How have YOUR eating habits changed?

lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
edited September 21 in Success Stories
I have been on this weight loss/lifestyle change journey since January now, and I must say that I have noticed an INCREDIBLE difference in the way that I eat now compared to my "fat days". :bigsmile:

For example, I have changed not only what I eat but how often I eat. I used to eat a huge breakfast...two or three bowls of sugary breakfast cereal plus full fat Vitamin D milk :noway: . Or I'd have 4 or 5 packets of Instant Oatmeal before I was even remotely close to full, with several full glasses of full fat milk. My breakfast now? An actual SERVING SIZE of Cheerios, with a cup of SOY milk split between my bowl and a glass, and a banana! If I have oatmeal, I only eat ONE packet with a cup of soy milk to drink and a banana. :noway:

Lunchtime? That has changed too. Lunch never used to be scheduled, and sometimes it never even happened! I would snack all day after breakfast, or eat three or four sandwiches before I was full. Icky processed white bread, mayo, "fake" deli meats, American cheese slices, you name it, I ate it. :grumble: Now, I'm eating a Healthy Choice with a salad...yum!

My snacking has also taken a real hit since I've lost the weight. Gone are the days of eating an entire bag of Doritos at once, or downing a whole jar of salsa with a bag of Tostitos. No more noshing on the entire package of Oreos in one sitting...buh-bye chocolate cake and ice cream, pie, cookies (I am a huge fan of baked goods, and I used to bake a lot). Now I'm eating fruits and 100 Calorie packs and yogurt.

I am just amazed at how healthy I am now, and stunned at how UNhealthy I was then! I am no longer eating entire medium pizzas to myself in one night. I'm drinking tons of water when I NEVER used to drink takes me at LEAST a week to finish off a gallon of milk when it used to take me 2 days tops. I have cut out soda (yes, even diet!) and only drink it on special occasions. :drinker:

So what have YOU noticed a change in since you started this journey? Do share :flowerforyou:


  • wendylady123
    wendylady123 Posts: 24 Member
    I eat out differently.

    I think half portions.

    I think more veggies.

    I think NO French Fries.

    Sauces on the side or no sauces depending on what the sauce is.

    Annnnnd...I find excuses to drink more water. (like when I take my vitamins or supplements)

    Before, I gained tons of weight because I wanted to finish a plate and then if I could stomach it, a desert. Sometimes I would think I could stomach it, and then regret it 100% after. I also had a Latte a day...I switched to regular coffee, sugar free creamer, and a latte every two weeks or so. It also makes it cheaper to do this so I can afford the better for you foods that can be a bit pricey.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Portions! Dear God, portions. I used to think it was perfectly okay to eat half a box of pasta and sauce to myself. I ate until I was stuffed unconcious. I knew nothing of calories and of portions sizes. Now I weigh, measure, and log everything meticulously. I know exactly how much I eat when I eat it. There's no guessing. A portion of icecream is no longer a whole quart of of Ben&Jerry's but 1/2 a cup.
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    I agree! This is another thing I have learned.

    Calories were of no consequence to me as well, I ate as I pleased and then wondered why in God's name I was gaining all this darned weight!

    I also measure, and my friends tease me for it but I like to know exactly what my serving sizes are and how much I get for so many calories.

    Has anyone else found that they now seek out foods that allow larger portions for fewer calories? I have discovered the magic that is 100 Calorie popcorn bags, veggies, and Skinny Cow ice cream! Yummmm!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I'm stil a work in progress but I have made some real changes since begining in February. My husband and I now share entrees at restaurants. When we are on the road and have to stop for fast food we eat subway and get baked chips. I know try to build wine calories into my day if I know I'll be having a glass and prepare myself with fruit or single servings of cheese to snack on. I have a long way to go but I have come SO far!
  • Fry24
    Fry24 Posts: 21
    I have made many similar changes.

    One big one is eating slowly and thinking about what my body is telling me. I was amazed at how I filled up on what seemed like so little. After eating I make sure to stay busy for at least 20-30 minutes so that I give my body time to send the "full" signals or at least the "not starving" signals. That has made a huge impact.
  • First let's talk breakfast: I went from eating chocolate poptarts to eating an orange and a granola bar every day. WOW! I never thought anything would make me give up my I can't stand them. Wayyy too much sugar for my system!

