Paleo/ primal eating?

Anybody else into this kind of eating and lifestyle? I've started taking a swing at it, but I think I have a lot to learn. I'd be interested in friending folks who are into it, so we can share info with each other. I've only been doing it for a couple weeks, and while I don't know yet if I've lost any weight, I do seem to have more energy. I know calories in vs. calories out has to be a factor no matter what other factors I'm playing with, but I'm thinking there is something to the blood sugar spiking issue. That's certainly been a factor in my development of Diabetes. Any input is appreciated, and I'd like to hear from yea sayers and nay sayers, as long as as info provided can be backed up by evidence or at least by some correlative results that would merit further investigation.


  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm kind of with Aldini here.
    If I don't like it, I'm not going to eat but I have decreased the amount of pasta, granola bars, & white bread I eat.

    There are groups that she posted where you'll find all the support you want.

    Google "Marks Daily Apple", pro-paleo/primal info is provided there.

    A google search will show you both sides so you can make an informed decision.

    I like the premise of it, however for me, it's not do-able. I like cheese, the occasional yogurt, sugar, etc.

    In my opinion, I would eat as fresh as possible and limit (or eliminate) processed foods.
    Just my two cents, no studies or whatever to give to you though
  • Bambalama
    Bambalama Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, LishieFruit and Adini for your help. You other two: can it. Also, I don't eat canned things except for tuna. I guess Diabetes would qualify as an intolerance to foods that spike blood sugar, but the question remains that if I had eaten primal my whole life, would Diabetes had ever developed? I guess the only important question for me is if it's good for me now. I haven't given up dairy, however, and I don't plan to, especially my plain, fat free greek yogurt and cottage cheese, both which provide probiotics, protein, and are low in carbohydrates. Also, I don't have a dairy intolerance.
  • Bambalama
    Bambalama Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks. I joined a couple of the groups. I'm not trying to be a tee totaler (my usual mistake), and I'm sure that my approach can't be the best for everyone. Also, it looks like primal is more my style than paleo for the same reasons.
  • Bambalama
    Bambalama Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, I like Mark's Daily Apple. I also like that he says any plan should be 80%-20%. I need to work on that.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Compare your fat free yogurt to full fat versions - I bet the full fat will have less sugar.

    Canned tuna is alright - get packed in water and drain it, can you rinse tuna in a can?
    I use beans from a can (pure laziness & lack of foresight) for cooking and I drain & rinse.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Compare your fat free yogurt to full fat versions - I bet the full fat will have less sugar.

    Canned tuna is alright - get packed in water and drain it, can you rinse tuna in a can?
    I use beans from a can (pure laziness & lack of foresight) for cooking and I drain & rinse.

    They also have tuna in packs if you need to take with you.

    Also OP - there are Paleo groups if you are looking for specific types of answers without worrying as much that someone will interject a little humor in the thread. They also tend to have stickies with info, suggestions and more.

    Not trying to be an as[url]s, but telling people to "can it" just for a little humor, isn't going to work in your favor. Just putting it out there and I wish you the best in your goals. :flowerforyou:[/url]
  • Bambalama
    Bambalama Posts: 14 Member
    Apparently you are all already friends, so it was all kind of in good fun, but, how was I to know? Look at it from the eyes of a stranger not privy to that. I just didn't want some lady I don't know getting cat called on my thread. No big deal, like I said, I don't really care.
  • imfivebyfive
    I eat very paleo, hardly any processed foods.

    I also try to avoid anything common in modern agriculture such as wheat, corn, oats, grains, etc. (paleolithic man did not engage in farming)

    You can check out my food diary if you want.
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member

    I live a primal/paleo lifestyle by choice . Ill tell you about my experience :)
    This summer I did the hcg diet ( DO NOT DO IT) but I liked the way I felt only eating those foods ( no dairy, no gluten) . After completing hcg I found I was allergic to dairy! And when I reintroduced gluten my acne got super bad and I gained weight like crazy. Not wanting this in my life anymore I cut both out ( dairy for the obvious reason of not enjoying the trip to the bathroom following it's consumption). Eating primal/paleo I have found :
    My bmi% and bf % has dropped
    My skin is nearly always perfect minus hormonal
    I have way more energy than if I was to eat gluten ... I get sluggish when I eat any kind of it
    My metabolism has increased greatly , I eat snacks a least every 2 hours
    I no longer hold fat in my tummy area as much as I did before
    I feel happier!

