The Easyway Method... Is it really THAT easy?

So.....I've been a smoker for 13 years now. I started at the bright young age of 16 because my friends were doing it and I wanted to be "cool" like them. Now I'm the mother of an amazing little man who I never want to see his mommy as a "smoker". I have promised myself that I was going to be done with this nasty habit before I turn 30 and after the patches, pills and gums failed me every time, I took the advice of many people on MFP and I finally resorted to one last option.....a book. I read Allan Carr's "The Easyway for Women to Stop Smoking" and I just finished it last night.

I was extremely skeptical about being able to quit just by reading a book, but after finishing it last night I feel wonderfully optimistic about being able to never smoke again. Granted I'm only about 11 hours into being an "ex-smoker" but I'm really hopeful and honestly I just feel really good about it.

So my question is this: Have any of you tried the Easyway method? Did it work, and how long have you been an ex-smoker? If you tried it and started smoking again, how long did you last in between?


  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Now I also see there is an "Easyway to Lose Weight" book as well. Has anyone tried it?
  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 209 Member
    I am not familiar with either book, but I was a smoker for many years. About 6 months ago, I quit, cold turkey. I think I could finally quit because I really wanted to. If you try to quit when honestly, you really aren't motivated to stop smoking, you will just go back. After I got sick with strep throat, my co-worker's husband diagnosed with lung cancer and my commitment to exercise and eat right and lose weight, I stopped. I tried to run as a smoker and felt like I was dying, now I am running 5ks and I know my lungs are healing. When I smell cigarettes or see people doing it, it makes me sick to my stomach.

    I really hope that you will be able to stop smoking, good luck! I know it is difficult to do, but it is worth it!
  • krmingua
    I haven't heard of that book but I was a smoker for about 15 years and quit 5 years ago. I started smoking at 12. Living in a rural, tobacco driven farm town, it was just normal. My daughter was my motivation. When she was 5 she drove up to my husband and I in her power wheel and said "I need a cigarette". We were obviously shocked and started going on and on about how you don't smoke and smoking is bad. She replied "I know I'm too young, it's just for pretend because you're supposed to smoke when you're driving" I quit smoking cold turkey about a month later. It is hard, even with the best motivation, but totally worth it.
  • tatiana131
    tatiana131 Posts: 12 Member
    That book is like magic. I quit a few months ago, and I must say it was instrumental in my success. Yes, you have to want to quit. Yes, you should use a smoking aid - e-cigarette, patch, champix, gum - whatever, and yes, that book really really helps. I did not believe it myself, as a pretty confirmed smoker, and yet it's pretty good at removing the brainwashing that addiction perpetrates on us. I have not read Easyway for weight loss, but probably should given how helpful the quit smoking book was.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I've never heard of the books...
    I just wanted to say GOOD JOB!

    Quitting smoking was one of the hardest, best things I ever did. I also did it for the love of my children. Funny story though, I didn't smoke the entire time I was pregnant with either of the but within a couple of months of giving birth I'd start up again.
    Finally kicked it a year and a half ago.
  • eatyourselffitter
    eatyourselffitter Posts: 42 Member
    I read the book (took me forever to finish, I think I did it intentionally to postpone quitting) I haven't had a cigarette since last Monday. I don't know if there's subliminal messages in the book (LOL) or finishing the book gave me a deadline/stop day. So far its worked and I hope it lasts. I've been a bit stressed and have some cravings, esp when I drink coffee or after my workouts. (Twisted,but I used to LOVE a smoke after working out. Pretty bad, I know) I'm not smoking and have no intention of smoking and I had smoked for many years. So far I'm not pigging out and have actually had a decreased appetite so hopefully won't have any weight gain from stopping.

    By last Monday, I meant 10 days ago!
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Good for you all who have quit! No one can understand how difficult it can be except someone who has been through it themselves.

    I am now about 38.25 hours in (but who's counting, right :tongue: ) and I still feel wonderfully optimistic about never smoking again. It almost seems too I have no cravings whatsoever. When it pops in my head that "oh, normally I'd go have a cigarette right now" all I think is "So glad I don't have to do that anymore!" and go on with my day.

    My son is definitely my biggest motivation for quitting. He's 3 now and the other day when I bought a pack of cigarettes he corrected the clerk when he laid down the wrong pack, telling him "Mommy get's the blue ones." That's when I knew, it has to be now. I don't want him to ever look back and remember me as a smoker and I surely never want him to smoke either.

    So for anyone who has tried over and over to quit and has been unsuccessful like I have, I would definitely recommend this book! I know I'm only a day and a half in, but I never imagined it could be this easy. What a life changer!!
  • Splinter24
    Splinter24 Posts: 13 Member
    I read this book 9 years ago next month. Before that, I was never a "heavy" smoker, but I smoked a pack about every 3 days. A friend told me to try this, after all what do I have to lose? It was a $10 book - the same as a pack of smokes. I started reading it one night while my room mates were watching TV. (Both room mates were smokers BTW). I finished the MOST boring book I have ever forced my self to read (I'm including all that Shakespeare they make you read in high school!)

    At the end of the book, it says to have one last smoke. I lit up and had 2 drags. I thought "This is probably the grossest thing in the world!" I put it out, threw the rest of my pack at my friends and told them to have at 'er.

    The next night, we went to a bar. A den of drinking and smoke.; Guess how many times I craved a smoke? None. In fact, in the last nine years, I have never craved a smoke. The thought of it makes me ill. People find out I used to smoke and asked me how hard it was to quit. The looks I get when I say quitting smoking was the easiest thing I've done!

    Long story short - I didn't care if I quit or not when I read it. But it worked for me. It won't work for everyone, but I hope it works for you!!
  • tadjo
    tadjo Posts: 41 Member
    I'm not a smoker but y'all are making me want to read this book just to see whats up with it.