Need motivation

Hi, my name is Linda, I have struggled with weight as far back I can remember. This year I have decided that I want to be healthier. I am not a big soda, alcohol drinker, fast food eater, occasionally yes, but not weekly or daily. I normally bring my food to work I've been exercising 5-6 days a week for the last 4 wks eating roughly 1200-1400 calories a day, I have not seen any changes in my weight and measurements, which in itself is very frustrating since I gave myself six months to lose 30 pounds. I am looking for help to achieve this goal.I recently started tracking my meals on MFP so if anyone can take a look and tell me what I am doing wrong or what areas that I need to focus on and I also realized that I may not be eating enough calories, based on reading the comments that are posted. I would really appreciated. I know that there are a few areas that I really need to pay attention to such as my weakness for sweets.


  • CandieVH
    Hello! I am new here but I understand frustration with not loosing, I will take a look and see if anything jumps out at me :)
  • hayleysuel
    hayleysuel Posts: 46 Member
    Hmm. You could try cutting your carbs! If you try to keep it around 20-30 grams of carbs per day you should see results soon! I went low carb back in October & did it for the whole month & lost 16lbs! But I was silly & thought I could eat whatever I want & I gained it all back, but if you can make it a part of your lifestyle it can work! Good luck!! Plus there are TONS of low carb sweets with a quick look on Pinterest or google!
  • beatricejasper
    Hi, I am new here also. I can undersand your frustration. I struggle with my daily desire to eat not only sweets but high fat foods as well. Unfortunately I don't have any great advise at this point, but just wanted to support you in your journey. Hang in there.
  • MissDeAnn
    MissDeAnn Posts: 47 Member
    If you don't do much cardio you should do it, or if you do add more. I would also speak to a doctor and get blood work done because it maybe medical issue.
  • kcritter77
    kcritter77 Posts: 162 Member
    If you could open up your diary, maybe we could make some better suggestions for you.
  • kyleesartwell
    Welcome! I am new(again) to My Fitness Pal, as of this morning after weighing myself and realizing that I need to get back on. Please feel free to add me! We got this!
  • Lindaj107
    Thanks for the advice, will definitely cut my carbohydrate amount.
  • Lindaj107
    @ Ms DeAnn I thought of that before I started and had blood work done before the end of last year, surprisingly they all within normal range. I have been doing Insanity month 1 and powerstrike, bodystrike which are kickboxing DVD's, drinking nothing but water, I mean for the amount of calories that you are supposed to burn doing these videos I would have expected at least five pound lost. Still nothing. I feel like a joke.
  • Lindaj107
    Thank you so much. I really need help.
  • Lindaj107
    Thank you, I would really like that.
  • Lindaj107
    Please, any help is welcome
  • Lindaj107
    A common goal is enough and I am just glad I am not alone in my frustration.
  • maredix
    Hi there! I'm new to MFP, too, and also get frustrated with not seeing results. I've been low-carb or no-carbing it and also trying not to eat any sugar. Maybe cut back on carbs and sugar and if you have to cheat or have a small bite do it in the AM so you can burn it off through the course of the day! We all need some motivation and seeing some movement on the scale helps! Keep at it, don't give up!
  • Lindaj107
    Thank you, I will definitely try that.
  • 1964Lynn
    Reading your diary I would cut back on the sweets. When I need some ice cream I use choc frozen yogart or sugar free ice cream with sugar free maple syrup. Seems to help the cravings for me.
  • Lindaj107
    It's one of my weaknesses and this week has been especially bad. I will do better. Thanks