Fitness myth pet peeves...



  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Take the Body by Vi challenge! You'll lose weight the HEALTHY way!


    Inject yourself with pregnant lady pee and then eat 500cals a day. The pregnant lady pee will eat your fat!

    No. The 500cals a day is making you lose weight. The pee is just a gimmick.

  • renitawalker9

    You can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time (this made me sad when I found out)

    This is news to me. What is that about?

    It is my understanding that in general terms losing requires a calorie deficit, gaining requires a calorie surplus. So...generally speaking you can MAINTAIN muscle mass while losing fat if you are eating at a caloric deficit. It certainly seems like your muscles are getting bigger without all that fat covering it tho doesn't it ? Well it does for me anyways, but I'm always proven wrong by how much better my clothes are fitting or inches/cm lost.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."

    Anytime I read/hear this, it is like nails on a chalkboard. A pound of dirt weighs as much as a pound of feathers. Muscle is more DENSE than fat, so you can have more of it, but the two weigh EXACTLY the same.

    Actually people complaining about this saying is my pet peeve.

    The context (that a 180lb person with 10% BF looks better than a 180lb person with 30% BF) makes it pretty clear that everyone is aware that we are talking "for a given equal volume of each". As far as I'm concerned people complaining about this one just want to believe that everyone else is stupid in order to have an excuse to ***** about them.
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    Anything implying the only way to stay fit is to eat pure raw locally-grown all-organic natural foods planted in fresh virgin dirt and watered with the baptized tears of vegan angels
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Ah, I mean I lift 15 lbs about the same amount a week, and its just toning, as long as your not lifting on top of fat, I think people think that doing crunches and lifiting is going to help you loose weight, cardio has really helped me slim down and now i lift etc.

    Oh dear god.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Top 5

    1.) lifting heavy will make you bulk (men or women)

    2.) spot reducing fat

    3.) you need to do a gazillion hours of cardio daily when trying to lose weight

    4.) you should just focus on lifting and dump the cardio (last time I checked, the heart was an important muscle and it's good to work it out)

    5.) anything involving muscle confusion and why I should take a break from my heavy lifting routine for some more muscle confusion routines.

    i make my biceps solve calculus problems. that keeps them in a constant state of confusion.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I always see people running to nowhere on the treadmill at the gym.. I wonder if they are running away from weakness or running away from us people who just walk... Was there a memo passed that stated that you have to run like a cheetah in order to have a good workout or something?

    I like running.
    I like to enjoy my work out.
    I enjoy walking. Out doors.
    We should enjoy our exercise.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member

    You can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time (this made me sad when I found out)

    This is news to me. What is that about?

    It is my understanding that in general terms losing requires a calorie deficit, gaining requires a calorie surplus. So...generally speaking you can MAINTAIN muscle mass while losing fat if you are eating at a caloric deficit. It certainly seems like your muscles are getting bigger without all that fat covering it tho doesn't it ? Well it does for me anyways, but I'm always proven wrong by how much better my clothes are fitting or inches/cm lost.

    Guess you didn't research in between the calorie surplus and the caloric deficit. Ever heard of body recomposition? Its the one in between deficit and surplus. Its time consuming slow and harder but possible.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."

    Anytime I read/hear this, it is like nails on a chalkboard. A pound of dirt weighs as much as a pound of feathers. Muscle is more DENSE than fat, so you can have more of it, but the two weigh EXACTLY the same.

    Actually people complaining about this saying is my pet peeve.

    The context (that a 180lb person with 10% BF looks better than a 180lb person with 30% BF) makes it pretty clear that everyone is aware that we are talking "for a given equal volume of each". As far as I'm concerned people complaining about this one just want to believe that everyone else is stupid in order to have an excuse to ***** about them.

    I agree with you on this one. It seems rather evident that anyone saying this means "the same volume of muscle weighs more than the same volume of fat."
  • TheScarlettOHara
    TheScarlettOHara Posts: 49 Member
    Not a "myth" but a pet peeve is when people log log things like "burned 6 calories walking to mailbox"

    And then others comment with "everything adds up, way to go" or "great burn"

    Please, just consider that apart of your normal routine. That's not exercise.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I always see people running to nowhere on the treadmill at the gym.. I wonder if they are running away from weakness or running away from us people who just walk... Was there a memo passed that stated that you have to run like a cheetah in order to have a good workout or something?

