Young and new to Fitness. help?? 30DS

I'm a teenager. I'm 5'6" and 128ish pounds. My weight is fine for my height, however I want to get stronger and leaner. I don't want to look like Jillian Michaels, but more like Miranda Kerr.. I'm an ectomorph so I feel like it wouldn't take the longest time to see results. I'd like to tighten my thighs and calves, get a flat stomach (right now I have a pooch), and I have skinny arms. Basically I want to turn my skinny fat into lean muscle.

Right now every day I am doing 30 Day Shred once or twice a day (on my 3rd day) and miscellaneous Victoria's Secret workouts I find on Youtube. I feel like doing 30 Day Shred is not enough for me. I tried Turbo Fire yesterday and it killed me. I pushed myself to do the whole thing, but will that cardio give me the results I want?

I'm tall/average height and want to have one of those long, lean model bodies. Will doing 30DS show those results if I do it everyday for 30?? Also how long will it take? I don't necessarily want to lose weight, but I do want to get toned.

I could also go to the gym and use that for my primary workouts but I have no idea what machines to use or what to do to get the results I want.

How do I make a weekly workout plan and alternate workouts, if I should do that...?

Thanks so much! I want to get fit, starting young :)


  • ggloriaa
    I also want to eat healthy, but not count calories..
  • ggloriaa
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    If you're finding 30 day shred too easy you should try doing level 2 and see if you find it more of an intense workout. 30 day shred gives really quick results and def works on your ab and thigh definition - don't know anyone who hasn't seen results with it! Also, make sure you use hand weights!
  • jacie87
    jacie87 Posts: 46 Member
    As for 30DS, I did it a few days and was definitely underwhelmed... until I bought hand weights. If it really is that easy, invest in at least 5 lb weights.

    You may also look into pilates and yoga. Those are both things that help tone and strengthen without getting you too bulky. You'll want to make sure that you combine whatever strength you're doing with cardio so that you body is using fat stores as fuel while toning muscles.
  • cljabusc
    Most women feel that if they lift weights they will look like a body builder. this is not the case. trust me. If you increase the mass of your muscles just a little bit, it takes more energy to move them...which means, if you work on building some muscle, you burn more calories even when you're NOT working out...i think thats pretty darn cool.

    For me personally, I like the look of fit muscular arms and abs on a women (not huge ones, but feminine ones lol) so I try to do heavy lifting 3x a week. But if your looking to look more have a 'long distance runner' body rather than a 'sprinter' body, I would do cardio, but not completely cut out weight lifting. Weight lifting is awesome for building strong bones, improving posture, and decreasing body fat %. trust me, doing heavy weight circuits twice a week for 1 hour WILL NOT MAKE YOUR MUSCLES BIG. It will make you a lean mean fighting machine!

    -also just to add, if your looking to create a nice flat stomach for yourself, crunches don't work UNLESS supplimented by a healthy diet. it's a myth that sit ups target and get rid of stomach fat.....they don't....they just build up those muscles underneath. cardio gets rid of fat everywhere, including stomach. "Abs are made in the kitchen!"

    hope this helps :)
  • cljabusc
    also, booking one, two or three sessions with a personal trainer at your gym might help you a lot. Tell them your goals, and they will show you the different machines and how to use them.
    They may also have you do a workout and you can model your future workouts after it. for ex: if they make you do a 'legs and back' exercise day, or a 'cardio and abs' day, you can be creative and find different ways and exercises to work those muscles. I find its easier to write down my workouts, so then if i go to the gym and don't know what to do, i just look one of them up!
    don't be afraid to try new things, and have fun!
  • ggloriaa
    Wow, love the tips you are giving. Right now I have 5 lb weights and haven't been skipping on them when doing 30DS.

    Thanks, cijabusc, that was very informative. :)