200+ (Week 31) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey all just a quick check in. i am on vacation so i wont be around much this week. my weigh in is down 2 pounds from last week. i am weighing in at 232. i think i am still retaining water but i dont expect a loss this week. well i will check in when i can good night
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - there is a club in Portland called Embers that in the front is a dance club that plays techno (ew) and '80's remixes which are always fun because you are packed like sardines on the dance floor and everyone belts the songs at the top of their lungs...anyways, in the back there is a drag queen show that is hillarious. I haven't been in years but a few times us girls have taken unsuspected good natured boys to the show and they've had to go on stage.

    Kristina - there are some sink consoles for bathrooms at Ikea I am going to buy when we redo our bathrooms this winter. And there is a white bedroom set I'd like to have for our room too. I could spend hours in that room! Their kitchens are pretty cool too!

    Kendall - good for you for walking the thing! I get annoyed when people do that to me...but yeay for keeping on going!

    Amber - have a great time on your vacation!

    Eating habits at night: not good at all. I get bored and I eat. I did sign up for Netflix and see that I can stream work out videos to my ipad so I think in the evenings this week I will try to do some of them.

    Its sunny outside right now, for the first time in a week. I am hoping it lasts! We are talking about using our gift card and taking G to go see Shrek today. I also need to find her a green outfit so she can be a frog in her recital tomorrow night. I've been looking for green pants for months without any luck....so it might have to be a dress!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just a quick check in from yesterday:

    2407 calories to maintain
    1679 in /0 burned /-728 day /-2016 week

    No exercise.

    Will either hit up the rec center today OR go for a long walk, maybe in the arboretum. Supposed to be hot and humid. ew.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! (it's morning here at least). I just love AZ. Fresh air, mountains and dry heat. Some pretty nice eye candy at the bar last night but they weren't looking at me. I spent the early morning on a walk and birdwatching (85 min). My friend cooked authenitc Puerto Rican food for the party last night. I'm just having a nice relaxing day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    229.4- no change from last week.

    bored as crap today.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hope everyone's had a good weekend. It's been pretty warm here and will be throughout the week- mid 80s and humid. ugh! Running goals will be an issue. Only 4 days of work and then it's off to NC!

    Checking in for the day:

    2407 calories to maintain
    Did a 10K on the octane elliptical in 49ish minutes. Felt pretty damn good.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    hello everyone, it was a crazy weekend and Friday and Saturday I didn't so so well with logging:ohwell:

    Exercised everyday though, yesterday was a 7 mile loop with my husband, we ran the first 3 miles in 25 minutes, but the air was very muggy and we ended up walk/running the last 4 miles
    2280 calories allowed/ 1576 eaten/652 left

    The scale never did cooperate, the lightest reading from the weekend was 205.4...that is up a pound...but I was also up 4#'s, then 3#, then 6#, yesterday was the 205 # reading? I just can't figure it out, I burned almost 4000 calories last week...should be a soild pound gone...I know I didn't log Fri or Sat, but I think my eating was pretty normal, except for a late bowl of chili after the game Saturday night.....Not sure what approach I'm taking this week....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- way to get all that running/walking in. It's terribly muggy where I am at the moment as well, and I know my body can't handle that outside doing much of anything, so indoors workout it'll have to be.

    This week should be busy, but not stressfully so (*knocks on wood*). Lovin' that it's a 4 day workweek for me. Not so much that Friday I'll be in the car all day driving to the parents' house, but it'll be nice once I'm there. Today actually is somewhat split up because I have a mid-afternoon meeting on campus, so should make my time at the clinic go much faster.

    Plan is to hit up the rec center after my meeting. If the treadmill is open, I want to do at least some running (probably won't hit the 3 miles, but may work on some speedier work). If they aren't open, will hit up the elliptical as usual. At this point, no trivia tonight, which I'm absolutely okay with. Would like to get an early evening in. Didn't sleep long enough last night.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    hello everyone, it was a crazy weekend and Friday and Saturday I didn't so so well with logging:ohwell:

    Exercised everyday though, yesterday was a 7 mile loop with my husband, we ran the first 3 miles in 25 minutes, but the air was very muggy and we ended up walk/running the last 4 miles
    2280 calories allowed/ 1576 eaten/652 left

    The scale never did cooperate, the lightest reading from the weekend was 205.4...that is up a pound...but I was also up 4#'s, then 3#, then 6#, yesterday was the 205 # reading? I just can't figure it out, I burned almost 4000 calories last week...should be a soild pound gone...I know I didn't log Fri or Sat, but I think my eating was pretty normal, except for a late bowl of chili after the game Saturday night.....Not sure what approach I'm taking this week....

    Are the cals left after you've logged exercise in?? Because it looks to me if you ran 3 miles, thats probly minimum 300 cals and then you walked another 4...My guess is that you need to eat more?