    Lunch: Well it went from eating out every day to tuna and crackers or lean cuisines/home cooked meals.

    Dinner: tuna or chicken & veggies & wheat thins.

    Snacks: Almonds, Trail Mix, Apples & Peanut Butter, Oranges & String Cheese

    I measure everything now and track it. I count my calories and weigh every Friday. Down 9lbs so far....woot woot!
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    I'm eating more food but more nutrional food..less fast foods, more veggies, smaller portions, always breakfast, i used to skip that alot. I'm watching salt to the point of crazy, I'm more inclined to reject a food for the high sodium content no matter how low the calories are! It just holds the water in your body like you can't believe! i'm grazing pretty much all day long with healthy food.:happy:
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    Portions is probably the biggest thing for me. I nevere ate just "a portion" especially if it was something super yummy! I am also more aware of what I'm eating. before if I got hungry and wanted a snack, it would be a candy bar or two... or ben & jerry's, now it's strawberries, or string cheese, or carratos.

    What I noticed changed the MOST for me, is grocery shopping! Takes me forever, because I am a hardcore label reader now! :smile:
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Portions is probably the biggest thing for me. I nevere ate just "a portion" especially if it was something super yummy! I am also more aware of what I'm eating. before if I got hungry and wanted a snack, it would be a candy bar or two... or ben & jerry's, now it's strawberries, or string cheese, or carratos.

    What I noticed changed the MOST for me, is grocery shopping! Takes me forever, because I am a hardcore label reader now! :smile:

    Ditto on the grocery shopping! I am a very discerning shopper now lol
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    The biggest thing is we don't eat out. I prepare every meal at home.
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    Absolutely a big difference. The size of portions are from half to a quarter to what i had before. But also in how i eat. Before i got my food, stuffed it in as fast as possible because i was hungry (i always was) and done.

    Now i take a bite, put away cutlery, enjoy the bite i have for a bit before i take the next bite. To put away the cutlery or put down the slice of bread and all is important for me so i don't cut or bite off because of habit or because "i can", but have to put it up again.

    Also i changed that i do not eat because i'm bored or sad. And if i do i take veggis or a salad instead of another pre-made meal, chips or anything like that.

    As well as changing the size of the meal i cook. I used to cook for a 6 person household (i used to cook for my family and when moved out i cooked the same portions but ate them alone, or later 1/6 my bf 5/6 me), now i actually cook for 2 people and divide in half.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Breakfast was usually 2 1/2 servings or so of honey nut cheerios or honey bunches of oats with 2% milk (not too bad, just the portions were off and lots of sugar in the morning!)

    Lunch was usually Subway with LOTS of honey mustard, chips, at least 2 cups of Dr Pepper

    Snacking was done before lunch and after and was usually peanut m&ms or the whole package of Kellogg's Fruity Snacks (it advertises 80 calories on the front and no trans fats - I thought I was doing good! The blasted things have 2.5 servings so it was really 200 calories) I would drink a Dr Pepper again a little before dinner.

    Dinner was almost always pasta, lots of meat and rarely veggies, if ever.

    I would snack on Doritos, popcorn, and Taco Bell late at night (think anywhere from 10 at night until 2 in the morning).

    Oh, and I usually got 3-5 hours of sleep per night, drank MAYBE 8 ounces of water per day... and did not work out at all.

    NOW! for breakfast, I eat either scrambled eggs with some peppers & onions, or organic frosted shredded wheat with 2% milk (one serving!), or plain yogurt with fruit and granola.

    Lunch is usually a sandwich consisting of meat, artisan bread (or just whole wheat), some veggies and hummus or avocado.

    Snacks range from organic pretzels to apples and oranges, whole grain Triscuits with avocado, to beef jerky or a banana with peanut butter.

    Dinner is usually chicken, lean ground beef, or tilapia with veggies and possibly some rice or whole wheat noodles.

