Help me please!!!

Hi my name is ciara I am only 26 I have been struggling with weight for 8 years now I need t lose about 40 by july. Any advice. Note I am a obese woman.


  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    You've come to the right place!


    - Track calories/macros
    - Exercise everyday...even if it is a walk around the block or some jumping jacks
    - Some say diet is 90% of weight loss, I tend to agree
    - Make slow changes in your life and you will adjust better
    - 40 pounds is a lot of weight to lose...make smaller goals, 10 pounds here, 10 pounds there and you will reach your goal.
    - Don't kill yourself over a cheat day...IT HAPPENS!

    This is just some small stuff and a VERY small list. Browse the boards and you will find more.

    Tell us a little more. What do you have a problem with? Eating too much, bad food? Have you exercised before?

    Add me!
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    DRINK WATER / TEA! only if you wnt fst results. Eat only the good foods. No bad calories. Do not include sweets in your weekly diary.
    Very important to jog 3times a week 1-2miles.
    Squat and use weights.

    this is just a quick tip for you.
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    I know where you are coming from. I lost around 45 lbs from July to Oct doing this. Drink tons of water, make sure you eat clean - I can't tell you how many calories to consume because I'm not you but I had around 1350 a day. No sweets ie anything with white flour or white sugar. I also limited my carb intake (I think I ate a couple corn tortilla wraps or a whole wheat pita daily) and didn't eat any starchy veggies like corn, peas, beans or potatoes. I also did a circuit routine with weights and did 4 miles a day (5-6 days a week) on the treadmill at a 15 incline @ 3.5 mph. this will give you the same benefits as running from what I hear if you can't run (I'm not a runner) I broke mine down to either a half hour of cardio in the morning before work and then the circuit and another 1/2 hour of cardio in the afternoon.
  • Well I am 5'4 weighing in at 356 I joined the gym a week ago, so I am getting back into the swing of actually moving my body and it sucks I am only 26 and I just want to make a life style change my birthday is in july and I wanted to lost at least 30 pounds by then. I crave salts and sugars I have no health problems my doctor told me I need to starve myself and exercise more he recommended I go on a 1200 calorie diet for 3 months I cried and cried but I wan a change I am tired of being the fat pretty girl, I want to be fit my goal is to reach 245 I know that is still heavy but I was very beautiful at that weight no stomach no dimples no nothing just tight and solid.
  • Well I am 5'4 weighing in at 356 I joined the gym a week ago, so I am getting back into the swing of actually moving my body and it sucks I am only 26 and I just want to make a life style change my birthday is in july and I wanted to lost at least 30 pounds by then. I crave salts and sugars I have no health problems my doctor told me I need to starve myself and exercise more he recommended I go on a 1200 calorie diet for 3 months I cried and cried but I wan a change I am tired of being the fat pretty girl, I want to be fit my goal is to reach 245 I know that is still heavy but I was very beautiful at that weight no stomach no dimples no nothing just tight and solid.
  • I went in hard I did not buy chips, soda, juice just packs of water and about 4 packs of slimfast for meal replacements. As my workouts I do at least 25 to 30 minutes of the elliptical machine and I do leg press, free weights, ab crunches, I work my arms, I told myself after week two i was gonna walk a hour a day plus go to the gym but I am scared I might burn out. I feel very low, I am not the type I am not proud of my weight it takes a toll on my back legs and now I am at a 44ddd i cant afford 100 dollar bras so I need to make a change, I want a child my doctor has told me with the weight I will not have one, I am a emotional wreck I am sorry for taking up you guys time, surgery is not a option I am scared and nowadays doctors dont save lives its about money I have two working legs and arms I just need to find out what to do my BMI is 61. my BMR is 2382.2.
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    My tip would be to make sure you are 100% honest in logging.

    Don't over estimate calories burnt and under estimate calories consumed.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Hi my name is ciara I am only 26 I have been struggling with weight for 8 years now I need t lose about 40 by july. Any advice. Note I am a obese woman.

    40 lbs by July is a bit aggressive, but depending on your current weight doable.

