Beautiful Blues 5/18/10



  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I lost it today again. Im so frustrated with myself. I talked to my husband about it and he said since I switched anxiety and depression meds that my anxiety has went down so much and I'm not as controling as I use to be so that might be a part of it. I will keep plugging away till I get into the grove. I gained some weight but lost a pound if that makes any sense at all. I did it before and I can and will do it again. I found my 30day shred dvd so I'm going to start doing that on my days off from the gym. I'm trying to only go to the gym when my husband isn't working due to gas consumption.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Just got back from the river with hubbys uncle and we both got cooked I put on sun tan lotion but I guess I need a stronger one.
    Will go running tomorrow after I take Lexi to the vet to get her stitches out.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I walked yesterday while visiting friends for like 15 minutes. Today, I didn't exercise though, I was feeling a bit tired. I'm going to look at my iron intake to increase it some.

    Take care all!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    It's snowing out here. I didn't expect to wake up to that. I actually didn't want to wake up at all this morning. So much for exercise. I am feeling better now but was just plain old tired. I am not sure I really slept last night...:grumble: I guess I will just watch what I eat today. I am currently not feeling very hungry anyway.

    Don't forget to send in your weight!!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I exercised this morning. My husband had to drag me out of bed but I'm so glad I went. I love that I have him here to get me up and moving because I would stay in bed most of the time. We did weights today and I burned 956 calories. I'm so proud of myself. the trainer at the place that I workout is going to sit down with me about my nutrition. I need some more support in that area. I have to track my food for 4 days and then he will talk to me. I will talk to him after memorial day he he. I plan on relaxing and drinking the weekend away. :bigsmile: A lot of my stress has went down in the last couple of weeks so I really hope that helps also. O happy day. BTW its nice and sunny here however we are suppose to get some rain. Thought that might help you guys. :drinker:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Gee I wish my hubby would exercise with me...He was just surprised to find me still in bed this morning. I have decided to make this my recovery week and watch my eating...It's supposed to be recovery week anyway!

    Hope you are all having a great day. Where is everyone??
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    HI everybody,

    I have not been myself lately, but I have been very busy attending job interviews. I have been on 3 so far this month and I'm very happy about it- but it's messing my workout schedule. I'll give myself a break, and just continue on tomorrow with my exercise program. My first interview was with Queens College, second with The Juilliard School, and today's interview was with Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. (All positions within their Computer department). I just got an email for a 4th interview this wednesday at the NY City's Department of IT & Telecom.. I'm very happy, but also tired. It seems that all jobs are calling me back at the same time to interview. I'm going to continue my applications though, and something will come back from this. I only need one job, right, :) ?

    I miss you all, Keep pushing through. For today I'll just count as exercise my walking around to pick up my daughter from mom's house.

    Take care all!!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Wanted to go for a run tonight but my burnt body said no so I might try to do it twice tomorrow.

    I am with you Maylan I haven't been myself lately but I blame TOM I think last week I ate nothing but PB&J's. I am trying to get back on track today but my will have to wait until morning
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Sorry I don't get on here on Mondays! I work from home that day and take care of the baby, so I stay pretty busy.

    I forgot my shoes today so it doesn't look like going to the gym is in my cards :(. I'll probably go for a walk outside though, it's super hot though!

    MayLan, congrats on all the job interviews, that's fantastic! I work at a University as well. I highly enjoy the state benefits!!! Plus I love working at a university, it's alot different than a corporate job. For me, it's more relaxing. I came from teaching 1st grade and now I'm training faculty how to use the portal about a stress reduction!!! I've also worked in offices while in college and highschool and working at a university is so much better :) At least I think so.

    Day 4 of the Atkins diet is going well. It hasn't really changed how we ate prior, now we're just making sure don't splurge and have any of those yummy high carb foods :)
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Smadag- Way to go on the running, you can do this!

    jg- You are doing great with your workouts and incorporating them into your life. THis is about a life change so it's about making our program work with our life.

    Debnu- You can do it, and lose that weight!! I am with you all the way!!! I might restart this week of P90X because I didn't do it completely but I'm all for it.

    fawkes- Thanks for the info about the job search. Yeah, I'm hoping for the best! I find that since I am working out so hard, doing Atkins or cutting carbs does not work for me. Especially because I am running, I need the carbs to fuel my runs. I tried cutting down on carbs and I just crashed while running. I think if you are working out hard, your body needs the glycogen.

    Keep pushing all, we can do this!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey all fitness buddies,

    Just finished my wokout for the day, P90x back and biceps and ab ripper X. This is week 7 of P90x for me, but I missed a few days of it. Next week I'm going to restart week 7 so I can complete all days. I ordered more resistance bands from beach body with more weight on them, b/c the handles on mine are breaking and I need more resistance anyhow. There's no more cheating on the weekends for me, b/c I've been on a yo-yo where I gain weight on the weekends and I lose during the week. I'm buckling down and getting ready to lose the rest of my weight. Like I read someone post on their feeds, if I want to eat something or eat out, I'm going to workout for it, so I can earn those calories.

