Whats the hate for Beachbody about?

I've seen a few posts now, people telling others to stop using Beach Body products such as P90X and Insanity.

Whats the deal?

I personally use Insanity and Turbofire, as well as the new Body Combat Ultimate Warrior on days I don't go to the gym to do... uh Body Combat haha.
I've had some really good results with Turbofire and Body Combat, so I don't really understand the posts which show Beachbody as something to be negative about?


  • nanook37
    nanook37 Posts: 64 Member
    What some people have a problem with is all of the add-ons that they try to sell you and they kind of give you the message that you can't be successful without their over priced supplements and equipment. Also they tend to a little over priced so they can run off the infomercials.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    do what YOU want to do, do not listen to others.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    What some people have a problem with is all of the add-ons that they try to sell you and they kind of give you the message that you can't be successful without their over priced supplements and equipment. Also they tend to a little over priced so they can run off the infomercials.


    I don't think people are really knocking the workouts (shame on them if they are) but rather the fact that is an MLM business scheme. I think there are a lot of people that are sick and tired of being bombarded with coaches, even on here, sending them messages, telling them to PM them for more info, etc. when all they want to do is make a sale off of them.

    And the marketing of some of their products are excruciatingly misleading. (Shakeology)

    I personally like the workouts and do a lot of the cardio DVDs because cardio on a machine like a treadmill bores me to tears. But I have personally witnessed a trend on this website against Beachbody because of the influx of coaches trying to get other MFPers to buy something from them.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I'm frugal but I would say cost but then again it seems like 90% of the 60 day / 90 day programs charge $120. I do think that you should not be bombarded by coaches and such. I've never purchased a Beach Body product. I'm doing the free YouTube videos right now and hope to work my way up to Supreme 90 Day AKA The Frugal P90X. I guess Beach Body could be considered the Porsche or BMW of workout videos and the $40 or less 60 day / 90 day programs the Honda of workout videos. Even if you are on a budget and don't want to spend $99+, you can always buy the individual DVDs from Amazon, Walmart, etc. Ex. Jillian 30 Day Shred (or use from YouTube), Bob Harper, etc. There is something for everyone!
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Okie doke, thanks for that everyone!

    We don't get Shakeology in the UK, so thats one expense I've never bothered with or worried about. And since a friend gave me the other programs, I didn't really lose anything by taking them on. Anything that I've needed for them, like resistance bands, I either already had or picked up cheap at my local sports outlet.

    I just wondered if there was something suspicious going on haha. I can get that people get fed up with the coaches trying to make a sale. YouTube is full of videos of weight loss success stories and many of them are coaches.

    I really enjoy the workouts too, I do some classes at the gym, but for the days I don't go or can't go, I do those. The only machines I use at the gym are for weights, because I get all the cardio I could shake a stick at with the classes and the DVDS :D
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Love the workouts (we have a pile of them, I'm currently doing Turbo Fire and Insanity vids), hate all the product-pushing. BUT, there's no one forcing you to buy any of the stupid add-ons.

    Also, the customer service is fantastic. Last week one of my Turbo Fire vids started skipping, and I called to get a replacement. I barely had the words "the thing skips" out of my mouth and the rep on the phone was like, "So sorry about that, we'll get a new (free) one in the mail today". Not what I was expecting at all!

    Don't like the extra stuff - don't buy it. Simple!
  • speedw1875
    speedw1875 Posts: 12 Member
    I bought my 10 Minute trainer on ebay. It was cheaper and there's no follow up junk. The workout is perfect for me. Haters gonna hate, thats what they do best.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    What some people have a problem with is all of the add-ons that they try to sell you and they kind of give you the message that you can't be successful without their over priced supplements and equipment. Also they tend to a little over priced so they can run off the infomercials.

    I guess this would be it pretty much.

    They're overpriced workouts. And the main hate (at least for me) comes from the garbage supplements that they try to sell.
    And from the "coaches" who have no business being called a "coach", when they're just a salesperson.