    Some of us just like running. I don't do it to "up" my workout, I do it cause I like it.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Ah, I mean I lift 15 lbs about the same amount a week, and its just toning, as long as your not lifting on top of fat, I think people think that doing crunches and lifiting is going to help you loose weight, cardio has really helped me slim down and now i lift etc.

    Oh dear god.

  • eliseofthejungle
    eliseofthejungle Posts: 113 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."

    Anytime I read/hear this, it is like nails on a chalkboard. A pound of dirt weighs as much as a pound of feathers. Muscle is more DENSE than fat, so you can have more of it, but the two weigh EXACTLY the same.

    Actually people complaining about this saying is my pet peeve.

    The context (that a 180lb person with 10% BF looks better than a 180lb person with 30% BF) makes it pretty clear that everyone is aware that we are talking "for a given equal volume of each". As far as I'm concerned people complaining about this one just want to believe that everyone else is stupid in order to have an excuse to ***** about them.

  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."

    Anytime I read/hear this, it is like nails on a chalkboard. A pound of dirt weighs as much as a pound of feathers. Muscle is more DENSE than fat, so you can have more of it, but the two weigh EXACTLY the same.

    Actually people complaining about this saying is my pet peeve.

    The context (that a 180lb person with 10% BF looks better than a 180lb person with 30% BF) makes it pretty clear that everyone is aware that we are talking "for a given equal volume of each". As far as I'm concerned people complaining about this one just want to believe that everyone else is stupid in order to have an excuse to ***** about them.

    I agree.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Top of my list - that you need a heart rate monitor. And that they are totally accurate for calorie burns.

    But the bulky thing is high up there.

    HRMs are helpful during cardio work. I ignore all calorie burn estimates because they tend to be inaccurate.

    I am not disputing that they can be useful for cardio, thats why I specifically stated about calorie burns and that they aren't absolutely needed.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."

    Anytime I read/hear this, it is like nails on a chalkboard. A pound of dirt weighs as much as a pound of feathers. Muscle is more DENSE than fat, so you can have more of it, but the two weigh EXACTLY the same.

    That is the one that kills me too! A lb is a lb is a lb!!
  • renitawalker9
    watered with the baptized tears of vegan angels

    that made me weak lol
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Top of my list: "Women shouldn't lift heavy weights or they will get bulky"

    If I hear one more person say that...I lift moderately heavy weights (10 reps or less) 3 times a week and I continue to get lean.

    i agree ladies..

    train like a man, look like a godess! oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Not a myth, but I'll give my #1 current pet peeve.

    "I'd like to start running. How do I do this?"

    It's running. Like, similar to walking but faster. My kids learned to walk and then started running about 3 months later. Children do it in the park all day every day but grown *kitten* adults have to post a forum topic to be ask how to buy shoes, run (similar to walking, but faster) and don't overdo it?

    oh, and don't forget to buy your hrm first because if you don't your heart might explode! yes, so many exploded hearts on the running trail by my house.


    Step 1: Walk
    Step 2: Walk faster
    Step 3: Walk faster
    Step 4: Walk even faster
    Step 5: If you puke or can't breathe maybe you overdid it, maybe you're just really out of shape


    I can't... *side splitting LOL continues*
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    It annoys me when people who have no idea of supplementation give me raised eyebrows when they hear I've started taking creatine. They look at me as if I started mainlining HGH or steroids. Instead of taking the time to explain the difference (I'm sure they could care less), I add fuel to the fire, going so far as to tape over the "creatine monohydrate" part of the label on the container and write "ultra steroids" instead. That protein tub? "Hyper steroids." BCAA's? Yep: "super steroids." If they're going to choose to stay ignorant I may as well get a few laughs out of it.

    And the girls in my classes who say they're afraid to lift because they don't wanna get "big like me." Yes, because it's possilby for a five-foot, hundred-pound high school female to, through weight training, become a six three two-thirty male.