatically. I lost 13lb in just 25 days by obsessively weighing, measuring, logging and being much stricter with calories and carbs. My carbs averaged at 43 and my calories at 1850. I also introduced intermittent fasting (18 hours several times a week) and increased my one-hour sessions of water aerobics from once a week to 5 or 6 times.

    Today I am giving up low carbing for one week and trying high carb, low fat instead. I think it's the South Beach Diet, in essence. I will still eat no wheat, legumes, beans, lentils, or refined sugars. My only sugar intake will be fruit. My meats will be lean, mainly ham, gammon, salmon, prawns, chicken breast. I'll eat boiled eggs daily. I'll have carefuly-measured portions of hard cheese. . My only grain will be one or two Ryvita per day.

    I will keep to 1600-2000 calories a day - the same as I do on Atkins

    Here are my reasons:

    1.. It was all going nicely, then the weight loss stopped, reversed, stopped again and so, after a bit of up and down, I am back where I was ten days ago. To me this is a waste of ten days! I should have lost at least 3 or 4lb in that time!

    2. I have a cold and my body is calling me to eat fruit. This is incompatible with Atkins.

    3. Many people on MFP have lost over 100lb simply by calorie counting and NOT low carb or Atkins. Many keep on telling me that *carbs are not evil*. Many people claim that dieting is all about CICO and nothing else matters.

    4. Some people believe it's good to shake up your metabolism or "keep the body guessing" by changing your diet now and again.

    5. Eating the Atkins way blunted my appetite so much that I have not felt hungry even after an 18 hour fast followed by vigorous water aerobics. I'd like to see if Atkins has permanently re-trained my appetite, or whether eating low fat is going to make me ravenous.

    6. Eating the Atkins way killed my sweet tooth, stopped me bingeing, taught me to live without anything sweet in my diet. I'd like to see if Atkins has permanently destroyed my sweet tooth or whether eating fruit is going to cause sugar cravings.

    7. Eating the Atkins way stopped me from having any stomach problems. I've never had constipation, diarrhoea, wind or indigestion . I'd like to see if I get digestive troubles once I eat low fat.

    8. As I have not tried low fat calorie counting in many years, maybe my metabolism has healed and can take a more varied diet.

    9. I am really looking forward to eating a wider range of foods, especially sweet, crunchy, fat-free foods. It will make such a change from eating only greasy, meat foods.

    10. I worry that my high-meat diet isn't doing me any good because of the hormones in the meat and the grains in their diet. I cannot find any grass fed meats.

    11. I have suffered with a lack of energy and feeling depressed. I've had three attacks of hypoglycaemia this year.

    12. Many people say it's better to graze all day, eating little and often, six small meals a day and no fasting, rather than what I have been doing which is fasting 18 hrs then eating 2 big meals in a 6 hour window.

    13. It will be MUCH easier to eat out in restaurants if I am only counting calories.

    So today I begin my 7 day experiment. I am going to print out 7 questionnaire sheets and fill them in each day. I will of course track all my foods (will try again to make the one on MFP work for me!) but also ask myself a few times a day how I feel how is my appetite and energy levels.


    Breakfast: fresh fruit salad with fat free live plain yoghurt. Followed by low fat protein e.g. ham, egg, cheese.

    Lunch and dinner: A choice or combination of ham, egg, cheese, prawns, tuna, with raw fresh vegetables e.g. tomatoes, carrots, (limited) baby potatoes, red or white cabbage, onion, lettuce, red pepper, scallion, cucumber, olives. Dressings vinegar, lemon juice (maybe oil or mayo depending on how many calories I have left to spend).

    Snack: Ryvita with grated cheese, slice of ham, sliced boiled egg.

    I shall continue taking the same supplements as usual (omega 3, multivitamins, ALA) and also start using BCAA if I have a meal without protein.

    If it all goes pear-shaped I will be back on Atkins next Wednesday!


    On the point of #2................if you have been on the Atkins plan for months, you SHOULD be eating some fruits by now. Most of the fruits that you would eat with a cold are going to be high in Vitamin C also.

    One week experiment is going to do nothing for you as it take much longer than 1 week for the body to recognize any changes.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Personally if I had to chose one restriction, I'd rather have lowcarb than lowfat.

    One of the reasons I am trying this experiment is because SO many people on MFP said they would rather do lowfat than lowcarb. LOL

    you said you only do your shopping for food online. Maybe get out to a grocery store and shop there. The more active you are, the more likely you are to keep up the healthier lifestyle.

