Trouble eating 1200 calories a day....

Hi Everyone! My goal calorie intake is 1200 a day and that does not include any of the extra calories gained from working out. I'm averaging about 700 calories gained a day from working out, which puts me at about 1900 calories that can be eaten for each day. On average I'm eating about 1000 calories a day and most days I have to force myself to eat that much.

The trouble I am having is that I can never seem to fit 1200 calories in my day and cannot get even close to 1900. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm eating steady all day but most of it is healthy calories which are generally low calories; fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, low fat foods etc.

My question is, will my body go into starvation mode and stop me from losing weight because I'm not getting 1200 calories a day or can I continue doing what I am doing knowing that my body is getting tons of food. Any ideas?


  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    You really need to eat more, you may feel good now, but it will catch up with you and before you know it you will be starving. Try eating some higher calorie foods, like nuts
  • calicowgirl0582
    I have the exact same problem! I have upped more "healthy" calorie items to try and help, but am not sure how it will work. I'm currently eating more avocado and almond butter
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    From the books I've read and every health website I've ever been on, it always stresses the fact to never go below 1200 calories per day. Maybe try adding in something healthy but a little more on the heavy side of calories such as all-natural peanut butter and other nuts in with your snacks.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    This is an example of what I'm eating and it will be over 1200 calories

    1 packet low sugar apples and cinnamon instant oatmeal mixed with 1 scoop of protein powder and water.
    banana for a snack
    lunch is 4 oz of rotisserie chicken on a whole wheat tortilla wrap, 1 tbsp hummus and a couple slices of tomato. Also 1 cup of steamed brocoli
    luna bar for a snack
    dinner - trader joe's chili lime chicken burger on a pepperidge farm deli flat, side of brocoli and a salad
    for evening snack - trader joe's cheddar popcorn
  • Joey1982
    Joey1982 Posts: 25
    Avocado and Nuts are a great idea! I put a few in my salad but I'll try them as a snack over the next few days and see how it goes!! Thanks for the feedback so far.
  • hjmygatt
    hjmygatt Posts: 79
    Another idea is adding a glass of milk to a meal, if you are able. Good for you, and will help you get in the calories!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    You shouldn't be going below 1200 without a doctor's supervision. This is more due to possible malnutrition issues than starvation mode, which IMO is largely exaggerated and misunderstood.

    It sounds like you are filling up on low-cal foods. Yes, veggies and fruits and whole grains are healthy but you need protein and essential fatty acids (good fats) as well. To be truly healthy requires a variety. Don't be afraid of those kinds of foods.

    Plus, when we are on a low-calorie diet, we need more protein than the average person. This helps us preserve lean muscle mass. (So does strength training. I hope you are doing some - it really helps especially when you go to maintenance.)
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Remember you need the calories to keep your heart pumping, your kidney's filtering, your lungs breathing......
  • oats4breakfast
    On your rest days, because you are resting right ? Do you struggle to eat 1200 cals and find yourself going over?

    If so, just balance it out. Say you're supposed to eat 1200 a day, and you workout 4 times a week with that 700 cal workout (what on earth are you doing BTW?). That means you have 3 days at 1200 and 4 days at 1900.
    Since this is just a math formula, based on a 3500 cal deficit per week to loose a pound, do that math again.
    3*1200 + 4*1900 / 7 = 1600.
    That means, to accomplish your weekly goals, so long as you are consistent with your workouts, eat 1600 cals a day, regardless of what you do. So long as you ARE working out 4 times per week (or whatever numbers you plugged in) and that it is actually 700 cals you're burning through.

    Just a thought. This is just a guideline and we also need to listen to our bodies and control our urges (urges to eat or not to eat and just as importantly, to not overtrain and get too zealous about this entire process.).
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I wish I had that problem! haha

    To be honest, I don't think there is a magic number of calories that stops your body from going into starvation mode. I think it's more about regularity of eating ie how often you eat food (well, put nutrition into your body... carbs, protein etc) during the day.

    That said, there is a threshold of nutrition that will be enough while you are trying to lose weight and I think being lower than 1200cal is not going to achieve that. So I do think trying to make it to at least there is important.

    Definitely agree with adding a glass of low fat milk with a meal or increasing healthy fats like avocado and nuts. You could also try having some dried fruit. If the problem is that you are feeling too full, you could try cutting down on protein serves and increasing carbs a bit.

    Good luck!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Hi Everyone! My goal calorie intake is 1200 a day and that does not include any of the extra calories gained from working out. I'm averaging about 700 calories gained a day from working out, which puts me at about 1900 calories that can be eaten for each day. On average I'm eating about 1000 calories a day and most days I have to force myself to eat that much.

    The trouble I am having is that I can never seem to fit 1200 calories in my day and cannot get even close to 1900. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm eating steady all day but most of it is healthy calories which are generally low calories; fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, low fat foods etc.

    My question is, will my body go into starvation mode and stop me from losing weight because I'm not getting 1200 calories a day or can I continue doing what I am doing knowing that my body is getting tons of food. Any ideas?
    Try eating organic peanut butter, unroasted almonds, and my personal fav, Nutella. They are more calorie dense, and the fats are good fat that your body needs and uses. Bananas are higher in calories as well. Pasta's are pretty good source of calories. 1 cup of angel hair is 210 calories by itself. Just try to use the whole gain stuff, and brown rice.
    Its easy to eat less and still get the calories your body needs to function.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    No one can tell you what YOUR body will do. But I can tell you that MY metabolism slowed itself WAY down because I was eating around 1200 cals and burning 600-800 each day with exercise. Was not fun digging back out of that, I promise. My net calories were around 500 most days and I didn't lose an ounce for an entire month until I increased my calorie intake. Then I had to increase it again, and then AGAIN to get where I am now.
    I now eat 1500-2000 calories most days (netting around 1200-1300 cals) and am consistently losing 1.5 pounds a week.