    1. make sure you log everything!
    2. you joined a gym, good. get a trainer to get you a training schedule and stick to it. If you don't have any trainers do some web searches for you circumstance, I'm sure you will find some. Livestrong is a good site for information.
    3. start off slow don't injure yourself
    4. Remember the Tortoise and the Hare :bigsmile:
    5. Show up everyday you are scheduled to exercise. If your not really up that day just go through the motions something is always better than nothing. Don't skip workouts make it a habit!
    6. Drink Green Tea, herbal teas, as water water water will get boring. Lose the sugar drinks, and diets are just as bad!!
    7. Look at your food, don't buy the junk, chips, cookies, etc. If it's not in the house you can't eat it!
    8. Lose the sugar. Use sugar substitutes like splenda or truvia to get you by. I like a little molasses on 1 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit, about 220 cal and plenty of protein and plenty sweet enough. I have it almost everyday for breakfast and sometimes for a snack.
    9. Don't give up... keep moving.
    10. You can send me a friend request if you like and I will help where I can.
    11. Remember to give yourself a reward each week, total deprivation a road to failure. :flowerforyou:
  • Lucendiluna
    Lucendiluna Posts: 21 Member
    I think it's great that you want to change your lifestyle to be more healthy. You're not talking about losing a crazy amount of weight and that's refreshing!
    Your goal is to be healthier, so focus on eating whole foods that you cook yourself. Learn how to cook healthy. This is a change in your lifestyle, it has to stick for the rest of your life. Maybe you can have a few sessions with a personal trainer at your gym? Did you use to work out or is it new to you? You'll find a sport you love and that you will be happy to practice every day or a few times a week.
    I'm 26 too, and I'm adding you :)
  • akgirl88
    akgirl88 Posts: 3 Member
    first of all, i think its awesome that youre doing this! and i want to commend you in setting a reasonable goal with a reasonable amount of time to do it in!

    as far as what youve said about your diet - it sounds like you have the right idea and are off to a good start! the only thing i would say is that you have to be careful with those slimfast meal replacement stuff. i tried them before, and would find myself pretty hungry about an hour later, and feel very unsatisfied. that being said, try to eat small, healthy amounts, often. a friend of mine (who used to do bodybuilding) really helped me out by telling me that i should be eating approximately every 2-3 hours, and should never really feel completely hungry or full - just content. as far as your sweet/salty cravings, ive found that the longer you can go w/o them, the less you'll crave them. i stopped drinking soda and now (about a year later) i dont even like it anymore. also, try to bring in lots of veggies, fruits, etc. and make sure your intake is balanced.

    i also really like your exercise plan, so good job on that as well! i was told i should do an hour of cardio 4-5 days a week, and once i started doing that, it made a huge difference and i started seeing progress more quickly. giving yourself rest days (weekends for me) really help you to not get burned out. other advice ive seen to avoid burnout/boredom is to switch up your exercise routine every so often. and also make sure you get enough sleep!

    now for what i find to be the most important part - the mental aspect of it all. dont get discouraged! and it sounds cheesy, but you have got to believe in your heart of hearts that you can do this! and i dont just mean achieving your goal, i also mean every step and moment you take towards it. i know its all daunting and overwhelming right now, but just try to take it 1 day at a time.

    the other thought pattern i found myself fighting was the tendency to try to let myself be lazy by rationalizing stuff - the ever famous "oh i'll do it tomorrow," or "just one bite/small piece," "i'm tired from work," etc.

    also, on the note of diet and mentality - i have found it easier to focus more on what i AM eating rather than what im NOT. meaning, i dont think about the things i cant have so much, and i dont say, 'oh, i cant have that.' thats one of the worst ways to go about it, because people generally arent very good at depriving themselves. an easier, and more effective way is to think more about the new things that im bringing in. so, for example, i LOVE pasta, but i realized my diet was almost all carbs, so i wanted to cut back. come dinner time, if i thought of having pasta, instead of saying 'no, you cant have pasta' i thought about the other stuff i'd eaten that day and then went, 'well how bout i have some chicken and a salad instead.' gosh, i really hope that all makes sense. its hard to put it into words!

    i'm 24 and have lost close to 60 lbs (i joined mfp part way thru) by doing all of this, and i hope it helps you even a little bit!

