Light active or Sedentary? Help!

I only work 2 hours a day (work in an elementary school) but besides that I am a SAHM. That said, both kids are in school (one half day, one full day) and I'll admit I sit on my butt on the computer alot while they're at school. Of course I do regular household chores...dishes, etc. but I still don't consider myself all that active.

But, I do feel like I'm running up and down the stairs quite often, picking up after them, helping with homework, etc, now I'm wondering if I should mark 'light active'.

WDYT? I just feel like I spend alot of time on the computer and that's why I put sedentary. But maybe not???



  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom and I put sedentary. I just estimate how much time i spend doing light cleaning and cooking and log those as exercise.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I am a sahm and I put lightly active and if I do something that is not part of my normal day then I will log it as exercise.
  • wendylady123
    wendylady123 Posts: 24 Member
    You know, if you are looking to get active...there are online exercise videos. AND you could do the fun Thriller challenge! They are trying to break last year's record.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Sedentary is for someone who is bed-bound. Lightly-active is a more accurate choice and then you just add on your extra activities/workouts. Only add cleaning if it was strenuous or prolonged for the most accurate measure.
  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    You know, if you are looking to get active...there are online exercise videos. AND you could do the fun Thriller challenge! They are trying to break last year's record.
    Oh yeah, I do work out. I wasn't including that. I do 30 Day Shred, etc.;) Thanks