one month to look better in this dress (pics) motivate me!

Hi friends. I am posting this here because for ONCE I want to majorly stick to something and keep myself accountable. I hope hope hope (fingers crossed) that I will be returning in a month to put comparison shots that SHOW what I've achieved. Polite advice very appreciated (totally fine if you're critical, just asking folks to please as a courtesy not be rude or overly sarcastic.)

I have a big event (Barrister's Ball, for all you law school types out there) in EXACTLY 30 days. And I have a dress that could look so so sooooo much better with some serious toning. So in addition to the running I am doing (my first half marathon is on March 16!!!) I am doing 30 DS. But like, REALLY DOING IT. Will try to only take one day off a week if that. I have the time right now so why not?? With all the running and whatnot I'm going to stick around 1700/ day (as a set amount, not eating back) and give myself a wide carb berth the two days before the big race, so in this 30 days I probably will not lose a ton of poundage, but whats important to me right now is INCHES.

H: 5'8"
SW: 174

p.s. I especially want your advice if you are some sort of sorcerer who specializes in eliminating backflab. Yes, its one word. Backflab.




ETA: I lowercased but they are still humongo. Meh, you get the idea.


  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    You can do it. But do you think 1700/day will be enough with 1/2 marathon AND strength training? I eat 1800 on days that I lift and don't do any cardio.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    You can do it. But do you think 1700/day will be enough with 1/2 marathon AND strength training? I eat 1800 on days that I lift and don't do any cardio.

    Any more and I'm STUFFED!! If I feel weak at all with running I'll def go more (I long run days I always have to eat some of those back) but honestly I feel so full at this amount, not deprived.

  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    I think that you are already absolutely stunning in that dress! It's a gorgeous color and you look very elegant in it. No advice on toning, but good luck in reaching your goal and I hope you have a fantastic time at the party. :drinker:
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Great work so far! I'm sure you'll get there.
  • LDT2013
    You can do it! 30 days is plenty of time to see some real change. The best thing will be how you FEEL in that dress (more so than how you look) if you stick to your plan for 30 days and have the satisfaction of knowing you set a goal and stuck to it.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    You can do it. Making a public commitment, is a brilliant idea. Looking forward to the after photo's.
    BYW: the dress looks fantastic as is, but I know its fun to shoot for better.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    Aw thanks guys!! I know that a lot of people on MFP have much bigger weight-related concerns than vanity in a dress so I appreciate all the nice thoughts.

    Its that damn little pooch below my belly that just drives me nuts! And, as mentioned, the dreaded BACKFLAB!

    And with that, I'm off to do today's 30DS!

    Thanks again! Look forward to pics in 29 days!
  • IcklePickle18
    youre gorgeous!! :smokin:

    the dress is lovely, and you already look lovely in it - but if you're going to feel more comfortable in your own skin with toning i guess its worth doing :)

    you can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    So no voodoo magic here, but the Shred did wonders for my backflab. It reduced it quite a bit! I have a ways more to lose before I look as great as you, but here are my results from the Shred...towards bottom of page 8...

    I took 3 total rest days and had a relatively clean diet. I'm sure with your plan of action, you'll look even more amazing in the dress!

    Just stick with it...and you'll get results. Good luck!!
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I'm glad you are doing the 30 DS! I am on day 21 and I am so much tighter. My muffin top is now a mini-muffin top ;)
  • thatsillyshana
    that dress is so cute!!! Werk it gurl!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Move as much as you can. Good Luck.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    You already look great in the dress, so I'm sure you can reach your goal!
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    Good luck! By the way, I LOVE that dress!
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    You look good already.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    So no voodoo magic here, but the Shred did wonders for my backflab. It reduced it quite a bit! I have a ways more to lose before I look as great as you, but here are my results from the Shred...towards bottom of page 8...

    I took 3 total rest days and had a relatively clean diet. I'm sure with your plan of action, you'll look even more amazing in the dress!

    Just stick with it...and you'll get results. Good luck!!

    AWESOME RESULTS! Very motivating!!!

    And for those ladies who like the dress, its from (SO MANY CUTE DRESSES! A bit too pricey for me for every day standards but definitely reasonable for a special event!)
  • GeekTink
    GeekTink Posts: 98 Member
    I agree with everyone, you already look great. But I have noticed some slimming down around my stomach pooch (bahaha) and my love handles when I use a trimmer belt during my workouts. I know some people say they are a myth, and a waste of money, but I spent $5 at Walmart for mine, and it has already paid for itself in my eyes. Good luck!
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    You'll definitely be more toned doing some sort of resistance training. Good luck! :happy:
  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    You go girl. you will do it and look more stunning than you already do.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    I finished 30DS at the end of January -and my results were AMAZING!! We have very similar stats. I'm also 5'8" I started at 193, and when I started 30DS Jan 1, I was 173, by the end I was 168 I lost 2" on my waist and many more inches in all the other places - AND my pics were the most exciting!! There are places you don't really measure but that you can see the difference after 30 days!! You will do it you are going to look even better in that dress 1) because you will lose and, 2) because you will feel amazing for sticking to it!!

    Finally, one other advantage I found with 30DS is that because my abdominals were more tight, I was able to hold a nicer posture easier and (not suck in) but hold my tummy in easier than before - stronger ab muscles etc.. you are going to rock it! I promise!!