Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

I started yesterday! So today is day 2 for me! Anyone else just starting that wants to be my workout buddy??

Just looking for some motovation!! (:


  • elallio
    elallio Posts: 13 Member
    I started yesterday too! I am looking for some accountability to ensure I actually finish a 90 day plan.

    I really want to lose 25ish pounds...I might cry if I do :)
  • akopesky
    akopesky Posts: 42 Member
    I started yesterday as well. Looking to stay motivated as well. I have started this 2-3 times before & never finished.
  • That makes 4 of us! I started on the 18th as well. I could definitely use some motivation, as I hate exercise.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I start the 25th!
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    I'm almost done with my second round of Body Revolution. I'm on week 11, but I think I'm going to stop after this week to start a TurboFire challenge. I may finish out the last two weeks while doing TurboFire I just don't know yet!

    On my first round of Body Revolution I lost 23 pounds. I blogged the entire time I did the program. Here are my results http://cardioandkids.blogspot.com/2012/07/done-with-jillian-michaels-body.html

    I haven't had drastic results this second round but I have lost about 10 pounds so far. I hope you guys love it!! I think it's an awesome program!
  • warriorsdontbitch
    warriorsdontbitch Posts: 130 Member
    i started on monday so please add me
  • valpipkin
    valpipkin Posts: 6 Member
    I started Monday, too! Can always use motivation!! You guys sore from days 1and 2?
  • Kisha352
    Kisha352 Posts: 27 Member
    I am in the middle of the road on this one! The DVD seems kind of high. Are ya'll going it every day with other work outs? I lift 3 days a week and I have been looking for something to do the other teo days after work. Smiles Kisha
  • EmmieCar86
    EmmieCar86 Posts: 83 Member
    Did it and LOVED it. I was already a normal weight but definitely became toned from it! Turbofire is my favorite.
  • elallio
    elallio Posts: 13 Member
    So cool! What diet plan are/did you all use?
  • mrsmol37
    mrsmol37 Posts: 23 Member
    Add me! I started Monday (2/18), too! I thought the first workout was not too bad, the second was hard. I'm doing Cardio 1 tonight! Can't wait!
  • mrsmol37
    mrsmol37 Posts: 23 Member
    I started Monday, too! I was a little sore on Tuesday. Last night I did the second workout and today, I'm very sore! I'd love to be "friends" for the support! Good luck:)
  • I've just started month two, im surprised how much more challenging it is compared to month 1! however im also surprised at what im now capable of doing :-)
  • How do you calculate calories burned using Jillian Michael's Body Revolution? I just started the program this week so the workout is relatively easy but I have no idea how to come up with an exercise number.
  • allessandra
    allessandra Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! So did I I started Monday Feb. 18th I thought it was so what hard, but feot amazing afterwards. :)
  • I started last week. I'm halfway through Week 2. Love it!
  • katlady13
    katlady13 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I started on Monday and I love it, I think Jillian is great and the workout is fun. I was exhausted after doing Cardio 1 !!! I am also doing 30ds, level 2, which is much much harder (too many planks), but I don't do that dvd veryday. I'm really excited about this programme....good luck everyone! :smile:
  • 250mrsb
    250mrsb Posts: 33 Member
    crazy! So many ppl started on monday! I did too :) I went through a couple of her dvds - yoga meltdown, 30 day shred - and got really bored with it even tho I am not the most physically fit and soon to be an ex-smoker. I would love to have a few friends for motivation. I am also blogging and vlogging on youtube daily too :) 250mrsb.blogspot.com and 250mrsb on youtube.

    PS how do u get that countdown ticker for weight loss at the bottom of your posts thats awesome I want one!
  • 250mrsb
    250mrsb Posts: 33 Member
    nevermind I figured it out :)
  • I started on feb 4th! Gotta lose 25 lbs. good luck everyone and have fun.:smile: