Eating Right/Exercise vs. Diet Plans

I have a friend that is selling a product that has supposedly help relieve high blood pressure, diabetes, weight loss, etc. But wouldn't all of these things happen if a person were to just eat right an exercise.

This particular program consists of a 30 day body cleanse of pills taken 3 times a day. This can be done by mixing the right foods, am I right?

A protein shake meal replacement. Wouldn't it be more filling to eat a healthy portion of real food?

An energy drink for those down times. And a few other things. My co-worker also sells the stuff and he says that he has given it to his friends on a 5 day supply and calls them around day 8 and asks how they are doing. Their energy level drops dramatically once they come off the program. That kinda sounds a little like dependency to me.

Whatever happened to a good old fashioned eat better and exercise regimen??


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I have a friend that is selling a product that has supposedly help relieve high blood pressure, diabetes, weight loss, etc. But wouldn't all of these things happen if a person were to just eat right an exercise.

    This particular program consists of a 30 day body cleanse of pills taken 3 times a day. This can be done by mixing the right foods, am I right?

    A protein shake meal replacement. Wouldn't it be more filling to eat a healthy portion of real food?

    An energy drink for those down times. And a few other things. My co-worker also sells the stuff and he says that he has given it to his friends on a 5 day supply and calls them around day 8 and asks how they are doing. Their energy level drops dramatically once they come off the program. That kinda sounds a little like dependency to me.

    Whatever happened to a good old fashioned eat better and exercise regimen??

    Just eat healthy and exercise. You don't have to make other people rich in order to get/stay healthy. Sounds like another shakeology/body by vi rep.

    Say no and walk away.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I agree, sounds like you should be able to do that with exercise and clean eating. I do admit that if I'm not hungry I'll just have a protein shake. But I figure it's better to do that than to skip a meal and have too few calories. One month of eating right, being more active and exercising (in addition to taking vitamins now), my fiance lost 8 lbs, doesn't snore anymore, chest pain went away and has more energy in general. People just want a quick lazy fix.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I have a friend that is selling a product that has supposedly help relieve high blood pressure, diabetes, weight loss, etc. But wouldn't all of these things happen if a person were to just eat right an exercise.

    This particular program consists of a 30 day body cleanse of pills taken 3 times a day. This can be done by mixing the right foods, am I right?

    A protein shake meal replacement. Wouldn't it be more filling to eat a healthy portion of real food?

    An energy drink for those down times. And a few other things. My co-worker also sells the stuff and he says that he has given it to his friends on a 5 day supply and calls them around day 8 and asks how they are doing. Their energy level drops dramatically once they come off the program. That kinda sounds a little like dependency to me.

    Whatever happened to a good old fashioned eat better and exercise regimen??

    One product to eliminate all those weight related medical issues = snake oil!

    Body cleanse has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with weight loss unless accompanied by a calorie deficit diet. Total waste of time, and hard earned money!

    Permanent wt loss is a result of a lifestyle change that includes a healthy lifestyle. There is no magic pill.
  • You are so right!! I joined a similar program a few months back and not only was it too expensive, but after doing my own research and finding the right foods and similar but cheaper products (eg. herbal tea/protein shake), I realized I was paying money I should be using on buying the right foods at a fraction of the cost of one bottle of pills!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    My thoughts are...

    What happens when they come off the diet plan? One of the most important things people learn with just eating right is figuring out the correct portions on their own. Do they plan on staying on this thing their entire life? And as far as the shakes go, that just sounds like the Slim-fast plan....and a 30 day pill cleanse?

    Where is your friend getting the success rates from? Are they actual successes they have seen with their own eyes? Or are they just told what to say by the company they are trying to sell for? They follow up after 8 days, but even you know that true weight loss is gauged over time....not over a week.

    I totally get your questioning, I would question too.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    My thoughts are...

    What happens when they come off the diet plan? One of the most important things people learn with just eating right is figuring out the correct portions on their own. Do they plan on staying on this thing their entire life? And as far as the shakes go, that just sounds like the Slim-fast plan....and a 30 day pill cleanse?

    Where is your friend getting the success rates from? Are they actual successes they have seen with their own eyes? Or are they just told what to say by the company they are trying to sell for? They follow up after 8 days, but even you know that true weight loss is gauged over time....not over a week.

    I totally get your questioning, I would question too.

    My co working is pushing the more focus, more energy aspect of it. That's why he asks how they are feeling after the 3 days of not taking the drinks from the program.

    My friend has lost 9 lbs in 21 days. But she is 180 at 5'2" and that will happen quickly because it's mostly water weight and a calorie deficit.

    I have lost 2 lbs in 8 days but my clothes are fitting different. And I lift and do cardio and am watching what I eat.
  • JamesChargerWolf
    JamesChargerWolf Posts: 83 Member
    My husband had both high blood pressure and diabetes. He is now free of both, without Rx medication or cleanses/pills/whatever. Diet and exercise alone.
  • dmarhal
    dmarhal Posts: 30 Member
    I think real food that you can eat the rest of your life is the best. Make wise choices.
    I use myfitnesspal for accountability as it's so easy to overeat even healthy foods.
    If you can't do it for life, why do a program for a short time? Container foods get
    'old' really fast and you'll be looking for something you can eat wit friends and at
    restaurants soon. Stick with wise choices of healthy foods and you'll be fine.

    PS Do you need a colon cleanse? The only people promoting them are the
    one's selling the stuff.
  • A calorie deficit and regular exercise is the best way for sustainable weight loss. Calculate your BMR and subtact 500 calories from that per day. 1 pound of fat has 3500 calories so if you eat just 500 cal less each day, you'll lose 1lb / week. And that's without exercise. Just remember to balance your Macro-nutrients. If you're looking for healthy diet or exercise plans and material, I've found there are some good unbiased reviews at