1200kcal per day, how do I do it?



  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    thanks guys you've been really helpful, my bmr is 1370 does that mean I should be eating that amount of kcals per day?

    You should be NETTING at least 1370 calories a day. If you exercise you should also eat most of the calories burned from that too. This is if you want to lose weight in a healthy & sustainable way. I am home all day and am totally sedentary except for my exercise of 3 x a week lifting for 35 minutes and I eat 1500 calories and am losing weight.

    Try it and see that you do not have to starve yourself and are less likely to stall in weight loss further along the line.
  • twarden9
    twarden9 Posts: 22 Member
    I will take like a pack of clif granola bars, and break them up and snack on the over about an hour of time in the morning for brekfast, that usually helps, and then its all about portions. you can basically eat whatever you want and stay under 1200 if you portion it right, Aslo, if youre extra hungry one day, work out more!! even a 30 minute walk or a 15 minute work out tape or something will earn you more
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I have no problems with a 1200 cal plan. I eat a lot of volume, i.e., leafy greens and fruits, and get my calcium via almond milk (as opposed to dairy). My diary is open and you can see it's a ton of food. Some days I go over slightly, some days under, but it averages out. I do wander away from my usual plan once in a while as evidenced by the one weekend I went on the bacardi & diet coke eating plan, but that's not usually the case.

    Edit: All the leafy veggies, fruits and "odder" ingredients in the breakfast section are blended into a green smoothie.
  • mrslynch
    mrslynch Posts: 90 Member
    Veggies, veggies, veggies... I eat a ton a cut up fresh veggies with my lunch every day and they really fill you up, and hardly touch your calories. I'm hardly ever hungry on 1200, but I budget for three meals and usually three snacks. My problem is more emotional/boredom cravings... that's the hardest temptation for me.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Rib eye steak. Accept no substitute. Also ground beef. Eggs cooked in real butter if your doctor didn't tell you go easy on cholesterol. Cheese. Fresh veggies.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    I always eat over 3000kcals a day. When I was dropping 2 weights classes (MMA weight) from heavy weight (95kgs with 15% bodyfat) to middleweight (82kgs with 11% bodyfat), I'd never eat under 1800kals + I'd add back my exercise kcals. This took me 6 weeks and I kept my mass.

    From memory, men shouldn't really go under 1400kcals per day (I think women are no less then 1200kcals).

    What's more important than anything is your nutrition, quality consumption!
    I believe Fats + Protein are primary followed by limited carbs (some will disagree, my 8 pack on the other hand is my evidence, also when I'm training I can continue longer than most guys who are carb loaded. They run out of fuel. The goal is to be ketogenic).

    Now you need to be clear with objectives.
    What are you actually trying to do?
    "Lose weight" is not a good answer.

    Give thought to a target that is achievable and measurable.
    e.g. this is a pure example, this isn't you, this isn't anyone, you have to create your own mission statement.

    I currently weight 90kgs. My fat % is estimated @ 20%.
    I wish to weigh 95kgs within 12 weeks. I would like my fat % to be 15%.
    I will do this by reducing my calories to eat like a person who weighs 90kgs.
    I will reduce my carbs and increase my fat and protein consumption to a split C30/F40/P30.
    I will lift weights twice a week to increase my muscle mass.
    I will sprint twice a week for 20 minute sessions to develop skill based fitness.
    My current 100m sprint is 20 seconds.
    At the end of the 12 weeks I wish to run 100m sprints in 16 seconds.

    At the end of the period you can now check.
    1. Do you weigh what you said?
    2. Has your fat % been reduced as you said?
    3. Have your skill based sprints improved to your target?

    If something hasn't lined up, look at your data. See how you've improved. Augment it.
    Exercise is like pain killers. Too much doesn't always make you better quicker.
    Skill based exercise is DIFFERENT to adaptive training where you become stronger and fitter.
    Running, cycling, wrestling, basketball etc.... are all skills.
    The one common theme is if you've got a strong muscular core you'll do YOUR best in all of them.

    Good luck, avoid processed foods if you can, try not to cook your veg, stay off the pasta, rice, potatoes, grains/cereals etc...

    Read up on the science, not the rubbish we've been fed by the food industry for the past 50 years!

    supplements are just what it says, they're supplements! much better to eat the steak and eggs if you can ;)
  • hattonrw
    hattonrw Posts: 18 Member
    I usually go through 2-4l of soda/water a day.

    Not interchangeable.

    Oh, absolutely not! I am just saying these are the things I use to stay "full". I mix and match because the lack of flavor in water makes it inappropriate for some meals and lack of flavor between meals makes me want food. This is just me. I don't do the 'flavored water' thing, so caffeine free diet soda fit in that spot.
    Always make sure to do the 8 cups of water, at least and stay hydrated when working out.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Darn, already answered this.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Semi-skimmed milk has as much calcium and protein in it as the full-fat version.

