Being asked how much weight you've lost



  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I LOVE this! Yes, be proud! Whatever the number is, YOU acomplished that! Good job by the way!
    IDK people are stupid when it comes to weight loss. Tell em rub it in a little be proud.
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm proud to say it!
  • This never bothers me. I get really happy when someone does. Sometimes I worry because I feel like they'll say something about me being "fat" back in my days, but you know what? I'm not anymore. That's what matters. I took charge. Share your journey. It's okay.
  • ladypenel
    ladypenel Posts: 88 Member
    I'm always proud of how much I've lost! And I usually tell people before they get the chance to ask haha. But I am a very open person in general. I don't get embarrassed easy.

    This is how think too! I'm loud and proud and not embarrassed by the weight I've lost but what about when they ask how much more are you going to lose? Now THAT'S rude don't you think? :)
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    In the beginning it always made me a little uncomfortable, but now I embrace it, and am more than happy to tell them. To be fair, they might not think it's rude at all, they are just genuinely curious. I worked hard to lose the weight, so why continue being embarrassed when people asked me? I'm not that person anymore. :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Sometimes dealing with people who have lost weight is more awkward than dealing with some who just had a tragic death in the family.

    Some people are hurt that no one sys anything, other by what is said. There is no script, people are trying to acknowledge your efforts and asking how much is a logical way of doing it. Especially in a work environment. My partner's anti harassment training basically discpurages compliments on physical appearance, and even most comments. Asking how much is pretty neutral.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    yep, I just got asked the same question this morning and it kind of annoys me and I don't know why....I usually tell them and then the next response is always, "are you done now?" I HATE THAT! Just leave me alone haha

    You should be proud of how much you've lost! That's a lot of great work! (But I get the irritation of "are you done")

    OP: You can always shrug and say "oh, about 40 lbs" … since the number on the scale is not a definition, I don't know if I want to be too specific, especially with a near-stranger. If it's my mom or something, I'll tell her the exact amount!
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    I answer that I have lost enough that I am happy they noticed, but I still have a way to go. Most people get that I don't want to give a number and drop it. If they ask again I smile and say that I don't drop numbers - I would never tell anyone how much money I make either.
  • edessad
    edessad Posts: 91 Member
    I am proud of what I have achieved and don't mind telling them. The follow up question is usually "how have you done it" I then tell them I have discovered the greatest weight loss secret ever and then they start to whisper and ask "Will you tell me what it is" and I reply "Eat less, work out's the best kept weight loss secret ever". I then have a good chuckle to myself...
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    Once I hit 15 lbs lost, then I didn't care. But before that people I knew who knew I was trying to lose weight would like ask for an update every freaking week and it was uncomfortable when I hadn't lost any. Or when I had lost 1 lb, they would say "oh thats too bad. hopefully next week is better for you".... I'm sorry but I was jumping for joy when I saw that 1 lb loss!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Any unsolicited comments on weight or size are rude.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I've never thought it was a rude question. As long as they aren't asking my current weight, and just the actual pounds lost, I'm always happy and proud to tell them how how much. I worked hard to reach whatever number it was at that moment in time and I liked the recognition of the work I'd done.
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    I get asked all the time. I find it awkward when they weigh about what I've lost. I also don't like that it's obvious that I still have a lot to lose and I've already lost a whole person. I'm sure they are dying to know what my starting weight was to have lost so much and still be so overweight, but no one's been bold enough to ask that yet.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I wanted to add, some people ask about my weight loss because they are just generally interested and they care about my well being, but most ask because they want to start losing weight and want to know what I'm doing etc.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I get a little embarassed because I'm not yet where I want to be and feel uncomfortable "bragging" about any weight lost. I know logically that I'm not bragging, but since I am shy and generally like to go unnoticed, it feels like I am. I mostly hate talking about me.

    Than being said, I do recognize that it is a nice compliment. It has taken a lot of work and habit-changing for me to do this and it is nice that people notice. If I notice that people have lost weight or look nice in an outfit, I will tell them so, because I think it is a nice thing to do. I think the "how much?" question is just natural conversation and not offensive.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I don't care when people ask-that's fine. But when I tell them and they start arguing with me that it's "really that much? I would have guessed 35"...well then I guess you suck at guessing and thanks for belittling the 40 lbs I lost that you didn't "guess" I had. And this is exactly why people just don't say anything at all.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Last time someone asked, I said "I have no idea," which is always true, given how weight fluctuates up and down throughout the day.
  • KaunisPerhonen
    KaunisPerhonen Posts: 8 Member
    The question doesn't really bother me, I've had people at work recently ask me if I've lost any weight and I think that bothers me more than anything. I haven't made it that far yet, but they know about my efforts. I don't mind telling people how much I've lost, but I feel like if they act like it's a crazy number I would get a bit annoyed. I told two of the girls I work with that I've lost 12 pounds already and they both just looked and me and were like "seriously" I'm not sure if that's a wow that's good kind of seriously or a I can't tell at all, are you sure you've lost weight kind of seriously. But it really doesn't matter what they think anyway, just what I do :)
  • sierra_12
    sierra_12 Posts: 249 Member
    i take it as a great compliment! i never find anyone asking me how much I've lost as rude, especially since it is usually following "oh my gosh! you look great!" obviously they think I look good, so i take it as a compliment and proudly tell them how much the scale has dropped. after all, ive literally worked my butt of to get to where i am now, why not brag a little when i get the opportunity to? (:
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I get asked that question a LOT. While I don't think it is rude for them to ask, and it is a natural question that most people have when they see you have lost weight, especially if it is a lot, it still makes me uncomfortable. I do answer honestly, but it is a little embarassing that I have lost an entire person, and still have a way to go! I don't mind posting it on here, because that is what this forum is for. But for the people in my every day life, it is embarassing to tell them! Most of them do not have weight issues, or not as severe as I have had, and cannot begin to understand!