Anti Anxiety Meds & weight loss



  • krystany
    krystany Posts: 2 Member
    I'm taking regular med for anxiety and I gain a lot of weight...but I'm not sure if it's because of the medication. Ask your doctor for that. I'm taking Paroxetine, a kind of Paxil. You have to adjust when you have to take them, like in the morning or bedtime. For my part, I'm taking them in the morning and it works pretty well. You have to take it daily though and don't miss a dose!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have such anxiety with the dentist that last time I layed in that chair I shook so bad the dentist kept stopping and asking me if I felt the pain. I also have anxiety when I am put in a stressful situation (to me) like when a repairman comes to my house and I am alone. That is why I want one I just take when it happens.

    Your dentist can prescribe you a couple of pills to take before you come in instead of having your dr write you a whole script. You can take one at night before your appt and one before your appointment. Klonapin is what would be suggested instead of xanax.

    It would be incredibly irresponsible to take a xanax before a repair man came to your home. I hope your dr refers you to a therapist to get to the bottom of why this would bother you so much.

    In any case, neither situation should warrant a full prescription of a benzo as we do not go to the dr or have repair men in our house that often.
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    No I don't want to "get high" If I wanted that I would go to my distant neighbor and buy some POT, it is legal in my state. I only want one maybe 3-4 times a year which is why I don't want to take another pill every day. I am bi polar and in counsling and so I take meds every day. Just looking for something to deal with the situation as it comes up. He can write one for 10 qty and I am happy and thats what I am going to tell him.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I prefer to handle medical issues naturally. Of course I'm not a doctor and it depends on severity of your anxiety but if I were you I'd research some herbs and/or foods and/or techniques to use and use medications as a last resort. The more research is done on drugs the more side effects we uncover. The biggest thing I personally worry about with drugs and weight loss is endocrine (hormone balance) disruption. An endocrine disruption can be very difficult to diagnose and cure. It can cause changes in weight, changes in reproductive organs, increase chances of certain cancers, increase your chances of diabetes, give you acne, increase allergies, and many other side effects.

    I agree with this. I was on Zoloft and Wellbutrin for 8 yrs. The meds covered up my real issues, increased my adrenal imbalance and I feel it really messed with my neurotransmitters in my brain as a long-term effect. If you are feeling suicidal, meds may be necessary, but otherwise, it's worth looking into natural methods. I was weaned myself off the meds 2 yrs ago and now take 5-HTP and flower essences such as Dr Bach's Stress Rescue relief when i'm really stressed. Exercise helps, as does eating a lot of fruit (like bananas that contain seratonin). Meditation, yoga, and reading books like Power of Now and Untethered Soul help me more than the meds ever did. I'm not knocking those of you on meds, cause I've been there and you have the right to your own choices, it's just good to know there are other options.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I'm on two different meds for depression and mood swings, but I also have a supply of lorazepam to use as necessary for panic attacks.

    For a while it was pretty regular use, but now it's only occasionally that I require them. Maybe once a month or two. For me they take about a half hour to kick in and have no side effects aside from removing my 'edit button' and making me drowsy if I need to double my dose for a bad attack.

    I'll also use them when I know I'll be facing a major phobia like air travel or medical professionals.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    No I don't want to "get high" If I wanted that I would go to my distant neighbor and buy some POT, it is legal in my state. I only want one maybe 3-4 times a year which is why I don't want to take another pill every day. I am bi polar and in counsling and so I take meds every day. Just looking for something to deal with the situation as it comes up. He can write one for 10 qty and I am happy and thats what I am going to tell him.

    Having bipolar disorder means you are more prone than the average person to get addicted. If you are having anxiety such as this he needs to adjust your meds.

    It is a slippery slope you are on there.
  • supergirljen
    I have such anxiety with the dentist that last time I layed in that chair I shook so bad the dentist kept stopping and asking me if I felt the pain. I also have anxiety when I am put in a stressful situation (to me) like when a repairman comes to my house and I am alone. That is why I want one I just take when it happens.

    Your dentist can prescribe you a couple of pills to take before you come in instead of having your dr write you a whole script. You can take one at night before your appt and one before your appointment. Klonapin is what would be suggested instead of xanax.

