Difference between bodybugg core and bodymedia fit core

I've been researching gadgets like the bodymedia fit and the fitbit for soooo long and I think I've finally settled on the bodymedia fit. There's also the bodybugg core though which seems to be the exact same thing, however, it's $20 cheaper and comes with a free 6 month subscription instead of only 3 months. So is there something different about the one on the bodybugg site? If I buy the device from bodybugg/24 hour fitness will it use a different activity manager site? If not, then why is the price different there and the subscription offer better? Also, any input or opinions on the core device would be greatly appreciated. And if you'd like to try to talk a college student out of spending $100, I'm all ears :P I have a polar ft7 hrm which I love, but I really need to keep track of my calories during the entire day as well as my sleep quality.

3 months ago I was injured in a rock climbing accident and recently was cleared to start exercising again. I gained about 25 pounds over that time due to inactivity and depression and definitely need to lose it. It'll be my first time having to lose weight. BEFORE that though, I was having some trouble and had to go to the doctor a few times, because I was super active (athletic adrenaline junkie), would burn so many calories without really caring about calorie burn, never know just how much I burned, and always underestimated how much I had to eat, so got sick over a few weeks and felt awful and tired. My doctor told me I needed to pay more attention to my calorie burn and intake, so I thought about getting a device then, but a week later I had the accident and hurt my spine. Now I would like one for weight loss and then for weight gain and then just maintenance. Accuracy will be really important, so the fitbit's discrepancy of a couple hundred calories seems like a lot to me. Anyway, that's why I'd like the bodybugg thing, but if anyone thinks there's a better solution or device, then please let me know. I'm sorry for the length btw. I'm new here and to the weight game, so I guess I'm trying to get a good jumpstart which seems to have made me pretty wordy :P


  • mylifemynow
    mylifemynow Posts: 55 Member
    I have both the bodymedia and the bodybugg, after using both of them I prefer the BodyMedia - the website is much more user friendly, and I've found it to have less issues with connectivity that I did with the bodybugg site. .

    The sites are much different the bodymedia also tracks sleep while the bodybugg does not. You can get a year for 56$ via bodymedia and bodybugg for a year is 80$ (both of these are after the initial free months).

    That's my opinion anyway...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Same manufacturer, different sites.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • NiaCas
    NiaCas Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you :) I was leaning towards just getting the core from bodybugg because of the price and the free 6 months, but looks like people have better things to say about the bodymedia website and I found a bodymedia coupon code, so am getting the core for just over $101 with free shipping :) Very happy and can't wait to get it!
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    If you get the Bodymedia through Costco, it comes with a one-year subscription.
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    I just started using my BodyMedia tool and I think they have made great improvements. I think in the beginning your calories burned will seem low but I read it takes time for it to adjust and even out.
  • NiaCas
    NiaCas Posts: 6 Member
    I can just never seem to justify buying a membership to costco lol. I know I should- they seem to have lots of great deals. Too late now though lol my fit core should be arriving today or tomorrow! Yay! Does anyone sync theirs multiple times a day. I'm too cheap to buy the arm band and want to know how many calories I've been burning. I'm usually quite close to a computer of some kind so could hook it up multiple times a day, but it sounds like you're only supposed to do it once a day or something.
  • NiaCas
    NiaCas Posts: 6 Member
    Just clicked on the bodymedia fit banner at the top of this page and realized I could have spent $12 less -_- Grrr... Oh well- thought I'd mention it in case anyone happens upon this topic and wants to buy one. With the code that mfp offers, the total comes out to $95.20 although I wish promotional codes would stop claiming that they'll get you a free 3 month subscription. It'll come with 3 months whether you use a code or not.
  • Gramzo
    Gramzo Posts: 1 Member
    I just bought the Bodybugg Core by Bodymedia and the site I go to says Bodymedia Fit, so I don't know what this difference is between the 2. They look identical, I just bought mine through 24hr Fitness for the same price except 6 mo. sub instead of 3. I used the Bodybugg V3 for 2 years (lost 40 lbs - now at about goal, just need to lose 5 more, from letting the weight creep back on a bit.) When I had the Bodybugg V3 the website was different than the Bodymedia and is different than the one I use now with the core.

    My question is - how do you get MFP to sync with the Bodymedia Activity Manager? I have it set to 3rd party. And it did sync my breakfast, but it didn't my lunch. Anyone know what I need to do?
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 71 Member
    I had thought the Bodybugg was the old model/branding and Bodymedia was the newer branding. I guess I'll have to go find the Bodybugg site and see that I was wrong.

    I only looked at the Bodymedia site and they have the Link model and the Core Model. The Link model has Bluetooth and can talk to your IPhone or Android phone. As far as I know the Core can't talk to a phone, it seems to be a slightly smaller device because of the lack of bluetooth. There is a wristwatch looking device that works with the Core that lets you read information off of it.

    I have the Link but don't even use the Bluetooth features at all. I just plug it into my computer to sync and charge when I'm near the PC.

    Food I enter into MFP shows up in the Activity Manger after a while. Definitely not right away. I usually have both sites open so it doesn't make a difference to me. Once I set it up it has never failed to sync though.
  • ruthrowlett1
    ruthrowlett1 Posts: 82 Member

    Same company but has different features