    I'm also super excited because I've just signed up for my first race, which will be on Father's day on Central park for 5M. So, I have 4 weeks to train and I'm pumped.

    Take care all!!!! We can so do this!!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Just got back from walking. I did 30 minutes because of the heat. I don't do well in the heat so I had to cut it short.
    I ran a lap and a half when I started and it felt great next time I will run at my normal time later in the day when it is cooler and I will be able to last longer
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    MayLan, a 5K! That's great! I know you'll do wonderfully.

    Smadag, 30 minutes is something, good for you for running a lap and a half, I can still only do about 1 minute of running :( I'll get there though.

    I walked outside today (I live in S. FL) and we did about 30 minutes, maybe a couple minutes longer. Wanted to go to the gym, but didn't have my shoes and since I was at work I couldn't go home and get them. Tomorrow though, I'm on it! I hated missing today, it definantly wasn't the same work out!

    Hope everyone is well!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hey all, sorry I have been really busy--I will get the new board up tomorrow. It's almost wierd not to be on the computer all day--I think I may start going through withdrawls!:laugh:

    Looks like everyone is doing great! I will catch up in the morning!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    MayLan, a 5K! That's great! I know you'll do wonderfully.

    Smadag, 30 minutes is something, good for you for running a lap and a half, I can still only do about 1 minute of running :( I'll get there though.

    I walked outside today (I live in S. FL) and we did about 30 minutes, maybe a couple minutes longer. Wanted to go to the gym, but didn't have my shoes and since I was at work I couldn't go home and get them. Tomorrow though, I'm on it! I hated missing today, it definantly wasn't the same work out!

    Hope everyone is well!

    Thanks, Fawkes! It's actually a 5M race, which I have 4 weeks to train for. It's my first race, and the most I've done at home is 3M. I love challenges!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mayra, sounds awesome! I am sure you will love the race. I think they are great fun!

    I have been working on a yearly audit for my husband's business. It is asking for everything but my first born. It is almost rediculous! I will get the chart up soon...My workouts have gone out the window, I don't know what has happened to my mental state. I will do them again--starting tomorrow morning! I am working on my eating habits, which really isn't easy for me.

    We can do this!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Deb don't worry about the chart just take care of your family needs.

    Hubby and I found a solution to getting me some behind the wheel exsperience. My dad is a truck driver so I am going to go up north and ride with him for a couple weeks then go take my test in his truck, so I will not be able to check in for a while. I leave next week after the holiday so i am going to do all i can between now and then. I will still get a good sweat on loading and unloading his truck and strapping things down.

    I am off to clean the house and do some yard work the running later when it cools down
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    MayLan, a 5K! That's great! I know you'll do wonderfully.

    Smadag, 30 minutes is something, good for you for running a lap and a half, I can still only do about 1 minute of running :( I'll get there though.

    I walked outside today (I live in S. FL) and we did about 30 minutes, maybe a couple minutes longer. Wanted to go to the gym, but didn't have my shoes and since I was at work I couldn't go home and get them. Tomorrow though, I'm on it! I hated missing today, it definantly wasn't the same work out!

    Hope everyone is well!

    Thanks, Fawkes! It's actually a 5M race, which I have 4 weeks to train for. It's my first race, and the most I've done at home is 3M. I love challenges!

    Oh, whoops! Well either way, good for you!! You can do wonders in 4 weeks. Dean Karnazes never trained for the exact miliage he was running on race day (especially when he started out) so train as hard as you can and just push through when it gets tough. I know you can do it! What a great acomplishment! Don't concentrate on winning, concentrate on Finishing, because that's all that really matters :)
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Debnu- take your time with the chart- and take care of your work first. We'll be here waiting for you when things are less hectic. Don't forget to do some type of workout in your day. It will help when you bounce back to your normal routine.

    fawkes- thanks for the support and I love what you said about running. We can do anything we set our mind to.

    smadag- take care and we will miss you while you are gone, but your work is also important.

    I got up this morning and did a run outside for 20 minutes. I then did Rodney Yee power yoga- flexibility. I really like him as a yoga instructor- he goes through the moves fast, but his voice sounds nice. Now I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want. It's my hubby's and I's 3 year anniversary this memorial weekend. I got him some edible arrangements chocolate dipped strawberry bouquet. I fit in strawberries into my calories today- yippee.

    Take care all!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around guys! I haven't had much internet access. My sister is kicking me out of her house, and I have to be gone by Friday. I'm moving in with my bf (though we've only been dating a month...yikes!) because I have nowhere else to go. It's either that or go back home to MD. Doesn't help that my new job doesn't start until June 14th...but I'm still looking.

    My life is crazy right now!!!