
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post and I just wanted to tell a little bit about myself and maybe make some new buddies.

I am a 25 year old grad student and I have let myself go. I am 5'7 and 142 lbs. I know you may look at those stats and say "what the heck get out of here". That is why I have not posted any topics, because I know a lot of people have a longer way to go than I do. I respect that.

I have gained almost 20 pounds in the past few years. My diet usually consisted of fast food, cakes, cookies, and sugary coffee drinks. I am extremely out of shape...it is hard for me to walk up a few flights of stairs. I lived a very sendentary lifestyle. I don't want to be typical - another statistic. I spend hours sitting at the computer typing papers or on the couch doing my reading for the week. I have become insecure and I was never like that before.

Well, I graduate in less three weeks and I have decided to take control of my life. I worry more about the products that I put on my hair and skin more than my body. There is something fundamentally wrong with that. My goal is to incorporate more organic produce and protien into my diet, and cut out red meat and pork altogether.

I would love some support on this journey to becoming a more well-rounded individual. :flowerforyou:



  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hey, I say good for you for nipping it in the bud! I too am 5'7" and when I was 25 I weighed 125 lb. I now weigh 188 :blushing: and my goal is 160 - I'm a 41 year old mom now and I know I'll never get that 125 lb body back - and I'm good with that. But I digress. But what I started to say, is that it's a great gameplan to tackle any extra weight while it's still what many would consider very manageable and not overwhelming. The older you get the harder it is. You go girl! :bigsmile:
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    I say good for you!! Most of us were just twenty pounds overweight at one time and before we knew it it was thirty, forty, etc.. I think whether it is five or hundreds of pounds everyone needs support. So you can count me in!!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hey lady I sent you a friend request and forgot to mention, you might want to read my blog post from earlier today - I'm going the organic (and chemical-free as I can) route too.

    Best wishes!
  • beutiful5678
    beutiful5678 Posts: 58 Member

    I was in the exact same boat a month ago! All throughout college I did not pay much attention to what I ate or how much I exercised. This last year when I was super busy completing my masters program I really let myself go and gained 10 pounds in just one year! In April I decided I wanted to change because I did not want to start this new, fantastic point in my life out of shape and with little confidence. Consequently, I started counting calories and then a friend showed me this website. Since, I've lost 11 pounds, started exercising regularly and have been more mindful of my diet. I love it. It's great to see what little changes in your lifestyle can do. It's unfortunate that I couldn't learn how to be a busy AND healthy college student but now I can learn how to be a busy AND healthy professional!

    Good luck and congratualtions for embarking on this journey! I think you will find the tools and community found on this website are fantastic!
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    Thank you everyone! I started this because I read somewhere that once you see a 5lb change-do something! Well, I am a little late, but that's okay. I'm in it to win it!

    I am so grateful to have some support.

    @ boaterbunny, I will definitely check out your blog. I plan to go to the food co-op in Bexley pretty soon. I must have been living under a rock, but I never knew about co-ops.

    @kwilliams, thanks you can count on mine as well!

    @beautiful, we are >>>here<<<. school has really taken a toll on me. So happy to get finished. And you are so right. I am on the job hunt now, and just want to present my best self when I interview. Good luck to you!
  • cotton1985
    cotton1985 Posts: 11 Member
    You can do it Braid! I absolutely support you and we can take on this healthy lifestyle together! Maybe one day we can share clothes... Ok I prob will never be small as you but we can atleast share shoes when my feet deflate LOL good luck best buddy and you know I am here for you if you have a bake good craving!