


  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Okay froam what I can gather, you are 5'8" 130# with ribs sticking out and a fatty belly eating 1200 calories a day? I think you should eat more (probably 2200 calories or so, enough to be at a calorie SURPLUS so you can make real muscle gains), eat at least 100 grams of protein a day, and lift HEAVY to build muscle. You are describing what I think of as "skinny fat", which means low BMI but high body fat percentage, and the only way to fix it is to build muscle which means gain some weight, before trying to reduce fat further.
  • windekind
    windekind Posts: 6 Member
    Nice! Many thanks! Hopefully I can update soon with positive results!
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    Hi Folks,

    Issue: I do not particularly need to loose (a lot of) weight I think, but my belly is always very round which makes it difficult to wear tight tops. Now I blame my lack of abdominals, and would love for them to exist! But, as so many, I have very VERY little time, am often tired and certainly do not have the time/money to go to the gym. Does anyone have some magic tips for simple abs working out at home? Or tips on how to get myself stimulated in the morning/evening to actually do them?

    Many many thanks!

    Whatever you end up doing, do be careful. You never really know how much you use your core until you strain it. Then it can (not in all cases of course) snowball from there.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen.......

    Best answer I've seen

    Idk I kinda think your post telling a female 7-12% BF is a good aim was good info. Yea, ok!
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I'm not a dietician, I'm a statisician
  • megthreerocks
    megthreerocks Posts: 1 Member
    I learned something after I had my babies (three large ones!) from my physical therapist. Especially if we've gained weight or had large pregnancies, our ab muscles move to the side. He told me that I could do as many crunches and ab workouts I wanted but it wasn't going to make a difference because my muscles had shifted.

    He had me lay down on my back, do a pelvic tuck and the start of a crunch. Then he showed me how far apart my stomach muscles were by feeling down the middle where the edges of the muscles started. When I did crunches, it looked like I had a french bread loaf under my skin down the middle of my belly b/c my muscles had moved during the pregnancy. This sounds weird but the gap between my muscles was four finger tips wide.

    He had me start on moving my muscles back toward the center. The easiest way to do this was by wrapping a towel around my stomach, lay down on my back and when I did a crunch, I had to pull either side of the towel in a criss-cross fashion as tight as I could while I held the crunch.

    It took a while but I was able to move my ab muscles back to the center of my body and now I no longer have the french bread loaf when I do crunches and I only have a one fingertip gap between my ab muscles. Now when I do my ab workouts, I can see the cuts in the obliques on the side as well as the front.
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    But I was wrong - add 5% to what I said. I'm a guy so I was thinking of male recommendations.+
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    Just started Jillian Michaels killer abs to add to my routine and diet. Its about 30 minutes and has 3 levels and I got it at walmart for $9.99.

    So far I like it!