Some newbie questions

Hi again more newbie questions again today.

I was just reading a bit of a scary intro thread but it did bring up some questions for me but wanted to ask them away from the tension on that thread. Ok please be gentle.

1. There was a lot of talk about 1200 cals being bare minimum and that it would be better to have a higher one and not to starve yourself. Ok so here it is, I am struggling to get my 1200 a day and keep under my protein and sugar, I know some have told me not to worry about them so much but if I keep blowing my sugar an protein just to get to the cal limit won't this stop or inhibit me from loosing weight? I could get my limit if I want to eat high cal food but to eat healthy I am really struggling to get the food in.

2. Also I am struggling with fitting exercise in around the kids. I have been trying to squeeze 5-10 min on the treadmill whenever possible but are these little bits really helping at all? I know some people may see it as an excuse but I just can't find anymore time, I can't turn my back on my daughter and she sleeps when I sleep so at the moment I am stealing time when she is in the tub being watched by my older daughter, when she sits still for a few mins in front of the tv I jump on the treadmill , does anyone have some suggetions for some exercise that is short and sweet but will have more impact than the walking?

Ok so there it is, please be nice/gentle with me, I don't want pandering just some help



  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    One thing that helped me when I started was only to track calories. I found that in order to really get in the grove and stick to it without going crazy, I had to ignore the sugar/protein/fats and just go for calories. I noticed that after awhile, I was making better choices in general and all my foods pretty much fell into the areas that they were supposed to.

    Now, I'm back to just tracking calories so I don't even have my diary set to view other things...

    That may not work for you but it helped me get in the habit
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I generally blow my sugar and protein daily and I don't think it has adversely affected me. I am assuming you have a toddler, and you are in the trenches. She is probably running you ragged as it is. It's not an excuse trying to keep an eye on your little one and not getting an hour of exercise in. Her safety is far more important. Keep doing what you can, a little is better than nothing. A year from now it will all be a little easier (that's what i told myself when my two were toddlers).Best wishes!
  • ldonahue74
    ldonahue74 Posts: 53 Member
    i wont claim to know what i'm talking about, this is just my opinion. i think ANY exercise is better than no exercise at all. i dont know how old your baby is, but, i found ways to incorporate them into my exercising when mine were little. i think if you do a google search of exercises with baby you'd find some you can do. if she's a little older, those little videos the kids always love are always full of singing and dancing, just do that, you'd be amazed at how much it kicks your butt lol
  • errantskitten
    I have seen studies that show you can actually lose weight by keeping calories under control, regardless of the sugar content. One (unscientific mind you) study a guy ate ony twinkies but stayed under his calorie goal, and still lost weight. I tend to be on the higher end of my sugar often going over, and higher always on protien, but if I set up a calorie deficit I still lose weight. the one area that seems to hinder my progres is carbs....if I eat alot of carbs I tend to lose less.

    Any exercise is better than none, but honeslty I would pick up the kiddos and go for a walk. walking is good exercise and it burns calories, if you can still jump on the treadmill as time allows, but you are more likely to exercise if its fun...I take my dogs out and then still use the treadmill.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    Never worry about going over on the protein unless you have some sort of health problem(ie kidney disease). I have my macros set to 100 g of protein, 100g of carbs and 50 g of fat. I eat 1200-1300 cals and did so for most of my weight loss. My exercise is very high and that is why I need the protein. I burn 500-1000 cals a day doing over 2 hours of treadmill and pool.You are welcome to look at my food diary.
    As for the TIME to exercise that is a whole other matter and I'm afraid I can't be of much help. What I do know is that unless you put your health as a priority you will never have extra time to fit it in. You have to decide to make the time(hire a sitter if you can afford it) or enlist the aid of someone who is willing to help or trade favors for time. If you don't start carving out a block of "ME" time now you will regret it and blame others for your lack of opportunity to be the best you can be and that includes your own fitness.
  • rebekahheiner
    rebekahheiner Posts: 38 Member
    I have a 3 year old toddler, so I feel your pain. I don't know how old your child/children is/are, but something I did that I find helps is I moved my elliptical into her play room. So, while I do 45 minutes on it, she plays with her toys and has her own little table where she can sit and color and whatnot. I also bought a jogging stroller and do daily walks/runs. She asks all the time to "go on a walk". She loves it. When I do work out DVDS, I have a little set of 2 lbs weights that I let her use, put her in her tennis shoes and I let her join me. If I don't prepare something to keep her occupied during my work outs, though, I end up pausing every 5 minutes, having to take care of her. It's all about occupying them. =)
  • bjshores
    bjshores Posts: 102 Member
    When you're eating healthy it is hard to get in 1200 calories. I have that same issue. IF you're eating healthy then the sugars will manage themselves. I wouldn't really worry about protein at all. The key is just staying active. So if you have to steal some time then do that. If you're moving you are burning calories. I do the XBox Kinect games. We do it as a family and it really does burn calories. You would be surprised. If you can't get in much exercise then adjust your settings to show how much you will get. If its none weekly then MFP will adjust your caloric intake to account for it in order to shed your goal weight per week.
  • mprat210
    mprat210 Posts: 28 Member

    I am new on here too and am having same issues as you. I don't have a lot of advice to offer but you are not alone with what you are experiencing.

    I am having trouble reaching my calorie goals while not going over fat and carbs. Sure I could eat the caloires in high fat food but I am trying to eat healthier and the healthier foods are lower in calories. From what I am reading, the MFP protein levels may be a little low so I am not too concerned when I go over those. Today I still have almost 500 calories left and only 4 grams of fat and it is not like I havn't eaten all day either. I've had 3 meals and snacks.

    I have four kids. My oldest is 8 and the youngest is 2. It is really hard to find time to exercise. Lately, I am trying to find exercises that I can do with my kids. They really like it when we play Wii games together so I got some dance games and we all dance together. Two mornings a week, I just have my 2 year old with me. I have found that he really likes to go to the mall. So I join the mall walkers and walk around the mall. There is a lot for him to look at there. It is easier than the park because he just sees the swings and slide and gets mad when I don't stop.

    Good luck!!!
  • Delldgm
    Delldgm Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks everyone,

    Some great ideas, sorry I should have explained I have 5 kids (age 8-15) 3 autistic and one in particular you can't let your eyes off, I home school 2of them.

    The carve time out for me idea is spot on quill16 and on the weekends when my lovely hubby is back from working away I squish a weeks worth of me time in there lol

    Thanks all for setting my mind at ease, I will just watch the calories for a while and try to hit the 1200 plus exercise cal everyday for a while.

    And just to give everyone their daily giggle -careful what you wish for, after writing I am struggling to find time to exercise no sooner had I pressed the send button than we ran out of water. I had to go down to the pumping shed which is 1km turnaround, take the delightful daughter for the walk and her delightful habit of doing a runner kicks in and I then end up chasing her round the dam paddock with sheep running everywhere and me yelling don't you go in that dam young lady!!!! Just as we'll I had my ph on me and it was recording my exercise -yay I burned 288 cals in exercise and gave the neighbours and you a giggle with the metal picture. Now I just have to eat those extra calories lol