How often do you have a cheat meal?



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I try to limit it to once a week. Usually on the weekend. If I do slip one in somewhere else I usually try to compensate somewhere in the day if I can.

    Also, even if I have a cheat day, the MOST calories I will take in are around my maintenance levels instead of my weight loss levels. So calling it a true "cheat" is a bit of a misnomer.
  • sharmaineclement
    I dont think its a cheat meal every day, its like a cheat day! So I usually pick one day a week, varies, to have something I am craving or want. Like pasta, or ice cream. It helps for your cravings and also is not going to ruin your weight/diet plan. I usually exercise that day as well.
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I don't. I work it into my daily allowances. As long as it fits, it isn't a cheat. It might mean more working out. It might mean cutting somewhere else. I figure I want to be able to handle this for the rest of my life and this seems to be my best fit. I also can't see, for myself, busting my tail all week, to blow it on one meal on the weekend. For me, it would set off a very unhealthy binge cycle.
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    I only track calories and so as long as I have the calories (and yes, I eat back exercise calories) then I will have something if I want it. The only exception I have made in the last 15 or so months has been Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. I tracked on Thanksgiving, my birthday, etc,etc.
  • Haiir0
    Haiir0 Posts: 21 Member
    I have an "Eat all the food" day once a week.

    As do I! :)

    So do I!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    On Sundays I have a good old fashioned British "Sunday Roast" where I don't omit anything fro my plate and eat until I'm bursting.

    BUT - I log the calories accordingly as usual. I usually get a nice long work out in in the morning or have a very light breakfast in order to get some calories "in the bank" so I can go all out and enjoy the meal.

    I generally don't ever ignore my daily intake. I haven't been logging long enough to say what I would do over the Christmas holidays though haha!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    erryday. i eat what i want!

    but over time, i stopped enjoying salty/sugary foods. so my hunger trends towards healthier foods now.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    As other people have said I think it depends on your definition of a cheat meal. If you're referring to a meal that puts you over for the day that's totally different to me than a meal that just isn't very healthy. If it's the latter option, then that happens quite often, but is typically unplanned in that I'll get a craving for something and go out to eat. Whereas a meal that will push me over for my calories for the day due to my not exercising, or maybe it just being that high in calories, that happens a lot less often. I'd say holidays are the most common time for this and maybe occasionally when I decide to go out to celebrate or because I've had a rough day or week. It also often isn't planned though. I honestly think it's less about having cheat meals and days and more about focusing on the days when you are eating healthy. Throwing some "bad" eating in there every once in a while isn't going to kill your progress... it just becomes slower depending on how often you choose to throw those times in the mix.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i dont think of foods in terms of "cheating" but the other night i had a bacon angus cheeseburger from mcdonals after a good hard workout. Skipped the fries and i never drink soda- still came in under calorie budget
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Since I'm moving in to the mindset that I'm either maintaining or maybe losing more slowly usually Friday night and all of Saturday are freebies. I try to make it more of a "don't care what I eat" vs a "let's go insane" type of thing. I still work out six days regardless though. Run four miles three days a week and strength train three days a week. According to my TDEE guesstimates I'm actually allowed quite a bit so short of eating a bag of cookies I'm probably good no matter what.
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    NEVER! I never plan on them. I attempt to eat healthy all the time. Sometimes I eat 1 cookie or 1 piece of cake sometimes, but I try to make it rare. Sometimes I go out for wings and beers with the guys (like once a month) and I've been ordering bad food because I don't want them to give me a hard time for ordering grilled chicken. Except, I think next time I don't care and I'm gonna order healthy. The day after wing night is like a hangover for me. My body feels like total poo because it's not used to eating all that saturated fat. I've decided, my body doesn't need it anymore.... period! I love healthy food.... I nee to stop being ashamed of it when I'm out socially.
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    What's a cheat meal? I'm being serious...I eat anything I want...I don't deprive myself of anything. Yes, I generally make more nutritious decisions than I used to, but as long as it fits my calorie goals and macro goals (and a couple of my micros I have to watch), who cares.

    My wife and I do the same. We, however, about once a week ignore the calorie intake limit. Of course, we end up feeling bad about it try not to go over it too much. Last time we did the "everything that we've been wanting" day (Super Bowl Sunday, BTW), we both felt horrid. Haven't done that since.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I cheat once a week. It's usually something highly caloric like Mexican food or Chinese where instead of measuring it out (which is what I do during the week) I eat without worry of calories till satiated. Usually on a weekend.

    In general, I eat what most consider "cheat foods" like girl scout cookies, Thai, Indian, Chinese, Mexican- but I log and measure it and eat only what I have allocated toward it calorie-wise.

    When "cheating" I practice eating till satiated which can be more or even sometimes less than what I would normall measure out.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Cheat meal?

    I don't understand the question. If I want it, I eat it and try to fit it into my daily goals. If it fits, great. If not, then oh well - there's always tomorrow. In fact, I was a bit over yesterday. No biggie. I'll likely be over today, as I'm going out with friends after work and playing at an open mic night. Not too worried, although I will try to not go overboard. I'll just have to make sure I do some extra work at the gym Saturday.

    Of course, my goals are likely different vice those of others.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    I consider myself your average "healthy eater" not too strict, not to lazy, just try to make home cooked meals, pack them for lunch & stay with in my macros - currently 25c/20f/45p.

    for the first 6 wks of my cut i gave myself a cheat meal on weigh in days IF i lost bf% / weight but tried to work that meal into or as close to my macros as possible. Then I "take off" Saturday & Sunday all together. No gym. I don't monitor my macros. Tho, i don't binge either - i've been eating this way for a while now & just "play it by ear" so to speak. I know for a fact, i don't get my calories in these days, but my macros are most likely off. . . that's just how i roll :D

    I took out my weigh in cheat meal starting this wk, b/c i've had some set backs the last few wks, sickness & whatnot & i want to "tighten" the reigns.

    But i'm mostly an "if it fits into my macros / i eat it" kinda girl - i had a donut yesterday. and still ended up lower on my f & c & higher on my protein. BOOM!
    Once a week. Normally, it's my Friday dinner..... However, I splurged on Tuesday so, that was my once a week.
  • I give my self a cheat day once every two weeks... it usually consists of me eating more caloric foods, treat foods throughout the day, but also keeping in mind I weigh in the following monday so I'll have consequences if I over do it or can't control myself...

    most of my cheat/treat days tend to coinside with a pay day... also I try to schedule them in advance, like a dinner with friends where I'm not going to measure out my foods
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    If you mean something unhealthy, I have Godiva every day. But one or two days out of the week I do purposefully eat at maintenance calories or up to 300 over. :)
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    I work out 6 days a week and keep my calories at or below my goal 6 days a week....Sunday is my day of rest, so I do try to keep the calories in check (at least at maintenance level) but if I go over, I don't freak out about it, but if I'm feeling snacky I eat! -- But I do continue to log everything...always!