    Really and honestly if your considering paleo for crossfit or a lifestyle change invest in the book practical paleo ... Everything in that book is gold and explains why we are meant to eat this way. As well it provides recipes and meal plans for certain things ( thyroid issues , gut rot , weight loss) . Try it for thirty days! Just try it .
    Another good source for 30 days is the whole30 ( google that) but honestly for 30 days you'll feel a difference yourself .

    Paleo means : Paleolithic - era of the caveman . Eat only what a caveman could of eaten , no gluten dairy or processed foods , sugar , legumes, processed oils or booze

    Allowed: meat & seafood , fruit and veggies , tree nuts and oils , healthy fats ( bacon, avacodos), and eggs .

    Potatoes aren't supposed to be eaten alot ...
    Only in small portions.

    And i admit I'm not perfect! I don't need to be with the exception of dairy , so if I need to cave I cave a little ;) normally one little thing will keep me in check every week.
  • melissabatmcnet
    melissabatmcnet Posts: 24 Member
    I have been doing this for about 1 month now, Because my Endocrinoligist wanted to see how it would be with my sugars to keep Carbs between 50-70 grams. ( I am type 2 diabetic) My Sugars have been really great, Makes me wonder also If I hadn't been eating all those Carbs (even plain Cherrios raises my sugar) I try and get my carbs from veggies and fruits.. I have only lost a few pounds but hoping that will get better over time as my body adjusts.
  • lrochardt
    I mainly eat a paleo diet, it did stem from a diabetes II thing and guess what? i totally cured myself! my A1C level in my blood was extremely low!! Whoop! I have different horomonal deals going on so I don't eat gluten or soy. ANd also a thing to watch is where your sugars are coming from (processed foods = bad i.e. corn). Even watch where your meats are coming from (best to get grass fed meats where you can because they don't fatten them up w/ corn and grains in the last 90 days of their lives).

    Mainly I don't do processed sugars, dairy, soy, gluten, corn, or grains (except millet and quinoa and I do use the raw sprouted protein shake). Then I do lean meats, lots of veggies, some fruits (apples, berries, oranges are my go-to, but I believe in a traditional paleo that any fruit is ok-correct me if I'm wrong), and nuts. then I do the occasional cheese or bread here and there but not often.

    I include lots of super foods (goji, acai, wheatgrass, sprouts, supergreen mixes, cacao - unsweetened, etc.)
    I feel pretty awesome!

    I also think it's good to be intuitive with your eating - what makes you feel good vs. bad?

    that's my 2 cents, good luck!! :)
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    Technically, I'm "primal" because I'm not dairy free.

    It works for me. I avoid grains, beans (soy and peanuts were my biggest toughies), and [most of the time] refined sugars. I'm not SUPER FREAKOUT OMG about it - I don't ferment, I don't do fish oil, or whatever. I just avoid grains and beans for the most part, but I don't sweat it. I shoot for 80/20 in my week. Each body will have things that work best for it. This method works for me.
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    Really and honestly if your considering paleo for crossfit or a lifestyle change invest in the book practical paleo ... Everything in that book is gold and explains why we are meant to eat this way. As well it provides recipes and meal plans for certain things ( thyroid issues , gut rot , weight loss) . Try it for thirty days! Just try it .
    Another good source for 30 days is the whole30 ( google that) but honestly for 30 days you'll feel a difference yourself .

    I love that book!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    It's my bible :)
  • Bambalama
    Bambalama Posts: 14 Member
    I just ordered "The Primal Blueprint," so I'll read that one, and I might check out the suggested paleo book as well. I'm trying the same thing you are for now. Mostly paleo but also dairy. I also have a whey protein supplement that I use, though when I'm through with the bag, I may try replacing all that with the greek yogurt. The only time I use it is pre and post workout. I blend berries with protein, cinnamon, greek yogurt, flax, and cacao. I only recently added the fatty, fibrous nuts and seeds to the shake. I'm guessing that as a Diabetic, I'm not needing a protein and carb slam with no fat or fiber to slow it down. I'm still kind of guessing about the whole thing, but I'm learning.
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    You may want to try a vegan or hemp protein powder once you've finished it of considering paleo, just a thought .
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    It's really just asinine IMO to eliminate dairy and grains (and legumes) because people other than yourself have sensitvities/allergies (assuming you don't have some sensitivity) .

    Strive to eat whole, nutritious foods, but a "good" vs. "bad" ideology leads to ragequit if you aren't mental to begin with.

    Eating a higher percentage of your diet from nutritious foods will make you feel better, paleo or not.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Didn't cavemen die at early ages?
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member