Very important question. Too much?

HI everyone, My name is Rosa; Nice to meet you =)

I have a very important question, which has been bugging me for the past couple of days. Would you think i am exercising too much? I mean my calorie intake is about 1350 or around there. I work out at least 7-10 hours a week burning about 2900- 3300 cal minimum.

I have been working out both at home and at the gym. I do Turbo fire at home, which can range from 15 min to 55 min. At the gym i do weight training for about 45 min a day 4 days a week. I had been running about 2 miles a day as well, just recently I've brought it up a notch and started running 3 miles.

This week i have been so tired i have not worked out at home, would you think it's because i have been exercising too much? If not then its okay to continue? Take into consideration i weigh 180; I also was wondering, i have been exercising a lot would you not think i would be losing more weight than i am now?

Forget that last question, because always eat junk food on weekends bc my boyfriend takes me out to eat, and all our friends ALWAYS invite me to restaurants to hang out and its just so hard to say no to the food X(.

Thanks for taking the time to read this novel lol. Have a great day and i appreciate any input on the subject.

Take care.


  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Your calorie count is way too low for that high an activity level.
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    Should i increase to 1500? I researched my BMR and it was at 1632.
    Also i was invited to join a girls soccer team, if i do should i increase more calories?
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    That is a lot, and if you did it and still felt good the next day, I'd say it was fine, but that isn't the case. With your current intake, that is too much so you are left in what I call "zombie girl" state. I go through periods of overdoing it, for me there are 2 predominate signs, exhaustion and interupted sleep. You probably need to back off a few days and allow your body to recover, then you need to decide which way you want to fix it. Either up your intake or reduce your output.

    Good Luck.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    What is you calorie intake on weekends? It sounds like you already average more because you eat more on weekends so probably don't need to increase you calories. I don't think you can work out "too much" really. You might be losing slowly due to eating more on weekends. You have to look at your average/weekly calorie intake and see if you are below goal to lose.

    People think they can have cheat day/days, but really how bad are you cheating? You post says you eat junk food. That can been thousands of calories in a day, which is going to slow down your weight loss. If I eat well during the week and eat horrible on the weekends, I will lose nothing (I may gain). It all depends how many extra calories you are eating on those junk food days.
  • Neria1235
    It's my understanding that you do not want to go below BMR. You want to find your current weight's TDEE and subtract 20% from that (or more if you're seriously overweight). Someone with more experience can correct me if I'm wrong though.
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    What is you calorie intake on weekends? It sounds like you already average more because you eat more on weekends so probably don't need to increase you calories. I don't think you can work out "too much" really. You might be losing slowly due to eating more on weekends. You have to look at your average/weekly calorie intake and see if you are below goal to lose.

    People think they can have cheat day/days, but really how bad are you cheating? You post says you eat junk food. That can been thousands of calories in a day, which is going to slow down your weight loss. If I eat well during the week and eat horrible on the weekends, I will lose nothing (I may gain). It all depends how many extra calories you are eating on those junk food days.

    Last week i ate about 10,885 of 13588 that i was supposed to eat, i burned about 3,175 and my goal was of 2,380
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    That is a lot, and if you did it and still felt good the next day, I'd say it was fine, but that isn't the case. With your current intake, that is too much so you are left in what I call "zombie girl" state. I go through periods of overdoing it, for me there are 2 predominate signs, exhaustion and interupted sleep. You probably need to back off a few days and allow your body to recover, then you need to decide which way you want to fix it. Either up your intake or reduce your output.

    Good Luck.

    I do feel very tired. That's why i have not worked out at home this week, i just feel very sleepy and with no energy. I just increased my calorie intake to 1500 i believe
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    How much sleep to you get each night?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Should i increase to 1500? I researched my BMR and it was at 1632.
    Also i was invited to join a girls soccer team, if i do should i increase more calories?
    Your BMR is 1632, those are your coma calories - you are eating way less than than that, and are definitely NOT in a coma! You need to eat a lot more, or cut way back on the exercise.

    This thread is also very helpful:
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    Should i increase to 1500? I researched my BMR and it was at 1632.
    Also i was invited to join a girls soccer team, if i do should i increase more calories?
    Your BMR is 1632, those are your coma calories - you are eating way less than than that, and are definitely NOT in a coma! You need to eat a lot more, or cut way back on the exercise.

    This thread is also very helpful:
    Thanks for the link! I read it and I can say I learned a lot!!! Thanks again!!
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    How much sleep to you get each night?
    I guess from 5-8 hours depends how busy I am that day.