8 lbs. in a week?

Wednesday's are my weigh days, and I was greatly looking forward to losing another 2 lbs. so I could say I've lost 20 lbs. However, instead of losing 2 lbs. my scale shows I've gained 8 lbs!!! This is also the first time in 7 weeks on weigh day that I haven't shown a loss. I know some of it could be water weight, and sodium retention, but at what point is there an actual gain? The only thing different I can think that I've done is that I've eaten more carbs than I have been, but nothing over the top, and I haven't drank as much water as I usually do. Are those behaviors alone enough to show a gain on the scale? I know I shouldn't be so focused on the number, but to pay attention to how clothes fit, etc. but seeing the numbers go down on the scale gives me a sense of accomplishment. I shouldn't be having any issues plateauing just yet as I still have a lot of weight to lose, so how can I boost the loss so my scale will read happier next week? Thoughts? :flowerforyou:


  • Fedup23
    Fedup23 Posts: 80 Member
    I know some of it could be water weight, and sodium retention, The only thing different I can think that I've done is that I've eaten more carbs than I have been, but nothing over the top, and I haven't drank as much water as I usually do.

    You answered your own question.. drink more water.. cut down on the sodium..check your carbs.. work up a great sweat for a few days.. you'll be fine. :)
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    I suppose I just needed the reassurance! Thanks, Fedup23! :tongue:
  • anj1030
    anj1030 Posts: 153 Member
    Oh yes...it hurts when that happens!!! Stay strong...and know that you're doing it all right. If you tweaked your diet, that can change things significantly! Heck...when it was that TOM, I would gain 6-8 lbs in water weight alone!!! I've been diligent about my diet for years...and then I quit smoking in September...I haven't been able to drop a pound since (other than when I had that awesome stomach flu...) because my metabolism came to a screeeeeeching hault! Just believe that you're healthier in a total...even if your scale wants to be mean.

    I don't even weigh myself. I haven't in weeks. It's heartbreaking to have a day like this...and therefore, I decided I didn't want days like this. So, I base my success (like you said) on how my clothes fit, and how I feel mentally and physically. Stay strong!!! You're doing great!!! 18 lbs is HUGE! Find a child that weighs that and pick it up...it puts it all into perspective!!! Good luck with your journey...you will not regret taking it!!! I promise!!!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Besides sodium, here are a few other things that can lead to water weight:

    Monthly cycle - most women only see a fluctuation during their period (or right before) but some also see it during ovulation week.

    Exercise - if you start working out, change your workout and/or increase the intensity of your workout, this can cause water weight gain. Basically if your muscles are sore, you've got water weight because the tissues retain water as part of the healing process. It's like when you sprain your ankle and it swells, only not as visible as it's spread out over a larger area.

    Here's a good visual for you: a gallon of water = 8 pounds. This really puts in to perspective how little water weight can really effect weigh ins. It's very important to make sure your drinking plenty of water, especially when exercising, to offset these effects. The only way you'd actually gain 8 pounds in a week is if you went over your calories by 4000 per day!

    P.S. The only way I would think the carbs would've effected anything is if you have a sensitivity to gluten and you're just bloated and/or backed up.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    Oh yes...it hurts when that happens!!! Stay strong...and know that you're doing it all right. If you tweaked your diet, that can change things significantly! Heck...when it was that TOM, I would gain 6-8 lbs in water weight alone!!! I've been diligent about my diet for years...and then I quit smoking in September...I haven't been able to drop a pound since (other than when I had that awesome stomach flu...) because my metabolism came to a screeeeeeching hault! Just believe that you're healthier in a total...even if your scale wants to be mean.

    I don't even weigh myself. I haven't in weeks. It's heartbreaking to have a day like this...and therefore, I decided I didn't want days like this. So, I base my success (like you said) on how my clothes fit, and how I feel mentally and physically. Stay strong!!! You're doing great!!! 18 lbs is HUGE! Find a child that weighs that and pick it up...it puts it all into perspective!!! Good luck with your journey...you will not regret taking it!!! I promise!!!

    Thank you!!! Your positivity has made me feel much better, and less down about it! :smile: Great job on quitting smoking!!! I quit for about 3 months last year, but my wedding day was getting closer and the stress was peaking, and my late father-in-law's health was ailing. It was a horrible time to choose to quit smoking! I'm going to work on my overall weight first, and then tackle quitting again.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    Besides sodium, here are a few other things that can lead to water weight:

    Monthly cycle - most women only see a fluctuation during their period (or right before) but some also see it during ovulation week.

    Exercise - if you start working out, change your workout and/or increase the intensity of your workout, this can cause water weight gain. Basically if your muscles are sore, you've got water weight because the tissues retain water as part of the healing process. It's like when you sprain your ankle and it swells, only not as visible as it's spread out over a larger area.

    Here's a good visual for you: a gallon of water = 8 pounds. This really puts in to perspective how little water weight can really effect weigh ins. It's very important to make sure your drinking plenty of water, especially when exercising, to offset these effects. The only way you'd actually gain 8 pounds in a week is if you went over your calories by 4000 per day!

    P.S. The only way I would think the carbs would've effected anything is if you have a sensitivity to gluten and you're just bloated and/or backed up.

    My TOM ended a couple days ago so it's possible some of the "8 lbs." is from that. GRRR.... I typically do switch up my gym routine a bit, just so I'm not doing the same thing every day. I might be up the intensity, changes machines, change the time, etc. That is a great perspective! To my knowledge, I'm not allergic to gluten, but I've also never been tested to see. Aside from bloating, how would you tell if you are allergic, aside from going to a doctor to find out?