    At the local shop I have to run the gamut of looking at and salivating over pastries and cakes and ice cream and worst of all, the queue for the checkout is alongside all the chocolate and crisps etc. The walk would only use up 25 calories. I'd rather eat one less slice of ham that put myself through such a painful test. Home-delivery shopping has helped me immeasurably to keep me on Atkins.
    One week experiment is going to do nothing for you as it take much longer than 1 week for the body to recognize any changes.

    That is like saying don't bother walking 100 metres because your body won't see any changes until you can walk 100 miles. How can I know whether the diet is sustainable over a longer period if I don't do it initially for a week?
    one week isn't ever enough to know if something will work. Try sticking to something, preferably something you can sustain for a lifetime, for a minimum of 4-6 weeks.

    Ditto. I cannot do six weeks without doing one week first.
    Obsessing over whether eating a certain way "killed" your sweet tooth (really? lol)

    I don't care for this kind of sarcastic, mickey-taking tone at all, so I am glad the poster has promised to keep off my thread, but to respond to the points she made, for reasons of clarity, I would say that, firstly, I am NEVER going to lose 200 pounds without becoming obsessed with what I eat (amounts, weights, macronutrients and curbing my appetite, and if she does not think that eating "a certain way" can kill one's appetite she clearly has never done Atkins.

    I used to eat non-stop, lately I fast for 18 hours then do water aerobics, and when I come home I am STILL not hungry. My biggest fear is that my appetite will come back with a vengeance.

    It does make me laugh that when I've posted for the past month on here that I am lowcarbing, I get told not to do that, but to eat low calorie, fruit and veg and lean proteins. When I switch to what people are recommending, I also get slated for that.

    Funny old site ain't it?
  • topcat2473
    I have been low carbing for the past year and initially lost about 10 lbs....and I continued with the low carb but have found that I have stopped losing weight and I am extremely bored with my same old foods. I too (just this past week) have decided to go low fat, low cal. Im scared because I have to "re-teach" myself from the low carb rules. I dont know how to count calories, only carbs. I figure it can't be all bad- I mean, most people can eat cereal and fruit and they are not obese! I'm worried about mood swings and blood sugar fluctuations as I noticed while low carbing everything was on an even keel. I have been using MyFitnessPal to track my calories/food/exercise/moods, etc and it's been very helpful so far. Good luck with the changeover! :)
  • MindSetBrenda
    MindSetBrenda Posts: 20 Member
  • dalemckeown
    dalemckeown Posts: 46 Member
    Fasting is going to do you absolutely no good. Not eating for 18 hours WILL put your body into starvation mode, which means your body WILL store everything you eat as fat.

    Like others have said, just eat a balanced and health diet and the fat start to go away.

    Weight loss is like a marathon; every step you take is a step closer to the finish line. You have to pace yourself. Try and sprint it any you will fail.

  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Dale - That is one reason I am changing my diet. With Atkins I have so little appetite that I can go 18 or 20 hours between meals. If I want to start eating more regularly then I have to come off Atkins to get my appetite back - I just hope it does not come back like a steamroller!

    There is no consensus on what a balanced and healthy diet IS. For example, the UK government continually insists we MUST eat grains to be healthy. But many experts totally disagree and say they are a man-made, processed and unnatural food for humans. I think 2lb a week is a marathon, not a sprint - isn't it?
    I too (just this past week) have decided to go low fat, low cal. Im scared because I have to "re-teach" myself from the low carb rules. I dont know how to count calories, only carbs. I figure it can't be all bad- I mean, most people can eat cereal and fruit and they are not obese! I'm worried about mood swings and blood sugar fluctuations as I noticed while low carbing everything was on an even keel. I have been using MyFitnessPal to track my calories/food/exercise/moods, etc and it's been very helpful so far. Good luck with the changeover! :)

    Gosh Topcat you sound exactly like me! I have exactly the same fears about blood sugar etc. So I wish you good luck too and remember - if it all goes pearshaped we can both go running back into Dr Atkins's welcoming arms! Maybe we need a change to
    remind us of how great Atkins is for BS stabilisation and appetite control.

    Well, my low cal foods have just arrived, so time to start preparing my first low cal lunch!

    Brenda - thanks for sharing the 20 rules that work for you. No carbs after lunch is completely unnecessary though, whether one is a vegetarian or a paleo! I'm going to be eating salad, vegetables, cheese etc all day - and they are all carbs. I don't agree with going to bed hungry, either, nor that fried foods are bad (if you are on a high fat diet).