fit bit

I am toying with the idea of purchasing a fit bit. Can I hear some pro's and con's


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I just bought mine on its a big time motivator for me to get off my *kitten* an workout .........cons is if you do strength training it really wont help ya ..... I do a lot of arobics and walking ....I love mine
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I love mine. I've had it almost two months. The pro's are you can see how active you are (or are not) and it can really help to motivate you. It's nice to track your sleep as well. I'm more of a solid sleeper than I thought I was.

    The cons, I haven't noticed that many. The size could be if you're prone to losing things. I keep mine on my bra and have developed a habit of doing little checks to make sure it's attached. It's never fallen off there. It's fallen off my waist but I think that's due more to the material of my pants than the device itself.
  • runrogerrun
    runrogerrun Posts: 122 Member
    If you go from walking to running back to walking and then running do you have to modify the step counter or how does that work
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    fitbit syncs to and mfp ....... I log my food on MFP and log my exercise on you add what you did cardio wise ...hope that helps
  • runrogerrun
    runrogerrun Posts: 122 Member
    So if I run for 5 miles regardless of my speed it will tell me I have run for 5 miles?
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I am not sure about that .....but it does have a timer on it so you push the button when you start and push it again when you are done to stop the timer then input it on the fitbit site

    I am not a runner sorry I couldnt be more help
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I love my fitbit, I got it in August shortly after I joined MFP and it helped me start to move more especially while at work (I have a desk job) Check out this group ( to get more feedback.

    Yes, regardless of your speed, it'll tell you you've run 5 miles. And when using it, it's pretty straightforward and you don't have to worry about using the stop watch feature til you sleep.

    No, if you walk then run than walk again, you don't have to adjust anything
  • lynnw24
    lynnw24 Posts: 116 Member
    I just preordered the Fit Bit Flex bracelet. It doesn't come out until April but it will be worth the wait! I was always afraid to buy one you wear on your pants because I heard stories of them falling off.
  • runrogerrun
    runrogerrun Posts: 122 Member
    sounds like some good pros there -- thanks for the info:smile:
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    I just preordered the Fit Bit Flex bracelet. It doesn't come out until April but it will be worth the wait! I was always afraid to buy one you wear on your pants because I heard stories of them falling off.

    I have been waiting for to buy the flex. Did not pre-order because I kinda wanted to wait and see about colors. Had not heard shipping date other than spring, where did you get April? May have to just get one, plan on getting one for the wife as well.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member

    I have been waiting for to buy the flex. Did not pre-order because I kinda wanted to wait and see about colors. Had not heard shipping date other than spring, where did you get April? May have to just get one, plan on getting one for the wife as well.

    I agree with you, last I heard was spring as well, someone else at one point that had pre-ordered it said March so I'm wondering if once you pre-order they tell you something else? Plus, I want some of the kinks to be worked out before I buy one (cause you know no matter what, there will be a kink or 2) I love the idea of a bracelet just cause I'm tired of wearing it in my bra and getting a weird indent
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Do I sync it more than once? I cant find the answer ...... I sync it after my workout and again before I go to bed ........I noticed my MFP food log is crazy because I am syncing it twice a day
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Do I sync it more than once? I cant find the answer ...... I sync it after my workout and again before I go to bed ........I noticed my MFP food log is crazy because I am syncing it twice a day

    I sync mine whenever I'm near my computer at work or if I'm away from it and wondering how close I am to my steps/stairs for the day, I'll sync it on the phone.(I have the One) You sync it whenever you want-1 time a day, 10 times a day, once in a few days, it's your call
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    I've been wearing a FitBit (the FitBit One) for about six months now, and I think you can see from my weight loss totals below, that I've been pretty successful...using the FitBit is a great tool for me, and a constant reminder, with real-world numbers, about how active a day I've had, and a great reminder on those days I need to "kick it up a notch."

    Best $99 I ever spent, I bet, on anything for my weight loss and exercise lifestyle...

  • bestopinal
    bestopinal Posts: 2 Member
    I have been thinking about getting the band, too. I have the Ultra and love it! However, due to losing the belt clip, over the past year or more that I have had it, it has been dropped many, many times. SO many that I have it taped together. BUT - it still works! The button is broken off , the entire case is cracked apart, but it still logs my steps, stairs, and distances. I don't use the timer feature anymore as it is difficult to get to the little nubbin the button activated when pushed, so I don't track my sleep either.
    But it is amazing - broken or not!
    I thought I may do better with the band - harder to drop. I don't think the band tracks stairs though, right? I LIVE for that stat every day!

    I guess whatever motivates you to get up and move! I highly recommend any of the Fit Bit products.
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I'm disappointed with my Fitbit. From time to time, it shows crazy numbers unrelated to my activity level so I don't trust it anymore.I also realized that I must manually enter my activities on MFP otherwise I cannot eat up my calories cause the adjustment number has sometimes failed to show up on MFP by dinner time. Even worse, it occasionally allows me some calories but then the number shrinks as the time passes! How am I to know how many calories I can eat? Finally, for me, it's no more than a regular (although expensive) podometer, an incentive to walk more and use the stairs but not very helpful with MFP.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I love mine. I just keep it in my pants pocket. It is very accurate.