Fitness myth pet peeves...



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    While I'm getting things off my chest I'm going to add this one about StrongLifts/Starting Strength. It's an excellent program, especially for people that are new to strength training. But it ain't the only program. Far be it for anyone on MFP to come and ask about a different routine (that's not Wendler)

    I imagine the progression to it's domination on this site went like this.

    Starting Strength is an excellent program for beginning strength training
    Starting Strength is an excellent program for strength training
    Starting Strength is an excellent program.
    Starting Strength is the Program.
    Starting Strength: Do it, or YOU'RE GONNA DIE

    Oh, and if you're doing direct ab work or curls you're a sucker. Can't forget that.
  • renitawalker9

    You can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time (this made me sad when I found out)

    This is news to me. What is that about?

    It is my understanding that in general terms losing requires a calorie deficit, gaining requires a calorie surplus. So...generally speaking you can MAINTAIN muscle mass while losing fat if you are eating at a caloric deficit. It certainly seems like your muscles are getting bigger without all that fat covering it tho doesn't it ? Well it does for me anyways, but I'm always proven wrong by how much better my clothes are fitting or inches/cm lost.

    Guess you didn't research in between the calorie surplus and the caloric deficit. Ever heard of body recomposition? Its the one in between deficit and surplus. Its time consuming slow and harder but possible.

    actually I have read about it. between deficit and in maintenance? Most of the research I've read leans toward calorie deficit especially for someone with a large amount of body fat to lose still.

    Bottom line it is possible. In fact I am doing it right now and i have a 12 week log with stats.

    Not at all disputing the possibility. I'm ok with being wrong. However, again, someone with a major amount of body fat to lose would benefit more from caloric deficit, no?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Not a "myth" but a pet peeve is when people log log things like "burned 6 calories walking to mailbox"

    And then others comment with "everything adds up, way to go" or "great burn"

    Please, just consider that apart of your normal routine. That's not exercise.

    Mine too. I had a friend that regularly logged 2 hours of daily tasks as calorie burning exercise and people would say "good job" to it. So you brushed you teeth, no one over age 5 deserves praise for that.

    yes this drives me nutz..orthe I walked around the mall for two hours logging...come on people that should already be included in your activity level...good lord...

    and cleaning for an hour is not working out...its a part of life!
  • renitawalker9
    wait...did somebody say inject yourself with pregnant lady pee?????
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Eating 600 calories a day is a great way to lose weight fast with no consequences
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    Not a myth, but I'll give my #1 current pet peeve.

    "I'd like to start running. How do I do this?"

    It's running. Like, similar to walking but faster. My kids learned to walk and then started running about 3 months later. Children do it in the park all day every day but grown *kitten* adults have to post a forum topic to be ask how to buy shoes, run (similar to walking, but faster) and don't overdo it?

    oh, and don't forget to buy your hrm first because if you don't your heart might explode! yes, so many exploded hearts on the running trail by my house.


    quoting because I have great need of a "pounding your head against a wall" gif, so THANKS!

    Oh, and you had it pretty kids started running about 3 minutes after learning to walk! <dang, those little buggers were fast!>
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    and cleaning for an hour is not working out...its a part of life!

    Love this!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Deleted. Don't want to turn this into yet another NEAT logging debate.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Top of my list: "Women shouldn't lift heavy weights or they will get bulky"

    If I hear one more person say that...I lift moderately heavy weights (10 reps or less) 3 times a week and I continue to get lean.

    It's strange, but I NEVER hear this! Honestly. I hear the opposite (lifting doesn't make you bulky) all the time on here. Outside of here, it doesn't seem to be something people mention. I think I HAVE heard something similar years ago, but coming from FITNESS people rather than ordinary people. But I think the idea is going out of fashion now.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. >_<
    We all know the unspoken part ... by volume.
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    95% of the statements/queries using the word "toning" irritate me.

    "I don't want to get bulky!" Okay, then- don't train like an Olympian, lift heavy weights and eat 5000 calories per day. Oh, you were only going to be lifting 3-lb pink dumbbells? Okay then.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    95% of the statements/queries using the word "toning" irritate me.

    "I don't want to get bulky!" Okay, then- don't train like an Olympian, lift heavy weights and eat 5000 calories per day. Oh, you were only going to be lifting 3-lb pink dumbbells? Okay then.

    Actually the 3lb ones are purple. The pink ones are 2lb. My six year old lifts with them. :laugh:
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    95% of the statements/queries using the word "toning" irritate me.

    "I don't want to get bulky!" Okay, then- don't train like an Olympian, lift heavy weights and eat 5000 calories per day. Oh, you were only going to be lifting 3-lb pink dumbbells? Okay then.