    It gets annoying seeing people trying to promote things like shakeology when there are cheaper and better options.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I guess this would be it pretty much.

    They're overpriced workouts. And the main hate (at least for me) comes from the garbage supplements that they try to sell.
    And from the "coaches" who have no business being called a "coach", when they're just a salesperson.

    It gets annoying seeing people trying to promote things like shakeology when there are cheaper and better options.

    I think what's important is to recognize it for what it is, and not what their marketing team claims it is. Beachbody workouts are like an adult gym class. Assuming your diet is in check and you follow it with consistency, you can definitely see results using it, but those results are not likely to be as profound as you'd see in someone doing more targetted work (what I mean by that is something like P90X gives you a little bit of cardio and a little bit of resistance training, doing cardio will boost your cardio better, and doing resistance training will boost your strength better since they're more dedicated approaches, for example).

    That being said, the workouts are easy to do and require minimal equipment. If you enjoy them and want to spring for it, by all means more power to you. I myself will occassionally do a workout or two from one of the programs with my wife. I use it as a supplement to my actual workout routine and as a chance to bond a bit with my wife since we don't get to work out together regularly. In that regard I think it's fantastic for me.

    Just make sure you're not buying it for the hype. BeachBody workouts don't 'Incinerate fat': that has to do with your diet, and steady state or interval cardio (not calisthenics) will burn more calories in a workout. It will not get you 'shredded in X days': again that's diet. It will not suddenly make you a super hulk, more focused resistance training programs are superior for that. It can be fun, and it gives you a variety of exercises that hit a range of areas that most people are deficient in (cardio, strength, and generally being able to move their butts around for more than just walking from the sofa to the fridge).

    If you enjoy it and will stick with it, do it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I like the beachbody workouts that I've tried very much. Enjoyed insanity very much and the yoga portion of P90x is the only yoga I do. I'm sure the other workouts are fine as well. That said, I'd bet people here think I am a BB hater from some of my posts.

    I like the workouts and they definitely have their place. My problem stems from when people act like BB (or Jillian) workouts are the only options. So many threads get started where the OP asks what they should do next and then name 2-3 BB or JM DVDs as if that's the entire world of fitness. Some days I look at the forums and wonder how anyone got I shape before fitness DVDs became a thing.

    So I guess my official stance is that BB products are cool but let's make sure we're considering all of our options
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I think what's important is to recognize it for what it is, and not what their marketing team claims it is. Beachbody workouts are like an adult gym class. Assuming your diet is in check and you follow it with consistency, you can definitely see results using it, but those results are not likely to be as profound as you'd see in someone doing more targetted work (what I mean by that is something like P90X gives you a little bit of cardio and a little bit of resistance training, doing cardio will boost your cardio better, and doing resistance training will boost your strength better since they're more dedicated approaches, for example).

    That being said, the workouts are easy to do and require minimal equipment. If you enjoy them and want to spring for it, by all means more power to you. I myself will occassionally do a workout or two from one of the programs with my wife. I use it as a supplement to my actual workout routine and as a chance to bond a bit with my wife since we don't get to work out together regularly. In that regard I think it's fantastic for me.

    Just make sure you're not buying it for the hype. BeachBody workouts don't 'Incinerate fat': that has to do with your diet, and steady state or interval cardio (not calisthenics) will burn more calories in a workout. It will not get you 'shredded in X days': again that's diet. It will not suddenly make you a super hulk, more focused resistance training programs are superior for that. It can be fun, and it gives you a variety of exercises that hit a range of areas that most people are deficient in (cardio, strength, and generally being able to move their butts around for more than just walking from the sofa to the fridge).

    If you enjoy it and will stick with it, do it.