    I wish you the best of luck in your journey and am really excited for you to start making strides toward your goal, since youre already doing an awesome job just by taking those initial steps!
  • Ive lost 28lbs since just before Christmas and it was purely by doing what all these others have told you. Lots of water, eat healthy and exercise loads. Ive now got a mate onto MFP as well and she had lost 14 lb since late Jan. Good luck and keep us posted :)
  • Thanks everyone, I am feeling better today, I am going to the gym later and push myself to do 45 minutes of cardio, I need to get this weight off me no matter what even if I am not skinny by the summer I dont care I just want to be healthy. I think an gonna get off this slimfast and just eat healthy take a vitamin and sweat my but off everyday at least 6 times a week I have been punking out doing 3 it is embrassing going to the gym and being the big girl people stare because they probably can believe there eyes when they see me working out. I think I am gonna do 1900 calories a day for a few weeks with the six day a week exercise if I see results I will stick to it if not I have to push harder.
  • do guys think i should do a diet pill to help?
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I'm 26 5'4 and have been recently deemed 164lbs at the doctors office. I decided before then to start writing down what I ate(good OR bad) to be honest with myself. I think the journey to becoming a better you starts with being honest. I think you are off to a good start, as time goes on try and add more to your workouts(1 extra rep, 5 more minutes walking.) Try not to always think about the big picture, I think that can become a little overwhelming, rather focus smaller goals. Pay NO attention to others when you go to the gym, the fact that you are there instead of a fast food chain should say a lot. I commend you for going that often, and wish you luck. Feel free to add me. As for the dreaded diet pill lol it may just be better to do it on your own (and it may be cheaper) as you have to continue to buy the bottles or packs or whatever form they are making them in.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    do guys think i should do a diet pill to help?

    NO!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! They typically don't do anything.

    Thanks everyone, I am feeling better today, I am going to the gym later and push myself to do 45 minutes of cardio, I need to get this weight off me no matter what even if I am not skinny by the summer I dont care I just want to be healthy. I think an gonna get off this slimfast and just eat healthy take a vitamin and sweat my but off everyday at least 6 times a week I have been punking out doing 3 it is embrassing going to the gym and being the big girl people stare because they probably can believe there eyes when they see me working out. I think I am gonna do 1900 calories a day for a few weeks with the six day a week exercise if I see results I will stick to it if not I have to push harder.

    This is the right attitude. Make sure that you give your body rest - meaning no more than 6 days at the gym. 5-6 is good. Make sure you incorporate strength training and get enough (about 1g per pound of lean body mass), in order to help maintain the muscle you have. Otherwise, you won't just lose fat - you'll lose muscle, too.
  • LBJordan99
    LBJordan99 Posts: 25 Member
    TRoberts can you explain a little more on the amount of strength training we should do, I don't know if I do enough to prevent muscle loss.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Sweetie, your doctor is an idiot. I started out at 357 pounds, and my doctor told me to eat 1800 calories per day, not including exercise. Meaning, if I exercised and burned 200 calories, I could eat 2000 calories per day. 1800 was the net. I exercise quite a bit, so I actually eat around 2000 to 2200 calories every day, and I lose around 1.5 pounds per week.

    40 pounds by July is do-able, but don't pressure yourself. It took me about six months to lose 40 pounds. Some people have done it in three months. There are so many variables. Just shoot for ten pounds right now and take it ten pounds at a time.

    I started out walking, and then once I lost some weight and my joints didn't bother me as much, I started doing DVDs like Turbo Jam and The Firm. I also play games like Just Dance and Zumba (both for the Wii).
  • LindsayLL30
    LindsayLL30 Posts: 154 Member
    Aweome that your going to the gym, and shopping healthy! I personally do not like meal replacements because I am a HUNGRY person, So i try to stcok up on cleanfood for snacking like baby carrots, apples, veggies trays (for quick easy snacking) and greek yogurt so when meal time rolls around I am not over eating because I was sooo hungry!

    Feel free to add me, the more friends you have the more encoragement you have!!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    There is quite a bit of bad advice in this thread already. Especially the "don't have any sweets in your diary".. RIGHT!!! Like depriving yourself isn't going to set you up for failure.. I have PLENTY of friends who eat the things they enjoy and still lose weight and look fantastic.

    I would start here for some great tips