    Actually the 3lb ones are purple. The pink ones are 2lb. My six year old lifts with them. :laugh:

    My bulldog plays with a 3 lb dumbbell. But he's only 6 months old, so I'm looking for some 10 pounders.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."

    Anytime I read/hear this, it is like nails on a chalkboard. A pound of dirt weighs as much as a pound of feathers. Muscle is more DENSE than fat, so you can have more of it, but the two weigh EXACTLY the same.

    Actually people complaining about this saying is my pet peeve.

    The context (that a 180lb person with 10% BF looks better than a 180lb person with 30% BF) makes it pretty clear that everyone is aware that we are talking "for a given equal volume of each". As far as I'm concerned people complaining about this one just want to believe that everyone else is stupid in order to have an excuse to ***** about them.

    You are my hero! Reading the people complaining about the people who say" muscle weighs more than fat" when it is obviously a shorthand way of saying "By volume- Muscle weighs more than fat" kill me. They aren't complaining in snack threads when people say x snack has less calories than y snack, but neglect to mention whether it's by weight, volume, or suggested serving. I mean an ounce of cheddar and an ounce of pretzels have about the same number of calories. I want to shake them! In a nice friendly way you do to your friends or family when, they too, are being ridiculous. :wink:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member

    You can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time (this made me sad when I found out)

    This is news to me. What is that about?

    You cannot be both catabolic and anabolic at the same time. When you are in a calorie deficit, you are catabolic all of the time; ergo, you cannot gain muscle mass at a caloric deficit. That said, you can increase strength and maintain the lean body mass you have. Many people think they've put on muscle when the fat starts shedding and they note that they have really "toned up"...but really, they're just seeing the muscle they already had an just didn't know it because it was buried in the fat suit.
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Not really a myth....but a pet peeve is definitely when those of us who are new to working out or healthy living in general get reprimanded or treated like idiots for *honestly* not being aware that some of these things are myths. (I get the whole, stop posting questions on things that have already been answered - I pretty much NEVER have to post questions because I search and they've already been answered). But I don't get why everyone thinks that all of this is SUCH common knowledge and of course they've known about all of these things since birth.

    And I'm really not getting why saying "I want to tone up" is such a big deal? Please explain because I definitely would like to be toned. Call me blonde, ignorant, or just plain dumb....but these things honestly discourage me from asking ANY questions and even being around fit people who clearly know it all.

    Oh and pet peeve #2: People who USED to be fat and ignorant and forget where they came from and what it felt like.

    I think for many people, the peeve is not someone who doesn't know. The peeve is those who ignore reality and facts, and insist on perpetuating myths despite being given the chance to learn. If you read the responses here, there's at least one person insistent on perpetuating myths that even a little research would dispel.

    That makes sense I guess. I've definitely read enough know it all posts that say completely opposite things, so I'm sure there are a slew of myths being preached out there. It's hard to filter through what's accurate and what's not. It just gets frustrating when some of these are questions I honestly have had, like how do I start running? Look, I know how to run...but I have weak knees. I've read "just go for it" "just walk faster" but also have read "dont overdo it", "you need to have proper form", "you need proper shoes so you don't get shin splints and die" I decided to "just go for it" and then started having knee pains. But if I ask questions I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to run? And then I've been wanting to try the rowing machine, but read an article the other day about "those amateurs who don't know how to row properly". I guess what I'm just trying to say is hey at least we're trying, right? :blushing:
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member

    and cleaning for an hour is not working out...its a part of life!

    Love this!

    This looks like a work out to me! :laugh:
  • Bobbyjr72
    Bobbyjr72 Posts: 28 Member
    Where to begin? First bacon is not healthy, I dont care what low carb diet you are on. And then there are the magic pills. Can't tell you how many people I know claim to know a guy, who knew a guy, who lost 200 pounds by taking hydroxycut.."and he didnt even have to workout or change his diet". And yes, muscle weighs more than fat. If my pants don't fit, it isn't because my *kitten* and waist suddenly developed new muscles. While its true, its not always applicable.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    One more:
    CrossFit is too extreme!

    This. People complain about it being extreme and dangerous. Not if you learn how to do it right. Any activity can injure you if you don't do it right. Running, using machines, playing sports. If you don't like crossfit, don't do it. If you do, then great! Like me, you are getting a full body workout that pushes you.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Top of my list: "Women shouldn't lift heavy weights or they will get bulky"

    If I hear one more person say that...I lift moderately heavy weights (10 reps or less) 3 times a week and I continue to get lean.

    It depends on your goals and body type. Women don't ordinarily get" bulky, " but they do get bigger.

    Interesting how i lost roughly 4 inches from EVERY part of my body.... i got SOOO much bigger. *rolls eyes*