1400 folks I have some questions for you?

I hope you don't mind answering for me. I am thinking about dropping my calories down to 1400 as I think what I set I am eating to many calories.

1. For those of you who do 1400 calories how do you eat?

what I mean is do you eat 3 meals a day no snacks or 3 meals a day and 1 snack?

2. how many calories do you burn on your workouts?

what work outs do you do?

3. when aiming for 1400 have you seen any weight loss if so about how much on average say a month?

I would appreciate your comments. I am trying to see what works best for my body and find the right fit.


  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    i get 1610 but i usually end up eating closer to 1400
    during the week is easiest to say outright
    i have coffee with real sugar and full fat half & half at 7:30am. i get to work at 9:00 and drink at least 1 20 ounces cup of water before i eat breakfast (almost always mixed nuts/seeds and dried berries) around 10:00 with more coffee.
    i have lunch around 1 on workout days and noon on rest days.
    dinner around 7:30
    i usually have a snack of frozen fruit around 9:00

    2. how many calories do you burn on your workouts? between 400 and 900 depending on my schedule and what machines are free at the gym that day.

    what work outs do you do? i jog (working on a c25k program), stationary bike 14-16 mph, elliptical machine, lift weights, planks things liek that.

    3. when aiming for 1400 have you seen any weight loss if so about how much on average say a month?

    tricky question. i lost 40 pounds right away in the first 4 months i was on here. gained 10 back. lost 20 more. kept that off for a year and have only been really back at it for month or so. i'm not weighing myself often enough to have a solid idea on loss yet. i fluctuate a LOT based on time of the month, how hydrated i have am, and how much sodium i have eaten.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    The best thing you can do is figure out your BMR (the amount of calories you would burn in a coma) and make sure to eat that + exercise calories. For exercise, a combination of weight lifting/resistance training with cardio will give you the best results.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    i eat anywhere from 1350-1450 cals per day. and I eat small meals/snacks throughout my day about 2 hours apart. i run for the most part, and do floor workouts and weights. :)
  • kae2one0
    kae2one0 Posts: 11 Member
    i am doing it kind of... its very hard...

    i started doing what is called the Slim Fast 3-2-1 diet, its a real challenge for some one like me who likes to eat.
    but in a week, i have lost almost 10 pounds... i work out doing a lot of cardio workouts, almost an hour every night.
    the meal plan is on the slim fast site, or bottles... i only use their shakes, and adjust the rest of the food to what i feel like eating.
    i havent logged everything in on the site, but what i have is open to viewers.

    as far as calories burned, im not 100 % i go online and figure it out, but today im getting a HRM so i can be more accurate.
    the web site says my intake should be 1600, but i am taking in a lot less, im really only using this site to track.

    aside from really wanting to loose weight, an i am pre-diabetic so my weight lose was doctor ordered...

    dont do as i am, im just telling you what im doing, hoping it answers some of those questions.

    lots of water, proteins, vitamins, and exercise daily
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    I end up eating around 1400 a day when I exercise and eat back my calories. Feel free to check out my diary.

    During the week I have my coffee over the course of the morning, my breakfast is around 10 am, lunch is noon, I have afternoon snacks, dinner when I get home, snack when I'm hungry after that.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    aside from really wanting to loose weight, an i am pre-diabetic so my weight lose was doctor ordered...

    i do not intend this to sound mean.

    how does your doctor feel about your method of weight loss being to drink a bottle full of chemicals? there is some very scary sounding stuff on the side of that bottle.
  • newlife0425
    newlife0425 Posts: 28 Member
    1. For those of you who do 1400 calories how do you eat? I just started this week on the 1400 calories a day/ I eat my breakfast around 6am then at 9am snack lunch between noon/1pm then afternoon snack 2;30/3pm dinner is usually around 7pm when I get home from the gym and cook.

    what I mean is do you eat 3 meals a day no snacks or 3 meals a day and 1 snack?

    2. how many calories do you burn on your workouts? I burn anywhere from 300-550

    what work outs do you do? treadmill, bike, ellipictal, track and circuit training

    3. when aiming for 1400 have you seen any weight loss if so about how much on average say a month? I
    I do eat some of my burned calories some days better than others....this week is new last week I went high and I lost nothing on the scale but at 1200 I was hungry and my doctor told me to try 1500 since I am working out so I thought I would give 1400 a try.

