When did you start seeing results by doing Insanity?

Hey guys, I just finished my recovery week of Insanity, and for the first time this week I was able to go through the whole workout without a single extra break! So proud! That wasn't the point though. My question to you is, when did you start seeing results by doing Insanity? Like I said, I'm done with recovery week which is week five, and I haven't yet seen a single change in my body. I don't care about the scale since I just want to tone up and get rid of my tummy, but my measurements haven't changed a bit! I don't follow the diet but I eat around 1500 kcal aday and almost ONLY healthy food. Is it first in the second month the results start coming, or what? Please tell me your experiences and thoughts around this!


  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    I just completed Day 5, so I'm interested to know the answer to this too!
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
  • I made it through the first month and the recovery week and then I stopped so I'm not an expert but I have heard that you really start seeing results in the second month
  • I had a similar situation. I have gone back and forth on P90x over the last two years, but never really used their diet. I really enjoyed the workouts, but it seems like i never noticed the actual results of all my work. Usually, it is some else who notices the changes in your muscle tone for you. Keep going! Don't get discouraged, toning your muscles is a slow process. Several weeks from now you may notice that you are not winded climbing the stairs anymore or winded playing a game of ultimate frisbee. Too many people forgot how long it took to put on their current weight, and it takes even longer to come off! From everything I have read on the P90X websites (reviews) the overall success came by adding the diet (some kind of diet-like using myfitnesspal to track you calorie intake.) i usually go low-carb whenever I diet, but I enjoy a good steak more than the loaded potato. Good luck with your workouts- I wll add, that I know a LOT of people who OWN the P90X and INSANITY videos, but VERY few whom actually EVER used them.
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    It really all depends on your intensity level during your workout. If you push yourself so that you're a sweaty mess lying on the floor in exhaustion at the end of every work out you'll see results faster than if you take it easy and rest a lot during the workouts. So, it's going to be different for everyone. Of course, diet also plays a part as well.

    I'm in W4 of my second time through Insanity (the first time was a couple years ago and I never finished month 2). Both times I've done it I've started to notice results around week 4. Mostly my clothes started fitting more loosely and I noticed more muscle tone when washing myself in the shower.

    Good luck! Keep it up!
  • snufs
    snufs Posts: 78
    Wow, thank you guys for your replies, I really appreciate it! I'll keep going, it kinda motivated me to hear that on started seeing the difference in week 6, maybe if I go hard enough I'll be able to see some changes soon .. Good luck to all of you!!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I can -feel- the difference. At the end of the week, I'll know what two weeks of Insanity has done pound wise.
  • I am having the same concern. I am just finishing out week 4, starting the recovery week next week, and have not really seen any differences, except I still feel a little sore so I know my body is working. I can tell I'm building muscle but the scale and measurements are same as when I began. I am not following the diet plan but have created my own plan. It's encouraging to see changes could start showing at week 6 and on.
  • kunney
    kunney Posts: 1 Member
    For me, I lost about 2 inches off my waist by the 3rd week, and another inch or two by the 6th.
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    I am having the same concern. I am just finishing out week 4, starting the recovery week next week, and have not really seen any differences, except I still feel a little sore so I know my body is working. I can tell I'm building muscle but the scale and measurements are same as when I began. I am not following the diet plan but have created my own plan. It's encouraging to see changes could start showing at week 6 and on.

    How did you find your results after finishing month 2? Just starting it myself and haven't seen results so far so hope they are coming!
  • janelle615
    janelle615 Posts: 50 Member
    Ive done insanity and never completed it because I injured my leg from a 5k run. Anyways, I believe I lost an inch of two by week two. Im going to do insanity during winter break to tone up because Ive never seen results come by so fast.
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    I saw changes every time we did the fit test and measurements. My reps kept getting higher for the test. My arms got bigger and my chest, waist and hips all got smaller.
    I didn't really see changes on the scale until month 2.
    My suggestion would be to focus on the intangibles (how you feel, endurance, etc.) and the tape measure instead of the scale.
    Good luck, have fun and DIG DEEPER!
  • ssheflin
    ssheflin Posts: 56 Member
    I'm at the end of week 4 and I didn't start seeing results until the beginning of week 4. The first two weeks I gained 4 lbs, which discouraged me. So, I decided to evaluate my calorie consumption. The first two weeks I was eating between 1200-1500. At the start of the third week I upped my calories between 1700-1800. I think calorie intake makes a huge difference. So, week 3 and week 4 I lost 2 inches in my waist and 1 inch in my hips. I am excited for month 2 because I heard that's where the difference really shows. I also recommend taking pictures every week because even if the scale and measurements won't show progress, those pictures will really show you what's up! Good luck everyone!
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    I noticed the fastest results when I did a combination of P90X and Insanity. I would do P90X for resistance days, then Insanity on the cardio days. I noticed much quicker results than I did when I strictly used P90X. Both are great programs. I think the combination of them is a winning approach.