    I was going to comment, but this pretty much says it all.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I agree with everything said here. It's not the workouts, just the extra stuff BB pushes. I've lost weight on my own with some help from the P90X and 10-minute trainer workouts, but I'd rather take my time losing weight than have the bars and whey protein.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I use brazilian butt lift.:smile:
  • excello1980
    I'm frugal but I would say cost but then again it seems like 90% of the 60 day / 90 day programs charge $120. I do think that you should not be bombarded by coaches and such. I've never purchased a Beach Body product. I'm doing the free YouTube videos right now and hope to work my way up to Supreme 90 Day AKA The Frugal P90X. I guess Beach Body could be considered the Porsche or BMW of workout videos and the $40 or less 60 day / 90 day programs the Honda of workout videos. Even if you are on a budget and don't want to spend $99+, you can always buy the individual DVDs from Amazon, Walmart, etc. Ex. Jillian 30 Day Shred (or use from YouTube), Bob Harper, etc. There is something for everyone!

    or you could just download the programs.....99%of beachbody programs are on the internet as a torrent download!! :)
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    What some people have a problem with is all of the add-ons that they try to sell you and they kind of give you the message that you can't be successful without their over priced supplements and equipment. Also they tend to a little over priced so they can run off the infomercials.


    I don't think people are really knocking the workouts (shame on them if they are) but rather the fact that is an MLM business scheme. I think there are a lot of people that are sick and tired of being bombarded with coaches, even on here, sending them messages, telling them to PM them for more info, etc. when all they want to do is make a sale off of them.

    And the marketing of some of their products are excruciatingly misleading. (Shakeology)

    I personally like the workouts and do a lot of the cardio DVDs because cardio on a machine like a treadmill bores me to tears. But I have personally witnessed a trend on this website against Beachbody because of the influx of coaches trying to get other MFPers to buy something from them.

    Then it seems like the problem isnt with the exercise products. Its their marketing scheme. Which to me isnt much different from other companies in corporate America. They are all out to make a buck. Everyone else is on the P90x bandwagon as well....now theres multiple MMA style workouts as well as a Spartacus workout from Mens Health.
  • DostThouEven
    I think what's important is to recognize it for what it is, and not what their marketing team claims it is. Beachbody workouts are like an adult gym class. Assuming your diet is in check and you follow it with consistency, you can definitely see results using it, but those results are not likely to be as profound as you'd see in someone doing more targetted work (what I mean by that is something like P90X gives you a little bit of cardio and a little bit of resistance training, doing cardio will boost your cardio better, and doing resistance training will boost your strength better since they're more dedicated approaches, for example).

    i.e. they are not the best or easiest ways to get to where you want to be, but they will give some results.
  • steffers151
    steffers151 Posts: 8 Member
    I have no issue with the workouts whatsoever. I do have a problem with "coaches" implying that you are only serious about losing weight and being healthy IF you can afford to spend the money on their products and dvds. I was also approached to become a "coach." While I am all about trying to help motivate and encourage other people to get healthy, I don't want to push products on them or myself (a beachbody coach HAS to use the Shakeology every day.)
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I have Insanity and I love it so far. Personally I am not one to go to a gym, I'd rather work out at home. I find their DVDs more effective than when I was using my treadmill for the same amount of time 6 days a week. $11 a DVD isn't overpriced to me and it was worth it. I've had great results after 1 month of Insanity. Also their protein shakes are great. I have problems with my stomach and its improved big time since using theirs. I was also spending more per week on my protein powder/shakes that I made myself and it wasn't nearly as good, I feel way better on theirs. To each their own I guess.
  • green022
    green022 Posts: 115
    do what YOU want to do, do not listen to others.

    THIS ^^^
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I hate going to gyms.
    I love working out at home.

    I've had great success with P90X, Insanity & Les Mills Pump.

    Screw everyone else.

    While I am trying to get away from these programs and eventually start NROLFW or Stronglifts 5x5, I will probably still use these DVDs for the rest of my life, mainly on days when I want to get in a "bonus" workout if I know I'm going to be eating/drinking more than normal for a special event/party or whatever.

    I think you can have success with almost any at home workout program. As long as you stick to the workout schedule and eat right.