    It would be incredibly irresponsible to take a xanax before a repair man came to your home. I hope your dr refers you to a therapist to get to the bottom of why this would bother you so much.

    In any case, neither situation should warrant a full prescription of a benzo as we do not go to the dr or have repair men in our house that often.

    These meds are out there FOR A REASON. Reason being people need them. Doctors are the ones that have taken the responsibility to assess and perscribe accordingly. I am pretty sure she didn't ask for a lecture.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I take Klonopin twice a day and it has not stalled or done anything for weight loss. :)

    For reference i have obsessive compulsive disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

    I should also add that i have a "manic switch" so the first line of SSRIs for anxiety/OCD such as prozac, lexapro, paxil etc. seem to exacerbate an underlying mood disorder (may be Cyclothymia, Bi-Polar, or BD-NOS). I DO NOT have manic symptoms unless i am on an SSRI.

    I DID notice a stall in weight loss and overall willingness to work out when i was on an SSRI.

    I would be very careful for benzos though, as they are highly addictive, build tolerances quickly, and very dangerous. I would not take them unless ABSOLUTELY necessary (such as cases like mine where i cannot FUNCTION).

    If you are only anxious in certain situations i would consider therapy or counseling to find the underlying reason.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have such anxiety with the dentist that last time I layed in that chair I shook so bad the dentist kept stopping and asking me if I felt the pain. I also have anxiety when I am put in a stressful situation (to me) like when a repairman comes to my house and I am alone. That is why I want one I just take when it happens.

    Your dentist can prescribe you a couple of pills to take before you come in instead of having your dr write you a whole script. You can take one at night before your appt and one before your appointment. Klonapin is what would be suggested instead of xanax.

    It would be incredibly irresponsible to take a xanax before a repair man came to your home. I hope your dr refers you to a therapist to get to the bottom of why this would bother you so much.

    In any case, neither situation should warrant a full prescription of a benzo as we do not go to the dr or have repair men in our house that often.

    These meds are out there FOR A REASON. Reason being people need them. Doctors are the ones that have taken the responsibility to assess and perscribe accordingly. I am pretty sure she didn't ask for a lecture.

    Have someone in your life die because of those things and you may or may not care who gives lectures my dear. This is not a "should I drink a diet dr pepper with lunch" kind of discussion. This is a serious issue that can result in serious ramifications. I am all too aware of exactly what these meds are for, who and what they are prescribed for as well as very well educated on the topic of bipolar disorder. Have a good day.
  • supergirljen
    I have such anxiety with the dentist that last time I layed in that chair I shook so bad the dentist kept stopping and asking me if I felt the pain. I also have anxiety when I am put in a stressful situation (to me) like when a repairman comes to my house and I am alone. That is why I want one I just take when it happens.

    Your dentist can prescribe you a couple of pills to take before you come in instead of having your dr write you a whole script. You can take one at night before your appt and one before your appointment. Klonapin is what would be suggested instead of xanax.

    It would be incredibly irresponsible to take a xanax before a repair man came to your home. I hope your dr refers you to a therapist to get to the bottom of why this would bother you so much.

    In any case, neither situation should warrant a full prescription of a benzo as we do not go to the dr or have repair men in our house that often.

    These meds are out there FOR A REASON. Reason being people need them. Doctors are the ones that have taken the responsibility to assess and perscribe accordingly. I am pretty sure she didn't ask for a lecture.

    Have someone in your life die because of those things and you may or may not care who gives lectures my dear. This is not a "should I drink a diet dr pepper with lunch" kind of discussion. This is a serious issue that can result in serious ramifications. I am all too aware of exactly what these meds are for, who and what they are prescribed for as well as very well educated on the topic of bipolar disorder. Have a good day.

    I am very well aware of bipolar and these husband of 20 years is on disability with bipolar, anxiety and depression. I also have a 20 year old daughter trying to get through college with severe anxiety and ADD with no medical insurance or meds. If the OP does not need these meds her doctor will not prescribe them. These meds have also saved lives. If she was interested in becoming a drug addict I think the guy on the corner could help her with that.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Diet, exercise and an all natural mood enhancer called 5HTP will help you if you really want to feel better, not to get high.

