New - looking for working moms trying to lose weight



  • merricker
    merricker Posts: 7 Member
    Add me! I work full time (let's face it, more than full time). My kids are 2 and 5. I also really struggle each week with balance, and I'd love to connect with some folks who get that leaving your kids during the only part of the day you get to see them is just not that easy.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Any moms feel free to add me. I am a mom of 3~19,14,9 oldest in college, middle in sports and youngest in girl scouts....balancing is becoming my specialty lol and I work full time :happy:
  • sailindani
    sailindani Posts: 28 Member
    Im not technially a mom.... but soon to be step mom of 2 boys 8 and 10, work 50 + hours a week and trying to remodle a home AHHHHH.... feel free to add me.
  • pullem
    pullem Posts: 87 Member
    Hi, anyone feel free to add me. I'm a mum of a 2 year old son and a 6 year old daughter and also work a 45hr week as an engineer
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    Hi there! i work full time, have a 2yr old and a 6yrs old both boys :bigsmile: i coach soccer and basketball depending on the season. ive lost 20lbs total, 13 with MFP. I lift weights on my lunch break and run 2 nights a week on the tredmill. Saturdays mornings we spend 2hrs at the y. Im training for a half-marathon (1st ever!) . Does get hard sometimes, but boy DOES IT FEEL GOOD TO LOOK GOOD! add me if ud like! :flowerforyou: good luck on ur weights loss
  • Abbi73
    Abbi73 Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck:smile: I am a mom of four girls ( 19, 14,11 and 8) working once a week beside studying in doctoral program
    I workout in the early morning(Jillian M 30 day shred or 6 weeks-6 packs). I would love to be a friend.
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I'm a full time working single mother with a 3 year old.
  • Willkathmum
    Willkathmum Posts: 62 Member
    HI, anyone free to add me, I'm a working Mum (UK !!) to 2, aged 12 and 9 and work the equivalant of 4 days pw. My exercise comprises of running or walking the dog 3 days per week before anyone is up, doing weights 3 evenings a week after my youngest is in bed and zumba one night a week. The zumba is the only session I look forward to, but the others I feel good once they're done.

    It is hard to fit stuff in expecially when your children are little, mine are of the age now where they entertain themselves a lot of the time at home. :smile:
  • Hi my name is Gen and I am the mother of four kids, 2 girls 18, 6 and two boys 15,10. They are the loves of my life. I have battled my weight since getting pregnant the first time 18yrs ago. My oldest daughter had open heart surgery at 2weeks old and my oldest son had cancer at the age of 5, needless to say I am an emotional eater. I decided on Jan 1st the get it together and get healthy. I lost 20lbs in the first month but am now on a platue, I want to lose another 10lbs by the 7th of march because I am having knee surgery and will be on crutches for 6weeks, I figure at best I will be able to maintain my current loss. Today I am starting a very low carb diet and I'm going to do that for the next week to shock my body back into weight loss. Other then that I am eating 1220 cals daily and walking at least 2 miles a day.
  • whitleynoel
    whitleynoel Posts: 198 Member
    Mother of 1 but also a full time student. My workouts are my me time!

    Feel free to add me. I'll help if I can!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Mother of 2 boys.. 6 and 1 1/2. I work full time and try to work out when they go to bed or the youngest naps on the weekend..
  • BrandiBoo84
    BrandiBoo84 Posts: 110 Member
    I would also like mommy friends, would love some support in gettin rib of my mama belly!
  • Morenosn
    Morenosn Posts: 28 Member
    Im in the same boat! I will add you :)
  • HopeB77
    HopeB77 Posts: 18 Member
    Feel free to add me.....though my son is almost 19....I work full~time, am a wife full~time, & my son still lives at home which I have no problem with.....But I'm on the go from 4:15 every morning until 10:30 every night......You're doing great by wanting to re-commit....heaven knows I have struggled, but everyone on here has been sooooo supportive!! :flowerforyou:
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    I work full time and have 2 hour a day commute. So any exercising before my son goes to sleep would be talking away what little time I have with him. And after, I need to do so much around the house, and I worry about downstairs neighbors when running treadmill after 10 pm... But I am doing it now, but it's hard.
  • I know exactly what you mean! I have two children..14 and 8. I work with a special needs client full time during the day! Then once I get home, I have to do stuff for my kids and wifely duties. So I have no time to myself! Plus if I do get a free minute to myself, I surely don't want to be exercising. lol. I guess I will find a way one of these days to manage everything. lol
  • MrsMeisner
    MrsMeisner Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I'm 28 and I have a 13 month old daughter. I'm trying to fit work, cooking healthy meals and exercise into my busy life.