Does anyone else really HATE to exercise?

I, for one, have never been athletic. When I played basketball in middle school, I'd duck whenever someone passed the ball to me. I hated running, but I'd walk and chat with my friend when I was forced to run cross-country by my teacher. You see where I'm going with this.

I have no problem doing something I LOVE, like swimming or walking/chatting with my husband, but I hate regimented exercise. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what activities have you found that you enjoy? We're getting a swimming pool put in this summer, which will be really awesome because I can play in the water all day. :) It's been too cold outside to walk lately, so I'm struggling to come up with exercise-like things to do before the summer.

Thanks for reading! :)


  • fatgirljessica
    We have an xbox and I play dance central.. The guy from insanity also made a dance workout.
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE tennis..
    Even throwing darts burns calories.. I have a board on my wall.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    like you said, you just have to find something you like.
    i like playing just dance on wii.
  • SleepingBeauty12345
    i hate it!!! very much
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    no way, it's an escape from studying, working, people and it's just you and your weights, ipod, yoga mat, running shoes, pr whatever, and youre rewarding yourself by feeling and looking have to find out what you like and then youll have fun doing it..if you hate something youll never stick to it
  • DexterDarko
    I love the burn, I love the pain, I just hate how hard it gets for me to breathe. I might have developed myself exercise induced asthma thanks to my bad health.
  • kimiebee
    kimiebee Posts: 62 Member
    yes I do!....but I force myself to do it everyday because I love how I feel afterwards.....and the sense of accomplishment I get when I get all the way through a dvd
  • rvfamily4
    I too hate exercise. I love to swim but don't have a pool but go swimming every chance I get. I started forcing myself to walk and it is alone time (and talk time) for my daughter and I. It is cold outside but we go anyway. A trick I have been doing lately is walking around the grocery store 3 times at a brisk pace before I actually go shopping.

    Next I want to work on building some muscle so I bought some small hand weights. I have also forced myself to go bike riding with the kids (they don't know I am forcing myself) and they love that we are going on these rides so I try to focus on that.

    After I have lost some more weight I want to try yoga...I need to relieve some stress.

    Don't forget that cleaning house, raking leaves, washing a car is considered exercise. Check the list...there was a lot of things on there that shocked me.
  • PerlaRubi2013
    PerlaRubi2013 Posts: 110 Member
    How about Zumba?? I love it and its very fun! I burn around 650 calories in an hour class and time flies!! :)
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I was born with minimal cerebral palsy. I have NO coordination what so ever, my balance is crap, the doctors say I am and will always be "low tone" and I fatigue insanely fast.

    In grade school I was picked last for sports, if at all and by middle school and high school I was excused from PE because of my handicap....

    ... Yeah. I HATED working out.

    Then I found something I liked and discovered that doing the things I didn't like did amazing things for my body. That's the motivation I needed.

    I think if you do something enough that you start to see the desired results, it makes it a heck of a lot more enjoyable.

    In the meantime play around and find something you can enjoy. Groupon and Living Social always have sales for different fitness classes. Why not try some and see if you find something you can enjoy?

    I also think attitude has a LOT to do with it. If you walk into the gym dreading being there and hating it, then yeah... you're going to hate it. If you grin and say this is going to be fun no matter what... then eventually I think you are going to find your fake smile a real smile and your force enthusiasm real enthusiasm.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    I thought that I really hated exercise, but it turns out I hate exercise as it pertains to groups. I would duck when I was in school too. I actually kept coming up with medical excuses not to particpate in phys ed for 2 years straight (I was very clever apparently) I think part of my problem was and truthfully still is (and I'm 44) that i am big chested, I was the first girl in my school to develop and went to a D from nothing at age 12. Embarrassment won out for me.

