The little things that suck about being single...



  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    I wasn't going to mention I have a cat...and I'm single....worst is when I forget bout buying the stupid thing food and have to run to Walgreens at like 9pm at night b/c it won't shut up. So here I am at walgreens, at night, in my pjs, buying cat food....I feel like I have failed at life at that point

    LMAO That's awesome :)
    Hey that can be a problem for us married folks. Just replace cat with wife, and Walgreens with whatever is the closest place that has food ready to go because I don't feel like cooking.
  • Lack of cuddling and waffles.


    funniest thing I have seen all week - thank you!
  • I don't get it.

    I'm married and barely get it...maybe once every 6 weeks...

  • PaulJRaymond
    PaulJRaymond Posts: 100 Member
    I still get the mind blowing sex (Yes, I am a ho, thanks) but I miss the snuggling you have when you're with someone long term.

    Maybe its different for me... but I can get all the freaking sex I want... but it takes a connection for it to be mindblowing.....

    Internet connection?
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I still get the mind blowing sex (Yes, I am a ho, thanks) but I miss the snuggling you have when you're with someone long term.

    Maybe its different for me... but I can get all the freaking sex I want... but it takes a connection for it to be mindblowing.....

    I don't get straight people. :huh:
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    You need need to have guy friends! You can help each other out. They fix stuff like snowblowers and cars, you sew buttons on for them, mend their favorite shirt or cook them something awesome. This is one of the reasons I have always kept more male than female friends. You get the manley man to fix stuff and find a gay friend to just hang with for shopping and venting.
  • jianop
    jianop Posts: 51 Member
    Your mama was a snowblower.

    Hey laser lips! -Number 5
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Nagging. I miss the nagging. Without hearing how something has to get done every five minutes how could I possibly remember that the "list of crap that you constantly need to remind me about" needs to get done.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    I still get the mind blowing sex (Yes, I am a ho, thanks) but I miss the snuggling you have when you're with someone long term.

    Maybe its different for me... but I can get all the freaking sex I want... but it takes a connection for it to be mindblowing.....

    Then shes doing it wrong

    I'm a she... that's one of my current candidates....... trying for the position of mindblowing sexual partner.

    Oh ok then maybe shes not doing it wrong lol........Most (not all) women feel the need for an emotional connection in order to have mind blowing sex..Atleast that what my other female friends try to convince me of lol
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    The one thing I miss is cuddling.
    I love being cuddled up, tight in someones arms, it is a great way to spend an evening.
    It makes even the worst days better.

    And THIS:
    The only thing I have observed isn't really something that "sucks"about being single, but I honestly feel like when I am in a relationship ALL KINDS OF MEN come out of the woodwork and want to pursue me. But when I'm single, its absolutely not the case.
  • I loved single.
    I love marriage.

    Just depends on where your mind is at.

    I did enjoy being single, though sometimes it lacked the intimacy in certain situations I would have rather had.

    I love being married, LOVE my wife, but sometimes I want to be selfish and not consider what she wants. It's rare, but it happens that I feel that way.
  • amntsu
    amntsu Posts: 30
    I miss someone else helping to pay bills. Sex...sure. Someone to watch movies with or go to dinner with, alright....but really, bills.

    And they say romance is dead....
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Maybe I just don't know what I'm missing, but the only thing I don't like are the people that seem to think that I want pity because I'm single.

    I got this a LOT when I was single......
    Especially because I'm in my 30s. I get the "oh, well you will meet someone", or "Why don't you settle down and buy a house?" , or "Don't you know that you don't have much longer before you can't have children?"

    If I wanted a damn house, I would have gotten one. But just because I'm single doesn't mean I'm some miserable "old maid"! I'm 33 and look like I'm 25!

    Current bf is younger than me, and neither of us want to "settle down" anytime soon, which is perfect. I have no intention of getting a house because renting is SOOOO much easier.....
    And if I end up single again? Who cares! I love my life whether I'm single or not!

    NO FREAKING PITY WANTED!!! Next time some "well-meaning" non-single friend starts acting like I need pity, I'm punching her in the ovaries. Straight shot to the baby maker. :angry:
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I miss having someone to kill spiders for me. *cringe*
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    nothing sucks about being single...because you have no one to suck for you!!

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