Veggie hater

I'm attempting a slow, but steady, turn over into Veganism. But I HATE celery, mushrooms, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and basically every other non-carb veggie. Any suggestions on how to prepare them a healthy/tasty way to be able to start integrating them into my diet?


  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    I'm not a veggie lover, either. I like to put all of mine in a blender with almond milk, fruit, and protein powder. Or like tonight, I mixed some up with low-sodium chicken broth and made a decent-tasting soup. I kind of miss smothering veggies with butter or cheese, but I am really getting used to doing things differently. You will, too. :smile:
  • peasantsong
    peasantsong Posts: 107 Member
    What is it about vegetables that you dislike? Is it the flavor? The texture? The way it's been cooked?
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I like broccoli and green beans steamed and plain.

    Asparagus and brussel sprouts I roast with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic (they're delicious!)

    Do you like salads?

    Why do you want to go vegan? I think if you're planning a vegan lifestyle and want to do it in a healthy way you're going to need to just force yourself to eat veggies until you develop a taste for them.
  • Ottinger13
    Ottinger13 Posts: 55 Member
    I do not like veggies either. I am going to try to make Kale chips. the recipe looks like they will be good. I am adding spinach to my protein shakes and I guess I need to throw some more veggies in there.

    Any suggestions would be helpful.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    if you dont like veggies, why do you want to become vegan?
  • KeegansMomma
    if you dont like veggies, why do you want to become vegan?


    I have texture issues with most veggies (I can eat broccoli, corn, and carrots; everything else is off limits as they make me gag) which is why I don't eat veggies. I should eat more though of what I can's just a bad habit to break after so long.
  • tegantheaverage
    tegantheaverage Posts: 142 Member
    I love cauliflower, broccoli and beans in stir fry or curry which tends to change the texture quite a bit from just steaming or boiling it. I really don't like cooked mushrooms (or anything else slimy) so I avoided them altogether for years but as it turns out I really like them raw! Maybe if you haven't already you could give them a go in a salad raw instead of in something cooked. You could also try this with other veggies like capsicums/peppers or snow peas/mange tout. Celery is disgusting; It's definitely okay to hate celery ;)
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Celery is disgusting; It's definitely okay to hate celery ;)

    :laugh: Agreed.
  • FightTheFrump
    FightTheFrump Posts: 54 Member
    I'm attempting a slow, but steady, turn over into Veganism. But I HATE celery, mushrooms, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and basically every other non-carb veggie. Any suggestions on how to prepare them a healthy/tasty way to be able to start integrating them into my diet?

    I used to hate most vegetables. I began by smothering them in sriracha, which I love. This, unfortunately, is not sustainable.

    Eventually, I discovered that most of the vegetables I thought I hated I actually liked when prepared properly. Most people destroy the taste of veggies because they overcook them or boil them. Prime example: brussel sprouts, a thing I swore I would never even allow in my house. But when they are roasted? Oh my, deliciousness.

    My advice, go to a restaurant where you know they know how to cook (check on Yelp if you aren't sure) and order some new veggies. If you like them, buy some at the grocery and look for a good recipe online. Chances are, you'll find a few things you like or you'll rediscover veggies you thought you hated.

    Try to make your own kale chips. These are seriously addictive!
  • kellyr730
    kellyr730 Posts: 44 Member
    I have been craving steamed veggies lately because I started dipping them in spicy mustard (which is only 5 cals per tsp.). It is SO good. Especially snap peas, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. I'm sure green beans would be good too. I can eat zucchini in zucchini lasagna (Martha Stewart has the way recipe for it and its pretty healthy if you use lowfat cheese).
  • kellyr730
    kellyr730 Posts: 44 Member
    That was supposed to say 'best' recipe not 'way' :)
  • amye004
    Google hiding vegetables in food for kids. There are a lot of tips and recipes to help you out.

    The link to this recipe has tomato sauce using sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and zucchini (look at the make ahead puree recipes). and tomatoes.

    Just an example. Hopefully this helps! :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I agree that lots of people think they hate veggies because they overlook cook them into a gray, slimy mess. I also grew up on mostly canned and frozen veggies, which were then boiled to death. As a child, I was always the one sitting at the table until I gagged down my serving.

    It wasn't until well into adulthood that I learned the joys of fresh veggies prepared properly. Lightly steamed or roasted! Or in a stir fry. I love them roasted with garlic, salt, and pepper. . . with a little grated parmasean on top. And kale chips? Yum! This week I made some caramelized carrots that were so good I ate two servings, which fortunately easily fit into my calories.

    For the record, I don't think a person who hates vegetables should consider becoming a vegetarian or vegan.
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    You probably shouldn't go vegan if you hate vegetables. It's already a restrictive diet, and if you avoid vegetables you risk having a very unhealthy, unbalanced diet with a lot of supplements and carbs. I'm saying this as someone who has been a vegetarian for over 4 years and was a vegan for 1 of those years - I LOVE vegetables and eat tons of them; if I didn't eat them then my diet would have be incredibly bland and unhealthy.

    My best tip is to start roasting vegetables - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini, eggplant, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, squashes, asparagus, onions and peppers all taste amazing roasted. Just drizzle with some olive oil, salt and pepper and roast at 425 (times will vary based on vegetable). Do some google searches on roasted vegetables and try it out.

    You don't have to like EVERY vegetable, but it's really not wise to be eating a 100% plant based diet don't really like vegetables.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Try roasting or grilling vegetables. It gives them a great flavor and texture without having to add a ton of oil or other seasoning.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    You probably shouldn't go vegan if you hate vegetables. It's already a restrictive diet, and if you avoid vegetables you risk having a very unhealthy, unbalanced diet with a lot of supplements and carbs. I'm saying this as someone who has been a vegetarian for over 4 years and was a vegan for 1 of those years - I LOVE vegetables and eat tons of them; if I didn't eat them then my diet would have be incredibly bland and unhealthy.

    My best tip is to start roasting vegetables - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini, eggplant, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, squashes, asparagus, onions and peppers all taste amazing roasted. Just drizzle with some olive oil, salt and pepper and roast at 425 (times will vary based on vegetable). Do some google searches on roasted vegetables and try it out.

    You don't have to like EVERY vegetable, but it's really not wise to be eating a 100% plant based diet don't really like vegetables.
    I agree!!
  • FightTheFrump
    FightTheFrump Posts: 54 Member
    May I suggest a recipe? I love kale chips with cumin. Seriously, I could eat an entire bunch in one sitting. (And I have.)