    Proteins will keep you feeling fuller, so maybe add some chicken or prawns to your lunchtime soup.

    Drink lots of water or herbal teas in between meals.

    A small piece of cheese or nuts can tide you over till the next meal.

    But most of all, give it time for your body to adjust.

    ^^^this^^^ Low carb and high protein is what I have found that works for me.
  • Santerre1984
    Santerre1984 Posts: 60 Member
    Well my calorie goal is 1320, but sometimes I am just adding at the end of the day to be over the 1200 + mark.

    Some suggestions:
    PBS- Peanut Butter (THAT TASTES GREAT) it comes in powder form, add water and like magis you have 2TBSP of peanut butter for like 45 calories.
    Smuckers, low sugar strawberry jelly-2 TBPS about 45 calories
    Mulit Grain cheerios
    Low-fat waffles - 2 waffles- 150 calories
    Low sugar maple syrup
    Raw veggies, steamed veggies
    Egg whites
    Baked boneless breast chicken
    seasoning w/o salt
    Brown Rice
    Fiber one bars

    Everything with moderation. If going to a restaurant usually they have the fit for you choices. Wathc out for sald dressings and condiments. Also, if you hungry-Work out add some extra calories to your goal-eat fiber. Good Luck!
  • Protein has worked for me and let me tell you at the beginning I felt weak but as I started adding protein in all my meals I never feel starved...I've been here for a little more than a month and I have lost weight. I hope that you can give it try. Blessings
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Wow, I dont think ive eaten under 2000cal in forever. Whats a typical day look like as far as a menu from Breakfast through Dinner on 1200 cal?

    My typical day is
    Breakfast- coffee with cream and sugar free flavoring. and an Atkins Daybreak bar (250 cals)

    Snack- Cocoa roasted Almonds, or beef jerkey, or a light cheese stick (50-100 cals)

    Lunch- Omelet made with 3/4 c Egg Beaters, ham or turkey sausage, cheese, filled with diced veggies- onions, garlic, Bok choy, spinach, mushrooms, and topped with salsa and Guacamole. (around 300 cals)

    Snack- Almonds, or a piece of fruit, or a protein shake or protein/fiber bar (50-150 cals)

    Dinner- Grilled chicken, baked fish, or pork. (4 ozs or so) with salad or steamed veggies. Occasionally Quinoa, or a soft taco made with Carb Balance high fiber four tortilla . (300-400 cals)

    Snack- protein frozen smoothie or shake, almonds, fruit, depending on how many cals and what macros I have left. (150 cal)

    As a 49 yo sedentary grandma, 1200 is not very far below my TDEE of 1600-1700, so it works for me, I don't feel starved, and I am losing about a pound a week fairly steady now.

    For a younger, taller, larger man like yourself, it definitely would NOT be enough food. But for me, it is just fine.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I would not ask how; I would ask why. I eat about 2000 a day, at 5'4, 45 years old, 135-ish lbs.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Isn't it against forum rules to promote and encourage eating so little?
  • Crystallee79
    Crystallee79 Posts: 6 Member
    Try eating 5-6 small meals a day. Fruit, veggies, lean protein, and the biggest help of all, at least for me, is to drink water! LOTS of water. I read that 75% of the time when you think you're hungry you're actually just thirsty. Good luck and stick with it!! :)
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Isn't it against forum rules to promote and encourage eating so little?

    If you are referring to a 1200 cal diet, then no, since MFP puts that as the minimum allowed calorie goal. It would be a bit hypocritical of them to suggest 1200 for many people, then turn around and make it against forum rules to talk about it, don't ya think?

    Everyone needs to find the calorie and nutrition plan that is appropriate for their own body.
  • never. even at my petite size i think I'd die eating that amount.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    There may be a bit of a language barrier there. I don't think she is suggesting people to starve themselves, but simply pointing out that it is all relevant to what you are used to. For her, 1200 would be a lot of food since she is used to eating so much less. But I would agree that she is eating too little.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I manage easily by exercising almost daily, and eating back my exercise calories. That extra 300 or so makes all the difference, and can be burned by an hour's very brisk walk.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Isn't it against forum rules to promote and encourage eating so little?

    If you are referring to a 1200 cal diet, then no, since MFP puts that as the minimum allowed calorie goal. It would be a bit hypocritical of them to suggest 1200 for many people, then turn around and make it against forum rules to talk about it, don't ya think?
    MFP should be changing their algorithm because for the vast majority of people, 1200 calories IS far too low. Doubly so with all the people who don't log their exercise calories and eat them back because "that defeats the purpose of exercising."
    Everyone needs to find the calorie and nutrition plan that is appropriate for their own body.
    Yes, and ironically, MFP doesn't help the slightest in that regard.