I am new here and looking for other breastfeeding moms



  • I have a 7 month old.. : whos starting to bite ow!

    Been there (twice)! Here are some good tips to help. :)

  • nld410
    nld410 Posts: 36 Member
    I am currently breastfeeding my third child, who is 3 months old. My question is, "How do you account for the breastfeeding calories on your MFP?" I know that breastfeeding moms burn about 500-1000 extra calories per day, especially when the baby is young. Do you add them as exercise? Do you just manually increase your goal calories?

    I add it as 500 calories in exercise. Only way I could figure out how to do it.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    New mom. 5 mo. old son. Exclusively breastfeeding. Can we start a group?

    There are lots of mommies in the Post Partum Pack group!

    There's also a Breastfeeding Support group that's pretty active, too!
  • lisa799
    lisa799 Posts: 79 Member
    My son is almost 9 months and is breastfed. When he was around 2 months, I started counting calories and working out but my supply dropped, so I stopped. That was a big mistake because I ended up gaining 20 lbs over the next 6 months. Now that he's eating some solids, I've started back up again and I don't even really account for the extra calories for nursing in my diet. I haven't noticed any supply issues, but I'm keeping a close eye on it. I'm excited to see so many other nursing moms here!
  • JennaferDuff
    JennaferDuff Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! My 12 month old son is currently weaning himself (i'm not ready but he is boss now-a-days) I also have 2 daughters (5 and 2) both breastfed, and I am fairly new to MFP.
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey, I'm Kori and new to the site. I am currently breastfeeding my 11 week old son. I also have a 2 year old daughter. I was (and still am) nervous about working out and breastfeeding. I keep thinking it's going to make my supply drop, etc. Breastfeeding my son for as long as possible is very important to me since I only made it 8 weeks with my daughter. I also want to be healthy and have more energy for my kids, so I need to do this! Just hoping to find some good information on here :)
  • amandalfraser
    amandalfraser Posts: 40 Member
    My daughter was born 02/02/13 and I'm breastfeeding too!
  • nld410
    nld410 Posts: 36 Member
    The baby just nursed for almost 90minutes and it made me so tired which makes me crave sweets. I just want to eat and eat and eat....
  • wease1204
    wease1204 Posts: 31 Member
    hi there, I have 2 kids a 3 year old and a 3.5 month old whom I breastfeed exclusively. Feel free to add me :-)
  • frazzlecg
    frazzlecg Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I'm new too and am still breastfeeding my 2 year old though its only for comfort now. I'm also a former breastfeeding peer counselor. Anyone feel free to add me or contact for BF assistance.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I was on here a few years ago and this place really helped. I went through a bad ending to a marriage so I stopped. Now I have a 3 month old and husband gone. yay! I want to get into shape again and feel good too. Please add me if you want. I do best with support.
  • Hi ladies! I have a 3-yr old daughter and a daughter who is almost 5 months old, exclusively breastfed and not on any solids yet. My weight loss has stalled, and I'm not really too worried about it yet, but trying to get back into the groove of tracking my food. I need that reality check I think! :)

    I was trying to figure out how to account for the breastfeeding. I came across this topic, which was helpful. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/897655-breast-feeding-mamas-do-you-allow-for-the-milk-you-make

    I'm going to use the food option, which accounts for "negative" calories as well as fat and protein (fact is you can/should eat a little more of those specifically, not just "extra calories" that could be empty ones!).
  • herlysgirly
    herlysgirly Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ladies! I have a 3-yr old daughter and a daughter who is almost 5 months old, exclusively breastfed and not on any solids yet. My weight loss has stalled, and I'm not really too worried about it yet, but trying to get back into the groove of tracking my food. I need that reality check I think! :)

    I was trying to figure out how to account for the breastfeeding. I came across this topic, which was helpful. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/897655-breast-feeding-mamas-do-you-allow-for-the-milk-you-make

    I'm going to use the food option, which accounts for "negative" calories as well as fat and protein (fact is you can/should eat a little more of those specifically, not just "extra calories" that could be empty ones!).

    Agreed. Doing the same here! I'm EBF Mr. 5.5 months & nap and/or bedtime nursing Miss 2 years. Nursing Mamas please add me... I like the food ideas/inspiration!
  • mfunderburgh
    mfunderburgh Posts: 47 Member
    Feel free to add me, currently nursing my LO who turns 2 years old next week!
  • Hi, I just joined the other day. I am a breastfeeding mom of a wonderful 4 month old son. I also have a 4 year old son. :)
  • mfunderburgh
    mfunderburgh Posts: 47 Member
    Seems like my weight loss has stalled anyone have that problem while breastfeeding a toddler?
    Feel free to add me, currently nursing my LO who turns 2 years old next week!
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi mommas! I am exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old, and have been on here since January. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Bran0879
    Bran0879 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome Lydia! I am nursing my 9 month old daughter. I am in the process of losing my baby fat and have been really active for the last 45 days. It's kind of tricky adjusting my calorie intake to lose weight and not jeopardize my milk production. I've found an intake that has allowed me to breastfeed successfully and lose a pound a week in conjunction with the Turbo Fire program. Feel free to add me. I am always in search of support and to motivate others.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    both mine were nasty biters.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Hi lydia! Im breastfeeding my darling 8 month old daughter and have been on mfp for about 6 months. Its definitely helped me drop the baby weight plus a little. Anyone feel free to add me. Im on everyday. Good luck on all your journeys. : )