    Good job on the 7 miles though. Wow!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Well, we are NOT a chatty bunch this week so far. haha.

    I'm exhausted and don't know how long I'll be up, so I figured I would check in

    2407 calories to maintain

    Didn't eat as many calories as I wanted to- wanted to be more around 1600ish, but as long as I don't stay at that number most of the time, I'll be okay, I think. BUT, I have to say, when I completed my entry for the day, and it said "if you eat like this every day, in 5 weeks you'll be..." it was 179 and I about pissed myself. I know that won't happen any time soon, but holy crap- I haven't seen a 170-anything on the horizon in probably 8-9 years, so wowsas. Still have a lot of work to do before I get there.

    Today's exercise was running on the treadmill, which I did not particularly enjoy. Wish I could have been outside. Was on there for 55 minutes and my distance total was 4.17 miles. I ran the vast majority, but had a 5 min warm up and cool down and did a couple of one-two minute quick walks between running in order to catch my breath and drink some water. Ran most of it at 5.0 mph, with one 2 minute and one 3 minute runs at 5.5mph- which I never thought would feel comfortable, but it did, except for tiring me out, but the stride was good.

    Hope everyone's day has gone well!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    hello everyone, it was a crazy weekend and Friday and Saturday I didn't so so well with logging:ohwell:

    Exercised everyday though, yesterday was a 7 mile loop with my husband, we ran the first 3 miles in 25 minutes, but the air was very muggy and we ended up walk/running the last 4 miles
    2280 calories allowed/ 1576 eaten/652 left

    The scale never did cooperate, the lightest reading from the weekend was 205.4...that is up a pound...but I was also up 4#'s, then 3#, then 6#, yesterday was the 205 # reading? I just can't figure it out, I burned almost 4000 calories last week...should be a soild pound gone...I know I didn't log Fri or Sat, but I think my eating was pretty normal, except for a late bowl of chili after the game Saturday night.....Not sure what approach I'm taking this week....

    Are the cals left after you've logged exercise in?? Because it looks to me if you ran 3 miles, thats probly minimum 300 cals and then you walked another 4...My guess is that you need to eat more?

    Good job on the 7 miles though. Wow!!

    Hey Lacey...Thanks for asking, but that was just Sunday..(Actually my HRM said I burned over 1000 calories that morning for 90 minutes of walk/running) I have been really good about eating the exercise calories back now for about three weeks, almost 4 since I got my new heart rate monitor and know for sure what I have been burning, I have been eating them back...Sunday, I was just in a mood...my weight has been all over the place for the last week...mostly on the high side...and I just wonder if I am one of those people that might just have to "NOT EAT" more than 1200 calories a day to lose...because for the most part I am eating more than I have ever eaten before..and i seen results at first, but as you all know...I usually gain it back and then lose again.......I am considering looking into some type of local help...because I am getting really frustrated....
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Well, we are NOT a chatty bunch this week so far. haha.

    I'm exhausted and don't know how long I'll be up, so I figured I would check in

    2407 calories to maintain

    Didn't eat as many calories as I wanted to- wanted to be more around 1600ish, but as long as I don't stay at that number most of the time, I'll be okay, I think. BUT, I have to say, when I completed my entry for the day, and it said "if you eat like this every day, in 5 weeks you'll be..." it was 179 and I about pissed myself. I know that won't happen any time soon, but holy crap- I haven't seen a 170-anything on the horizon in probably 8-9 years, so wowsas. Still have a lot of work to do before I get there.

    Today's exercise was running on the treadmill, which I did not particularly enjoy. Wish I could have been outside. Was on there for 55 minutes and my distance total was 4.17 miles. I ran the vast majority, but had a 5 min warm up and cool down and did a couple of one-two minute quick walks between running in order to catch my breath and drink some water. Ran most of it at 5.0 mph, with one 2 minute and one 3 minute runs at 5.5mph- which I never thought would feel comfortable, but it did, except for tiring me out, but the stride was good.

    Hope everyone's day has gone well!!

    great Job Kristina!!! You've really been bringing it with the exercise ...you'll see those 170's soon! I hope your trip back home this weekend is a safe and fun one!!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I totally forgot there was a staff meeting at work today at 8 and totally rolled my butt into the clinic at 8:20. Oops? Lots of fresh fruit at the meeting though, which was good, as I forgot my banana I meant to take with me to compliment my breakfast, so was able to chow down on some strawberries and cherries. Yum!

    Today should be okay at work. Nothing exciting to report. Have a meeting on campus again at 3:30ish, so my day will end early here, but will probably run late over there. Plan to hit up the rec center afterwards- elliptical time today, but even though the treadmill was painful yesterday, I'm hoping to grab one again either Wed or Thur (only 2 of them allow you to go over the 30 min limit- girls, I run way too slow to get enough mileage in in that amount of time!) in order to get my running goals in.