    You CAN eat more -- it's kind of ridiculous to say you can't. Let's be real -- how were you ever overweight if you have trouble eating 1200 cals a day, eh? One thing a lot of people don't seem to get is low calorie doesn't = healthy and healthy doesn't = low calorie.

    Try nuts, nut butters, milk, avocado, olive oil, grapeseed oil, etc.
    2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter and an 8oz cup of milk adds 300 HEALTHY calories to your day. No more excuses now, okay?
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Yes. I have this problem. I also stay in close contact with my doctors. I'm also gluten/wheat free and vegan. So naturally thats low cal, yet I'm never hungry.

    However, from what I have learned through my personal experience and from my doctors, its that starvation mode is not what it comes off as on this site. So if your worried, see a doctor, don't rely on this site to tell you your starving. If it were all true, I'd be dead by now. I just had this conversaation with my doctor this morning.

    My tricks are:

    ~I don't focus on eating at meals. I focus on eating when I'm hungry and not going longer that 4 hours without putting something in my system. My endocrinologist says 5 times per day. It works, but it took me some time to get there. Even if it was just a handfull of nuts. Once your body learns to depend on being fed regularly, your metabolism will increase and respond by getting you hungry when its ready for fuel. (Get to know your body, it'll tell you what it wants and when. Don't worry about following what works for someone else.)

    ~I gravitate towards whole foods. Brown rice, quinoa, Millet. Fresh veggies and fruits. Nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, etc. Natuarally lower cal, low glycemic, yet extremely filling and packed with nutrients. Even if I'm only eating 1000cals, I'm packed with nutrition.

    ~I don't fear fat. Olive oil and nut butters are great calorie boosters that have essential nutrients and GOOD fats.

    ~I don't drink my calories, I go towards food first and only supplement if needed. Lots of water keeps things clean and moving and ready for the next meal or snack.

    ~When I cook, I sneak in extras. Avacados, salsas, oils, even cashews into a stirfry. Yumm! I add lots of veggies to marinara sauce and make it nice and chuncky.

    I would suggest that you experiment with more foods. If you eat meat, don't be afraid to add some olive oil when cooking. Snack on nuts throughout the day. Add stuff to whatever you cook. Alter recipes to suit you.
    And my doctor just told me this recipe this morning to sneak in more cals and good fats-

    Chop and avacado, onions, peppers, and mix in some salsa. Eat it with Tarro chips. He swears its the best guacamole in the world, and hes from Mexico, lol, so I'm going to believe him!
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    No one can tell you what YOUR body will do. But I can tell you that MY metabolism slowed itself WAY down because I was eating around 1200 cals and burning 600-800 each day with exercise. Was not fun digging back out of that, I promise. My net calories were around 500 most days and I didn't lose an ounce for an entire month until I increased my calorie intake. Then I had to increase it again, and then AGAIN to get where I am now.
    I now eat 1500-2000 calories most days (netting around 1200-1300 cals) and am consistently losing 1.5 pounds a week.

    You CAN eat more -- it's kind of ridiculous to say you can't. Let's be real -- how were you ever overweight if you have trouble eating 1200 cals a day, eh? One thing a lot of people don't seem to get is low calorie doesn't = healthy and healthy doesn't = low calorie.

    Try nuts, nut butters, milk, avocado, olive oil, grapeseed oil, etc.
    2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter and an 8oz cup of milk adds 300 HEALTHY calories to your day. No more excuses now, okay?

    Thats a little harsh.

    Not everyone is overweight because they eat too much. Personally, this really ticks me off. I gained 80 pounds eating healthy and exercising- because I found out I had PCOS later on and my testosterone was high and thyroid was low.
    It is possible and you don't know this persons medical history. Some people do have smaller appetites and CAN survive on less. Besides, when you get into a new way of eating, it takes time to adjust.
  • Joey1982
    Joey1982 Posts: 25
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I hope I didn't relate that I'm not eating because trust me... I AM. I'm making a huge effort in getting this up to 1200 if not way more!! I eat every couple hours and trust me these are not small snacks... but maybe I'm just not including the right things. It's unfair to say I'm making excuses. I'm still learning.

    In all honesty I think the biggest thing for me is tracking my calories on this tool, I have always been a fairly healthy eater ( I mean everyone likes pizza once in awhile!) but until you track what you are eating you realize what you are missing. This tool definitely makes it easier somedays to indulge into the chocolate :)

    All of the foods that you guys suggested are great ideas of things I need to add and I will definitely give it a go and include them. I'm glad I'm taking tons of vitamins in the meantime until I get this higher. Thanks for all the great advice, it helped me tonight and I've already incorporated most of the ideas for the rest of the week! Thanks to all of you!!!

    Oh and for those that wanted to know how I'm losing 600-700 calories a day. I get on my Elliptical Machine everyday for the hour of Extreme Home Makeover, goes by fast and you lose crazy amounts of calories. I do other strength training and some yoga a few times a week but this is my favorite workout!!!

    Thanks Everyone I appreciate it.