    I also only have coffee in the morning and then all day at work I keep a 1 liter bottle of water on my desk I drink about 3-4 a day at work and 2 16 oz bottles when working out and then with dinner I have unsweetned tea.

    Good Luck~
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    Mine is at 1480, but I am usually under. I have 3 meals, and snacks. Just in moderation. I usually have a small breakfast (230 or under). I have a snack (protein bar) between classes, then I have a veggie sandwich or herbalife shake for lunch. Then I have supper (biggest meal for me) and leave the rest for snacks if I need them. When I workout depending on how long I go, i usually burn between 200 and 600
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    What 1400-1500 looks like for me:

    Breakfast: 1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt (130) with fresh or frozen berries (60), or a scrambled egg (100) plus a sausage link (170)

    Lunch: 1 slice whole wheat bread (100) with 1 tbsp each peanut butter (90) and jam (60), or maybe a salad of 1/2 cup cannellini beans (100), 4 oz. shrimp (100), 2 tbsp salsa (20), and a chopped bell pepper (30)

    Snacks (usually around 11am and 4pm): applesauce (50), peanut butter crackers (190), piece of chocolate (80), string cheese (90)

    Dinner: 2 oz. pasta (200) with marinara (100), spinach (20), parmesan (100), and a glass of skim milk (90)

    Now, I have a hard time resisting some popcorn in the evening, so my daily intake is closer to 1600 most days, but the above foods add up to around 1400 and change.

    For workouts, I try to go at least twice a week. My goal is at least 4 times a week, but I'm still building to that. In the gym, I've started doing about 10 minutes of lifting as heavy as I can in addition to 25-40 minutes of jogging or elliptical cardio. I usually burn about 300-400 calories a session.

    Hope this helps give an idea of what a food diary day might look like!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I hope you don't mind answering for me. I am thinking about dropping my calories down to 1400 as I think what I set I am eating to many calories.

    1. For those of you who do 1400 calories how do you eat?

    what I mean is do you eat 3 meals a day no snacks or 3 meals a day and 1 snack?

    2. how many calories do you burn on your workouts?

    what work outs do you do?

    3. when aiming for 1400 have you seen any weight loss if so about how much on average say a month?

    I would appreciate your comments. I am trying to see what works best for my body and find the right fit.

    -Number of meals or timing shouldn't make a difference.

    -Amount lost will depend on how much of a deficit you have created between your diet and exercise. 3,500 calories is estimated to result in a 1 pound per week loss. But, that said, weight loss is not linear, i.e. some people may not lose a pound every week, but may lose after every few weeks.

    -Your specific weight loss will depend on your personal required energy, which you can't really compare to anyone else who also is randomly (or not randomly) targeting 1400 cals a day.
  • kae2one0
    kae2one0 Posts: 11 Member
    well the bottle isnt as bad as the past 30 years of stuff i have been putting into myself.

    i know all chemicals are bad and all, but i just started the life style change and to try to go completely organic would probably send my body into shock.

    two 10 oz bottles isnt to bad.. at least i dont think so.. plus im an ex smoker, so the bottle doesnt scare me to much, like i said i use to put worse into my body.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I usually end up closer to 1500, but here is my typical day.

    Smallish breakfast (ie yogurt and half serving grapenuts, maybe a cup of milk)

    Mid morning snack (frequently pistachios and a banana - at almost 300 calories, this is sometimes larger than breakfast)

    Lunch salad (mixed greens, cauliflower, feta cheese, lean protein; alternatively, lean cuisine with just the veggies from the salad)

    Afternoon snack (usually PB and something: celery if I need to skimp on calories, apples if not)

    Dinner - one serving of lean protein (two if particularly hungry) and two servings of veggies

    Late night snack, if I have calories left. V8 if I need more veggies, cheese, smart pop popcorn; milk and fiber one brownies; leftovers from dinner - whatever fits.

    It basically boils down to the six meal scheme, but the snacks are definitely snack foods, even though still healthy choices. Since the meals tend to be pretty consistent, I have to scramble a bit if I skip a snack. As you can see with the grapenuts, I make use of half servings. I just had a snack that was half a serving of dark chocolate and half a serving of almonds.

