ADVOCARE 24 Day Challenge Results!

Wondering how people feel about the products. They seemed to good to be true but actually work! What are your Advocare results?


  • carlyw2
    I had always seen amazing before and afters of friends on facebook and finally decided to give it a try! So glad I did! People complain about how expensive the products are but you are not spending money on alcohol, going out to eat, and huge grocery bills! Its crazy how much you feel like you are eating throughout the day, it makes you full! I look forward to the shakes every morning :) I'm on Day 14 and down 8 pounds, but I don't have too much to lose cuz I am pretty average. People just need to pay it forward with Advocare, the company has been around for 20 years! Good luck :)
  • kmorris123
    kmorris123 Posts: 34 Member
    I started using AdvoCare products September 2012. I'm now on my third 24 day challenge and in between them I continue to use spark, catalyst, meal shakes and mns packs. I've lost 32 pounds and 32 total inches in five months. I am able to stay up with a classroom of students, my health is much better, my blood pressure is low-normal and at times in the "athlete" category. I get home from working a full day at school and have the energy to cook dinner and do the housework. AdvoCare products work wonders.
  • carlyw2
    I started using AdvoCare products September 2012. I'm now on my third 24 day challenge and in between them I continue to use spark, catalyst, meal shakes and mns packs. I've lost 32 pounds and 32 total inches in five months. I am able to stay up with a classroom of students, my health is much better, my blood pressure is low-normal and at times in the "athlete" category. I get home from working a full day at school and have the energy to cook dinner and do the housework. AdvoCare products work wonders.

    Thats awesome! Keep up the good work! I am on Day 15 and have lost 7 pounds and seem to have hit a plateau. Thinking about buying the catalyst. Cant find many reviews on the internet about Catalyst but I have heard its lipo in a bottle haha. Who wouldn't wanna lose weight fast?? :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I started using AdvoCare products September 2012. I'm now on my third 24 day challenge and in between them I continue to use spark, catalyst, meal shakes and mns packs. I've lost 32 pounds and 32 total inches in five months. I am able to stay up with a classroom of students, my health is much better, my blood pressure is low-normal and at times in the "athlete" category. I get home from working a full day at school and have the energy to cook dinner and do the housework. AdvoCare products work wonders.

    Thats awesome! Keep up the good work! I am on Day 15 and have lost 7 pounds and seem to have hit a plateau. Thinking about buying the catalyst. Cant find many reviews on the internet about Catalyst but I have heard its lipo in a bottle haha. Who wouldn't wanna lose weight fast?? :)

    Who wouldn't want to lose weight fast? Anyone that has a bit of sense and realise fast weight loss doesn't work long term and can have negative impact on your body.
  • carlyw2
    I started using AdvoCare products September 2012. I'm now on my third 24 day challenge and in between them I continue to use spark, catalyst, meal shakes and mns packs. I've lost 32 pounds and 32 total inches in five months. I am able to stay up with a classroom of students, my health is much better, my blood pressure is low-normal and at times in the "athlete" category. I get home from working a full day at school and have the energy to cook dinner and do the housework. AdvoCare products work wonders.

    Thats awesome! Keep up the good work! I am on Day 15 and have lost 7 pounds and seem to have hit a plateau. Thinking about buying the catalyst. Cant find many reviews on the internet about Catalyst but I have heard its lipo in a bottle haha. Who wouldn't wanna lose weight fast?? :)

    Who wouldn't want to lose weight fast? Anyone that has a bit of sense and realise fast weight loss doesn't work long term and can have negative impact on your body.

    It works long term if you keep up a healthy lifestyle and exercise duh.
  • kmorris123
    kmorris123 Posts: 34 Member
    Catalyst works to help protect your lean muscle mass because it is a chain amino acid. It gets your body to burn through fat reserves before coming after muscle. AdvoCare isn't a "get skinny fast" scheme and isn't marketed as such. It's about getting nutrients your body is missing through food into your system. When you are meeting the requirements your body needs, it functions much better. I'm not having the same issues with health that I was before, even with just losing weight. I'm seeing less and less acid reflux, seeing better skin tone, and a much better quality of life.
  • kmorris123
    kmorris123 Posts: 34 Member
    I started using AdvoCare products September 2012. I'm now on my third 24 day challenge and in between them I continue to use spark, catalyst, meal shakes and mns packs. I've lost 32 pounds and 32 total inches in five months. I am able to stay up with a classroom of students, my health is much better, my blood pressure is low-normal and at times in the "athlete" category. I get home from working a full day at school and have the energy to cook dinner and do the housework. AdvoCare products work wonders.

    Thats awesome! Keep up the good work! I am on Day 15 and have lost 7 pounds and seem to have hit a plateau. Thinking about buying the catalyst. Cant find many reviews on the internet about Catalyst but I have heard its lipo in a bottle haha. Who wouldn't wanna lose weight fast?? :)

    Make sure you are still consumng lots of water. I've been reading lately that if you take your weight and divide it in half, that is how much water your body needs to function properly. Also, if you are still in your challenge, keep eating as closely to your plan as you did those first 15 days. Catalyst is a great addition to your cleanse and I don't sell them without really advising that it is used. I'm actually doing more with my cleanse this time than in previous tries. I'm adding a meal shake at breakfast and one as an afternoon snack.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I started using AdvoCare products September 2012. I'm now on my third 24 day challenge and in between them I continue to use spark, catalyst, meal shakes and mns packs. I've lost 32 pounds and 32 total inches in five months. I am able to stay up with a classroom of students, my health is much better, my blood pressure is low-normal and at times in the "athlete" category. I get home from working a full day at school and have the energy to cook dinner and do the housework. AdvoCare products work wonders.

    A lot of people lose weight at that rate without any gimmicks!
  • kmorris123
    kmorris123 Posts: 34 Member
    [A lot of people lose weight at that rate without any gimmicks!

    It's all about lifestyle changes. Quality vitamins and products aren't really a gimmic in my eyes. Some people use Big Train, some people use Jillian Michael's stuff, some use Weight Watchers, some use Slim Fast. I choose AdvoCare. It works for me.
  • carlyw2
    Advocare has been around for 20 years and is used by many professional athletes! The company is clearly doing something right and has changed lives just like weight watchers, jenny craig, etc.
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I just completed my first challenge and lost 16 pounds and 22 inches!! I'm in LOVE
  • EAB24
    EAB24 Posts: 4 Member
    Im going to be starting the 24 day challenge next week!! Im really excited! Im slowly losing weight but need something to kick start me! My co-worker uses it and has had amazing results.