    It's another hot one today! Hey, isn't BL finale tonight? I'll probably only catch part of it again, unless it's super bloated in time length, as Glee! is still a priority- Lady Gaga-themed episode tonight!

    Love to hear how everyone's doing :flowerforyou:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    BL finale, Glee and Deadliest Catch tonight! Why do Tuesdays have to be so complicated??

    Its a rainy day. I overslept. But I just took a nap on my break and then took an unofficial break and went outside with my friend. I'm all woke up now! (finally!)

    I should have gone to the gym yesterday but was too tired when I got home. Decided to listen to my body for the night. Tonight is zumba. I need it to kick my butt.

    Snack Day is this Friday. Participation has been down in recent months because the people who do pariticipate bring junk food (I'm guilty...I bring the less than $2 bag of Walmart brand cheese poofs). I sent out an email to the team reminding them that snack day is friday and a lady who sits beside me replied to all and suggested we try to have a healthier snack day. So I followed that up with an email of suggested healthy snacks to bring. Hopefully we will have a large variety of fruits and veggies and low fat dips. I could pig out on some fruits and veggies.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Deb- I know how you feel to eat perfectly and work your butt off and not see results. Very very frustrating. Do you think that if you gave it a couple more weeks of eating back the bulk of the cals your body would readjust and you'd possibly start seeing weight loss again?

    Last night was my daughters spring play. It was so dern cute it isn't even funny. The theme was Noah and the ark. There were hillbiliies, animals (Gracie was a frog), Noah and his family, kids as rain, wind and clouds....dueling banjos, songs on the recorder, songs sung and signed at the same time, the macarena (Makaraina - they did the dance though!), the preschoolers did songs with drum sticks and jumping beans, acting, etc. It was really fantastic. All original and written and taught by the schools drama/music teacher. When I question paying for Gracie to attend a private school when she gets into elementary age I will remember these things and remember that it is worth it. SO CUTE!

    ANyways, we ate mexican last night as we were short on time at a normally great restaurant. I've had the same dish there before and it totally SUCKED. Everyone said the food wasn't that great. So about 1000 cals of crap food. I hate paying for lame food like that. Bummer dude.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Deb - I agree with Lacey that you need to eat more. You are very active around the house and you do some killer workouts. I don't do as much as you and I'm eating more than you. I think you should set your activity level to active and only scedule a 1/2 pound loss per week and then eat your exercise cal back. I'm really thinking you should be in the 2100 range with exercise cal. On days I exercise more, I'm coming in at 2200 cal. I know it's scary. Consulting a certified nutrionalist mat be a good idea. Have you tried wearing your HRM for an entire day to see how many cal you burn?

    Sorry to MIA yesterday. The flight was tiring. I got home after 10pm and had to leave by 8 this morning for work (grumbles). Didn't have time to pack my lunch so Subway had to do.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- great job with the healthy snacking option at work. Hopefully there will be a good mix of it, so you know you have stuff you can snack on there. Work can be such a bad place for snacking!

    Lacey- the play sounds adorable! And boo for crappy food. At least if you're going to eat a caloric meal, it better be darn good. Bummer!

    Victoria- glad you made it back safe and sound! Sounds like you were still able to get some good exercise in during your trip, so that's fabulous! I don't expect to be able to get a lot in when I go home (especially with 2 full days of driving), so yay for you. Going back to work after a vacation SUCKS. Hang in there! It's short work week, right? haha.
  • bethcullen
    bethcullen Posts: 4
    Hi there,

    Today is my second day on this site, and I look forward to this opportunity. I am a 34 year old widow. I have two beautiful (aren't everyone's?) children, and a chihuahua named Hercules.

    I had gastric bypass surgery in 2005, and have lost about 250 pounds. This is good. Since the death of my husband, I have started eating really bad foods. This is bad.

    It has been two years now, and I'm ready to move on. I want to feel better about myself, and keep up with the crazy activities of my children. Essentially, I am ready to enjoy life again.

    I'm not really sure how to join in with groups on this site. I've read many posts from different groups and I think I fit in best here. Please let me know how this thing works.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome bethcullen!!!! Just jump in and post any and everything to the group. Right now we are in the middle of an activity challenge for 60 min activity a day (ex, house cleaning, yard work, playing with the kids, etc) and posting our food intake calories. We look forward to getting to know you. Our group has been pretty sucessful with about 1/2 of us now under 200!!! On Fridays, we start a new thread for the week.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome bethcullen! I hope you enjoy this thread! Every 6 weeks we have a new challenge- this one, as pinbot has said, we decided to focus more on exercise and less on an amount of weight lost, but everyone's goal is different. Mine isn't a 60 min goal, but to do at least 5 days of cardio a week for at least 30 min (high intensity cardio), and 2 of those being 3+ mile runs (several of us have taken up running since starting MPF).

    I've found this group to be super supportive and great for advice. Good place to vent and check in- to know you're not alone in your struggles. Welcome!