I have come to the conclusion that I am at war! It's me against fat. Now you have to realize, fat has many allies. It's a powerful combination of nasty, evil forces. They include laziness, fatigue, weakness, stress, anxiety, cravings, sickness, disease, and even death! Now even though death is fats ally, he won't bring him in until he has won the war, but the rest of his allies are at his immediate disposal and believe me, they are ALL BULLIES!

But I am no longer a pushover. You see I have allies too! I have strength, dedication, muscle, willpower, desire, control, focus, heart, and most importantly my family. Each time I have a meal, it's a battle. Each time I have to decide whether or not to exercise, it's a battle. This week I have won every battle so far. It's a great and important win streak for me. Winning these battles is not easy. But the more battles I win, the stronger I get; the stronger my allies get!

Our latest battles happened yesterday. I was sitting at lunch table at work making my healthy 400 calorie, lean burger and side salad when cravings unleashed a surprise attack! A coworker walks in with plate of enchiladas that smelled and looked very good. I quickly called in reinforcements; willpower, desire, and dedication came to my aid! Together, we quickly had cravings on the retreat. Then last night, I watched movie and before I knew it, it was 10 pm. But I hadn't worked out yet! There was laziness and fatigue! They had me cornered! I was only seconds from waving the white flag and going to sleep, when all of a sudden, I see a post from my daughter, saying how proud she is of me and my progress!! That's all I needed and I fought my way out of that corner and got myself to the gym. Got home at 11 but I won the battle. I have a long way to go before I win this war, but every day that I win these small battles, I get every bit closer to my victory!


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    your a good writer,,, you can do this!
    its all about willpower,,
    get out and CONQUER!
  • angeladenise777
    angeladenise777 Posts: 18 Member
    Great post and well written. I will be reminded when the same bullies come around my way.