    Ps, spreading it out works for me because I don't have a chance to get hungry. Now, I am so used to this schedule that if I work through a snack, I can just wait for the next meal and be ok with that.
  • Jazzyashes84
    Jazzyashes84 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm at 1400cals/day

    On a non-workout day:

    On a workout day:
    workout- burn at least 200cals

    For my body I feel that I have to net minimum 1400calories

    When I net 1200cals my body goes into starvation/plateau mode

    Good Luck
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    well the bottle isnt as bad as the past 30 years of stuff i have been putting into myself.

    i know all chemicals are bad and all, but i just started the life style change and to try to go completely organic would probably send my body into shock.

    two 10 oz bottles isnt to bad.. at least i dont think so.. plus im an ex smoker, so the bottle doesnt scare me to much, like i said i use to put worse into my body.

    there is a whole lot of grey area between "organic" and "gum arabic, canola oil, cellulose gel". i very much doubt it would send your body into shock. not to discount the efforts your making which are awesome! it just seems to me like it would be easier to change once to quality foods than to switch twice. unless you are planning to have a liquid diet for life. the tricky thing about quick fix things like shakes is once they go away the weight usually comes right back :-(
  • kae2one0
    kae2one0 Posts: 11 Member
    yeah, no this is just a jump start, to help my body adjust to being limited...
    im not only on liquids, in fact i ate lubys today for lunch.
    i have 2 shakes, 3 snacks, and 1 complete meal a day.
    been on it for a week, and i have to admit its working, because before i would eat almost 2 fried fish, mash potatoes, mac and cheese..
    today, 1 fish (fried disappointment in myself but couldnt resist), green beans, and the mixed rice they have (rice, lima beans, peas)
    and i struggled to put the last of it down towards the end..
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    My goal is six meals a day, evenly spaced at 0630, 1000, 1230, 1500, 1800 and 2100 @ about 250 to 300 calories each. Not that I make that goal evey day, I still seem to eat a good portion of my calories at dinner. My diary is open if you'd like to take a look.
  • Im at 1400 calories a day- net. If I work out, I eat those calories back because I have my goals determined at a sedentary level. Today, I burnt 367 (or so) calories doing a power 90 3-4 cardio video. Last work out was 55 minutes of intervals of running on the treadmill and burnt a little over 550 calories and before that it was over 400 calories burnt on the treadmill.

    I honestly don't follow a set rule with my eating. I base it on the day. Today, I ate breakfast and had a high protein bar for a snack and skipped lunch and will have a big dinner. Other days I skip breakfast. I find fasting in the day rather it is in the morning, mid day, etc. works best for me. I just aim to stay near my calorie goals. Some days I go over alot, by 500 calories but try to balance it over a week.

    For exercise I mainly do the power 90 sculpting and cardio (level 3-4) videos and run. Running is a big stress reliever for me so its my favorite.
  • Realistically though, I can eat up to 1900-2000 calories a day and not gain weight as long as I work out 3 times a week at a moderate level. So, the weeks I go over a few hundred calories for the week, I don't sweat it.
  • Ok.. last reply.. I promise. I rarely weigh myself. I maybe get on the scale once every 3 weeks and I don't even pay close attention to what is says because it flucuates so much. If it shows a weight loss I log it. I just focus on measurements and how my clothes fit. I know my work khakis are a size 12 and they were really tight and uncomfortable. If I accidentally put them in the dryer, so help me... today, I am wearing a pair of those khakis that went through the dryer twice and they are lose and comfortable.
  • I like to try and aim for under 1400, but if I eat more when I do a good workout I'm not too worried. But I try to not eat over 1800 calories, even with a workout

    I generally like to start the day off with some All Bran and a smoothie which alone is over 500 calories just for breakfast BUT I generally do not have a morning snack as it keeps me full for 4-5 hours. Then I usually have 2 small meals and a snack somewhere from lunch til bed, and on days that I have bad sugar cravings I will have 4 pieces of dark chocolate (Just started that last week) as if I don't calm the cravings they tend to get worse and I end up binge eating for several days

    Most days I end up under 1400, sometimes even under 1000 as what I eat is filling but low in calories (Like spinach soup! My one is only 180 calories for 1 cup!)

    I like to try and burn at least 300 calories with exercise, but often burn about 600-900.

    If I keep to the 1400 I lose about a kg at least a week (I think thats about 2 lbs)