    I also just started whey protein shakes post-workout.
  • merbee
    merbee Posts: 142 Member
    My "big" change isn't portions. I never considered myself an overeater - it was just the choices I made when I did eat. I'm 48 and live alone - so I was still eating like a college kid. Kraft dinner and frozen pizaza. I just came home from grocery shopping and was marveling at my cupboards. Where as before my food took up 3 shelves - now it takes up 3 cupboards - because I have learned to cook my meals instead of just throwing something in the microwave. And I stock up on low fat and low sodium choices to add to my recipes and freeze them for the lazy days when all i want to do is throw something in the microwave. There are fruits and veggies in my fridge! !! I've just bought couscous and Quinoa to try. Things have definately changed.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I actually eat way more NOW than I did when I was so fat. When I weighed over 270 pounds, I'd get up at 7am and not eat breakfast. Then I'd skip lunch, too. I may have a candy bar somewhere between lunch and dinner time. Many nights, I'd be working so I'd skip dinner, as well. Yep, many days I'd go from 7am until 10-11pm without eating ANYTHING at all. Then I'd get home from work, eat half of a large pizza, some cheesesticks, some cookies, and then go to bed. All day I'd drink sugary sodas.

    That sounds like an extreme example, and I guess it is, but it was happening at least a few times a week for several months before I reached my breaking point.

    On weekends, I'd pretty much eat constantly. Almost all junk food. I also cooked very high calorie foods with waaaayyyyyy too much cheese. I'm a baking queen so I was always making cheesecakes and cookies and stuff like that. I still like to bake and after 9 months I can actually be trusted with a full batch of cookies lying around, eating just 1-2 each day. Now, if I make a cake, I either just bake half of one or take at least half to work for my coworkers.

    Now I eat very regularly. I even eat pretty much anything I'm craving in addition to healthy foods. If I'm craving pizza, I have a slice or 2 along with some steamed veggies instead of eating 4 or 5 slices of pizza. If I want ice cream, I portion out 1/2 or 3/4 cup instead of taking the pint with me to the living room to mindlessly eat the entire thing while watching tv (:noway:). The secret to my success is moderation and portion control which were two concepts I never previously grasped along with KNOWLEDGE about what I am and what I should be consuming.
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I've def made big changes in the way I eat.

    -NO sodas, *maybe* one every 2 weeks and I don't even drink half before I just throw it out. I used to drink nothing but soda, never had water

    -No candy. I used to eat a TON of candy.

    - I think half portions also

    - I eat fruit or veggies instead of snack cakes or sweets etc

    - I actually check the calorie count on everything I buy at the store

    - I don't eat anything out of a can or box unless it's pasta or tomato sauce

    - I drink tons of water. If I don't drink water I feel gross lol so I chug it

    -I don't use condiments except mustard on my sandwiches
  • Ayre
    Ayre Posts: 15
    I think 'if it tastes good", SPIT IT OUT!!!! haha...actually, I think about what I am about to digest and if it's worth it or not!
  • amyjoh
    amyjoh Posts: 92
    I am almost at my goal weight and I have noticed that it is crucial to pay attention to what I am eating and how much. I have been really busy this spring so haven't been on MFP lately. But with about 5 pounds to lose I am entering my food again and really paying attention to my portions. You think that once you have loss the weight that it is easy from here but you never quit paying attention to how you eat because that is how you got overweight!! I am on the homestretch!!!!!
  • jenbaade
    jenbaade Posts: 2
    I read labels too, but on very few things. I only buy packaged food that has 100% whole wheat or whole grain. Everything else is fresh. It doesn't take that long. Remember that you should eat food that looks how it looked when it was growing on a plant. All natural is the way to go!!!!
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    I'm loving reading how all of you have changed your habits! GREAT job! I'm so proud of each and every one of you both for what you have accomplished and what you are accomplishing now!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I eat drastically less processed food than I did, say, 5 years ago. Even when I considered myself to be in a "health" phase, I was eating a lot of diet this, diet that, etc. It's all crap.

    I avoid soy and wheat - 5 years ago I lived on pasta :(

    I've been trying hard to stay away from sugar - be it in "healthy" or not so healthy forms (with the exception of fruit and some dairy).

    I find when I eat 2-3 meals daily and don't "graze" like I used to that I'm more satisfied and don't get random hunger pangs or the urge to binge on sweet junk food.

    I weighed in at my highest point 6 years ago at 170 (waaay before MFP). That's a lot for a 5' frame. I lost 30 pounds and I've managed to keep my weight between 125-141 ever since.
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