I love carbs! breads, pastas, it's all so good!! I find that I really only able to feel full and satisfied on carbs. I've been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables and yeah they work, but today I had a bagel, and it was just a different fullness and satisfaction for me.
are carbs really all that bad? should I really be trying to cut them out for the most part (which I feel I should), and what can I substitute them with, where I can feel full.


  • I'm the same way. I feel like I ONLY feel full and "satisfied" when I eat carbs. I just started a Nutrition Challenge on Sunday- so today is day 4. I'm hungry 24/7 because I'm really limiting my carbs. I know that they say protein is supposed to fill you up and keep you feeling full longer, but it's not happening for me.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I love my starchy carbs especially post workout! There is no need to give up carbs as long as you stay within your macros that are set up properly for your goals...

    heres' a helpful post
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    300 grams of carbs a day haven't hurt my weight loss at all. There's nothing wrong with carbs, unless you have a medical reason to avoid them.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I am TRYING to eliminate refined carbs.. white flour, white rice, white sugar etc... I think they might be triggering some of my migraines.

    But carbs are not bad. too many can be bad. too many of anything is not good. if you make sure you are hitting your target macros, then you will get enough nutrients.
  • For me, eating carbs just leads to eating more carbs, depending on what it is. I could go to town on a bag of chips, but if I eat a bagel or something and eat it as a meal, then I am usually okay. It is the mindless munching where I struggle. I know they say that it affects your blood sugar and that is what leads you to want more. I would say that anything in moderation is okay.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    naw carbs are good... so are fats.
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    I eat low carb…not no carb….I use to try to do that but I’d always get mad and quit.
    I really believe in a “balanced” diet.

    Veggies and Fruits are good for you but they do little to make you feel full.

    Try really eating more protein – it feels weird to snack on, but you get use to it.
    Eggs or egg whites if you are worried about the fat – I make turkey meat balls for snacks.
    Also try healthy fat, nuts, avacados, etc.

    Try using whole grain pasta , bread, tortillas.

    They still have carbs, but more nutritional value and will help you feel more full.

    You can also try eating your pasta as a side not the main course, fill the other half of your plate w/ veggies – and eat with some lean meat.

    Best wishes!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I love carbs! breads, pastas, it's all so good!! I find that I really only able to feel full and satisfied on carbs. I've been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables and yeah they work, but today I had a bagel, and it was just a different fullness and satisfaction for me.
    are carbs really all that bad? should I really be trying to cut them out for the most part (which I feel I should), and what can I substitute them with, where I can feel full.

    No, you're fine unless the amount you're eating is getting in the way of you getting in adequate proteins and fats
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    carbs are not evil. I do try to get better quality carbs than I used to though - more bang for the caloric buck.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I love bagels. Homemade bagels are the best.

    I eat bread and pasta regularly and it did not affect my weight loss nor has it affected my maintaining of said weight loss.

    Hit your numbers and you'll be fine, promise.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I'm trying to eat more protein. Sticking within my calories - something has to give ... and carbs are it.

    I still eat them, of course, but less. And definitely less of the refined type.
  • PaulJRaymond
    PaulJRaymond Posts: 100 Member
    Eating carbs but trying to stick to Brown Rice, Wholewheat Pasta, Rye Bread and Sweet Potatoes. Apparently the more complex carbohydrates. I'd like someone to explain the science as to why they are better than the usual varieties, but it seems to be working.
  • everyone is different and CALORIES are the bottom line, not macronutrients. eat a sufficient amount of protein (1g per pound of LBM) and fat (.3-.4g per pound BW) and the rest carbs. No harm there.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Carbs don't fill me up. I do love them, but I can binge on them easy. I don't binge on salad with lean protein.
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    Eating carbs but trying to stick to Brown Rice, Wholewheat Pasta, Rye Bread and Sweet Potatoes. Apparently the more complex carbohydrates. I'd like someone to explain the science as to why they are better than the usual varieties, but it seems to be working.


    I could be wrong - but I THINK the reason this works is because the more complex the carb the harder (longer) it takes the body to break down, so it makes you full longer, and you get the benefit of the engery you get from it longer as well. When we eat "white" carbs our body breaks them right down, turning them into sugar - we burn that right away, get a sugar rush or high and are hungry again soon. It helps me to remember that eating "white" carbs is like eating candy. It's Sugar.
  • PaulJRaymond
    PaulJRaymond Posts: 100 Member
    Eating carbs but trying to stick to Brown Rice, Wholewheat Pasta, Rye Bread and Sweet Potatoes. Apparently the more complex carbohydrates. I'd like someone to explain the science as to why they are better than the usual varieties, but it seems to be working.


    I could be wrong - but I THINK the reason this works is because the more complex the carb the harder (longer) it takes the body to break down, so it makes you full longer, and you get the benefit of the engery you get from it longer as well. When we eat "white" carbs our body breaks them right down, turning them into sugar - we burn that right away, get a sugar rush or high and are hungry again soon. It helps me to remember that eating "white" carbs is like eating candy. It's Sugar.

    Thank you. That sounds very plausible.
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    I have been pretty good about working out and sticking to my caloric intake and my weight was creeping slowly at best and gen just maintaining.

    years ago i did WW Core and consistently lost 1-2 lbs a week. WW Core was kind of zone diet like in that carbs are moderate but not greatly restricted.

    I am getting a Masters in Epidemiology. I am exposed to a variety of studies and people involved with research. I spoke with a man this week who specializes in epi research on obesity. According to him, there is variation in ppl's response to carbs. He did think that cutting carbs greatly contributes to weight loss. We wasn't advocating extreme restriction like in the traditional Atkins way, but he did suggest getting rid of all processed carbs: bread, white rice.

    I am still sticking to roughly 1500 calories a day but have since adjusted my macros to limit my carbs and in just a few day the scale is moving. So for me, this appears to finally be working. Other people's results may vary.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Eating carbs but trying to stick to Brown Rice, Wholewheat Pasta, Rye Bread and Sweet Potatoes. Apparently the more complex carbohydrates. I'd like someone to explain the science as to why they are better than the usual varieties, but it seems to be working.
    The science is that they aren't. They have more fiber, and for people not getting enough fiber, that can be a good thing. At the same time, however, the insoluble fiber in many of the more complex carbohydrates, plus the phytonutrients in them, actually make the nutrients in them less bioavailable. So, it's kind of a trade off, you get a bit more fiber, but a bit less nutrition. Personally, I don't worry about the "complexity" of a carb, as most people don't even really know what it means (a sweet potato is actually a simple carb, for example,) as long as I get enough protein, fats, fiber, and micronutrients, the types of carbs I eat are unimportant.

    Also, ALL carbs, even complex ones, get broken down into sugar, not just "white" carbs (another silly, meaningless term. Cauliflower is a "white" carb.)