Hi Everyone!

Hello there. My name is Jessica and I recently joined this site after hearing a few of my friends talk about it. I have lost 116 pounds and still going. I don't really use this site as a weight loss tool, as I have managed to lose the weight on my own. But I like to use it to keep track of my meals and my weekly progress. I find it's really helpful! I've decided to start posting on the forums because I seem to have reached a plateau in my weight loss and need a bit of help. Now that I am about 25 pounds away from my goal weight, I'm Constantly struggling to lose this last bit of weight. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or experiences they can share with me that will perhaps help me sprint to the finish line. Thank you!


  • LovelyLaura2321
    LovelyLaura2321 Posts: 56 Member
    Congrats on the weightloss! If you've hit a wall in your weightloss, my suggestion is to mix up your exercise ... try something new & work your body out in different ways! Good luck! Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    Is there anything I can do in terms of my diet and what I'm eating?
  • LovelyLaura2321
    LovelyLaura2321 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm not a professional at this, but maybe because you've lost so much weight you need to lower your calorie intake even more now to get there? I'm not sure, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong...

    Maybe consider some kind of fast or metabolism-boosting foods/drinks. :)
  • karinefournel
    karinefournel Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Jessica!

    Congratulations on your weight loss! That's fantastic!!

    Are you always eating the same things or are you mixing it up? Campbelllaura's right, mix up your exercises and also mix up your diet. Find low calories you can make at home with various foods. I also read in of the forum about going on maintenance for a few days and then go back to your daily weight loss intake will throw a curve ball to your body and triggers the weight loss again.

    Feel free to add me as a friend as well!
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I don't eat a lot as it is. I find I get quite full much easier now. I'll have some greek yogurt, a piece of fruit and a low calorie granola bar of sorts.
    For lunch I'll have some left over cut up chicken in a whole wheat pita with a tad of cheese and some lettuce. With a piece of fruit and a baggy full of snap peas or carrots.
    And for dinner I'll have a chicken breast with whole grain rice and mixed vegetables. Or fish.
    I do mainly eat the same things every day. So that could be it. But everything I eat is Always low calorie and I hardly have any bad fat intake. I don't use butter, margarine or oil in Any of my cooking. I drink 4 bottles of water a day.
    I'll have a snack in the evening. Sometimes crackers and cheese or what not.
    Is it because I am having 3 large meals a day, rather than have more smaller meals a day?
  • Tmoney19
    Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member

    How often do you workout?
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I was working out 3 - 4 times a week when I first started with my weight loss journey. Over time, that greatly decreased and it became rare that I could make it to the gym. I am just recovering from an invasive surgery now and I'm not allowed to exercise for 6 weeks. And I plan to get back to the gym full time once I can start working out again. But, I am active. I walk for about an hour each day just to keep my body moving some what. Is it because I'm not exercising regularily?
  • Tmoney19
    Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member
    Yes, I think that once you are able to get back to hardcore exercising and perhaps running that you will definitely start shedding again. You're eating seems to be right, so no problem there. But I know from experience that it also takes working out burning a lot of calories that does the trick.

    Hope that helps!