    Turns out, I enjoy exercise when I am all alone I don't even like my husband of 25 years being around when I am excercising hard, although I will use the Gazelle when he is around, but that is it. Like lots of others, I enjoy my wii and some dvd's. Love the ABBA dance for the wii.
  • SnivyToast
    SnivyToast Posts: 25 Member
    I too hate exercise. I love to swim but don't have a pool but go swimming every chance I get. I started forcing myself to walk and it is alone time (and talk time) for my daughter and I. It is cold outside but we go anyway. A trick I have been doing lately is walking around the grocery store 3 times at a brisk pace before I actually go shopping.

    Next I want to work on building some muscle so I bought some small hand weights. I have also forced myself to go bike riding with the kids (they don't know I am forcing myself) and they love that we are going on these rides so I try to focus on that.

    After I have lost some more weight I want to try yoga...I need to relieve some stress.

    Don't forget that cleaning house, raking leaves, washing a car is considered exercise. Check the list...there was a lot of things on there that shocked me.
    Small hand weights are not going to build you muscle. You'd likely be better off with body weight exercises.

    However, I find, heavy lifting to be a lot of fun because it has a lot of progress. They are more fun numbers to track than your own weight.
  • SnivyToast
    SnivyToast Posts: 25 Member
    I, for one, have never been athletic. When I played basketball in middle school, I'd duck whenever someone passed the ball to me. I hated running, but I'd walk and chat with my friend when I was forced to run cross-country by my teacher. You see where I'm going with this.

    I have no problem doing something I LOVE, like swimming or walking/chatting with my husband, but I hate regimented exercise. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what activities have you found that you enjoy? We're getting a swimming pool put in this summer, which will be really awesome because I can play in the water all day. :) It's been too cold outside to walk lately, so I'm struggling to come up with exercise-like things to do before the summer.

    Thanks for reading! :)

    Try heavy lifting. It has a lot of progress, numbers and success. Being able to add weight on to your bar will make you feel great, and the success of lifting is great too. It's fun to compare it to things/people and being able to go "I can squat your weight."

    Look into a program like Starting Strength of Stronglifts 5x5, you might just enjoy it.
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I also hate exercising! And, I have never in my left a "runner's high" or the euphoria that people often talk about after exercising. When I exercise (even when I've done it consistently for weeks or months), I just feel tired afterward. This makes it quite challenging to continue doing it.

    I have found that I do enjoy Zumba (still don't get the endorphin rush) but I enjoy it.

    Good like finding something you can enjoy!
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Yep! I despise it. The only thing that makes me do it month in and month out is my desire to punish myself, and what I suspect is some deep-seated self-loathing. Self-denial is also a long time hobby of mine, and that's tied nicely into forming a healthy eating regimen.
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    I run the treadmill and listen to good tunes.
  • recee27
    I truly believed I would NEVER find a form of exercise that I truly liked. I absolutely HATE the treadmill!! With a serious passion. I used to walk outside all the time when I was 18-19. But I can't even stand to do that anymore. But, I found Zumba and I LOVE IT!! I actually do get that after workout "high" when I do it. I take classes at a local fitness club and they go by so quickly. The key is definately finding something you like, love or at least that you don't hate. Or you will never stay with it. I know this from personal experience. Good luck! If you keep trying different things, you will find one that you can at least tolerate. :)
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I hate exercising.. :D well, I dont' hate it, but I'm lazy. it does make me feel good when I do though,
    just getting there is the part I hate x)
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    I HATE EXERCISING!!!!!! I lost all my weight without exercise. I actually started recently because I got a membership. No way out of exercising this time :P
  • HungryKoala
    oh my god I HATE WORKING OUT!!! I don't even like to walk places, so I'm making a playlist- and setting up a series of workout moves to REALLY HATEFUL PUNK ROCK!!! fast paced mean lyric's might get me through it.
  • writer_chick
    writer_chick Posts: 27 Member
    I'm so happy to see all these people who also hate working out. I, too, get tired after working out--not any sense of euphoria, unfortunately. Seems like Zumba works for a lot of people. I'm going to have to try that; I believe there's a gym near here that offers classes. And I forgot to say, I do love doing the Just Dance workout on the Wii. Feels more like playing around and goofing off. I need to get a new DVD to dance to. :) Thanks, guys!