Just a hi

MladyAlanna Posts: 16 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Ive been on since friday may 21st...I wont weight in until wed (every wed) and it will be a new scale so if the number goes up, you'll all know why.
Ok anyway...Im a full time mom with a 9yr old girl in school and a VERY energetic 3 yr old boy. I had the gastric bypass in nov of 2004... I lost a total of 180lbs after that and the abdomanalplasty (ok I cant spell btw). About a year after the plastic surgery I got preg with my son (Dragon boy) and was so ill!!! I gained like 60lbs with him and the hormonal changes triggered a bunch of health issues like fibro and arthritis and knee tears and such. Which of course all that plus the super nasty acid reflux issues My son was going thru I worried...alot...and when I worry...I start to eat...alot. Well after about a yr of that I realized what I was doing and fixed the eating issues. But now Im 100lbs over where I want to be sooooo...a friend told me about this site and how well she has done in just 2 months. Im here for a month to see how I do...if all goes well Ill stay until the weight is gone!

Wish me luck!



  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Welcome,This is a great site and we are here for you.Good luck.
  • Chrissy25
    Chrissy25 Posts: 17
    Hello and welcome! I joined this site about a month ago and I love it! I can tell a diffrence because I can see exactly where I need to change my eatting habits and the progress I have made. I am also a stay at home mom/student. I have a 6yr old little girl and a 15month boy who is hell on wheels in the fast lane! He is what made me decide to loose weight! :) Just to keep up with him! Good luck!
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Hi!! You've come to a good place! I wish you the best of luck attaining your goals!! Enjoy the small things along the way!:flowerforyou:
  • Welcome to MFP!
  • MladyAlanna
    MladyAlanna Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone! I was just looking up my potential dinner for tonight since we are hitting Outback...and I might still make it under my calorie goal for the day woooot!
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Welcome! There are many great people here to cheer you on! And the daily diary is such a wonderful tool for learning about calories, nutrition, and portions. It took me a little while to get going, but now I can pretty much "guesstimate" the value of my meals. Wishing you good luck on this health driven journey.:smile:
  • lilgriffon
    lilgriffon Posts: 13
    hehee told you the site was addicting ;) *hugs* glad to see you here!
  • simon24
    simon24 Posts: 2
    Welcome & good luck :happy:
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