  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm weaning myself off citalopram as I'm pretty damn sure that it's caused my metabolism to grind to a halt! Just hope my anxiety and negative tendencies don't come back again :(
  • MandyinVB
    MandyinVB Posts: 21 Member
    I have been on anti-anxiety/panic attack/depression meds for 16 years. There have been times that I thought I could ween myself off and have tried, but haven't been anxiety is very bad.

    I have been on zoloft, paxil, lexapro, celexa, wellbutrin, prozac, seroquel, xanax, clonazapam and effexor. With all of these meds I have gained weight.

    I walk every single day and do zumba 2 times a week also. As with every single medicine that I have been on, the longer that I am on it, the more weight that I gain. This might not be true for everyone, but it's what has happened to me.

    I have been on celexa for about 6 years...I'm headed to my doctor next week to see about changing it out and maybe try something else. I get most of the side effects when I try new medicine, so that is why I have been on celexa for so long. It's working and I feel ok, but the weight gain is horrific.
  • JSN66614
    I took Lexapro and seroquel for my bipolar for YEARS! it caused significant weight gain and be careful with seroquel IT CAN LEAD TO SLEEP EATING! I didn't even know until my husband told me what I was doing late at night. It can also cause over drowsiness such as sleepin 15-20 hours a day.

    Lexapro can lead to weight gain too and is an anti-depressant.

    I finally weened myself off and let me tell ya, seroquel is hell to get off of. I woke up shaking like an alcoholic and couldn't sleep other days BUT IT IS POSSIBLE! You just have to stick it out and use some logical sense, take it easy, etc.

    I just replaced it with going for walks, listenin to music, writing, etc. it really does help.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I am going into the doc tomorrow and asking for some Anti Anxiety meds. Not sure if there is such a kind but I want the ones that you take when you are having anxiety and not everyday

    . Question: Do they or a certain brand stall weight loss or cause weight gain?

    If you are concerned about weight gain, you should make it clear to the doctor that you will not tolerate it as a side effect. Gaining weight is unlikely to improve your problems. Google the medication for reports on weight gain, but understand that not every case is reported. If you gain weight, demand to be prescribed a different drug.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    No I don't want to "get high" If I wanted that I would go to my distant neighbor and buy some POT, it is legal in my state. I only want one maybe 3-4 times a year which is why I don't want to take another pill every day. I am bi polar and in counsling and so I take meds every day. Just looking for something to deal with the situation as it comes up. He can write one for 10 qty and I am happy and thats what I am going to tell him.

    Having bipolar disorder means you are more prone than the average person to get addicted. If you are having anxiety such as this he needs to adjust your meds.

    It is a slippery slope you are on there.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, your posts in this thread reveal extreme ignorance.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don't understand some people's attitudes toward anti anxiety or anti depressants. Anxiety and depression can be debilatating. Just because YOU may have been able to get off meds by exercising and eating differently, doesn't mean everyone can. I find it irresponsible to even advise that, especially if you don't even know the person.

    We have such great medications available to us now, that people don't need to suffer with anxiety and depression any longer. There should be no stigma attached to it.
  • jross1006
    I take Celexa 20mg (generic citolopram) for years now and it actually decreases my appetite. I also take xanax 1mg when needed for actual panick attacks. taking xanax as well decreases my appetite for obvious reasons lol. I used to take paxol and that made me gain about 15 pounds and actually fell into a larger depressoin. Your doc will help you find the right one for you. Sometimes its just trial and error. Everyones body handles things differently. good luck :)
  • jross1006
    I'm weaning myself off citalopram as I'm pretty damn sure that it's caused my metabolism to grind to a halt! Just hope my anxiety and negative tendencies don't come back again :(

    Very interesting that you say this. Ive been on citolopram for a year now and I am wondering if this medication is causing me not to lose weight. I havent gained nor lost but have been very frustrated that I work hard to lose and havent and now you make me think it has something to do with my metabolism. Its hard for me to wean off tho because when I tried last time I felt kinda "twitchy".
  • L_Stradford
    L_Stradford Posts: 156 Member
    I am taking Welbutrin, Abilify, and Lexapro. I have lost weight and I haven't been exercising as much as I usually do so I was a bit surprised to see weight decreases when I step on the scale.

    But every med is different for every person. I see that Lexapro have caused others to gain and so has Welbutrin. That hasn't been the case for me though.