30 Day Shred Starting Today

Hi Everyone!

I will be starting 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michael's tonight if anyone wants to join!!


  • pietrazj
    pietrazj Posts: 3 Member
    I started it last night! Last night was really hard-- I couldn't do all of the jumping jacks, but was able to today!
  • ellejay1214
    ellejay1214 Posts: 42 Member
    I just started today on level one. I thought I was getting in better cardiovascular shape, but Jillian Michaels proved me very wrong. It's tough, but I'm actually enjoying that my legs are still shaking two and a half hours later.

    How heavy are the weights you're using? The only ones I have at home are 8 pounds each, and I already KNOW they are too heavy for me and 30 Day Shred. On the positive side, I know my muscles got some much needed attention.

    Also, is this an every day for 30 days, no rest days system? Or is this a six days on rest one day system?
  • hsmart603
    hsmart603 Posts: 32 Member
    I was meaning to start last week and didn't, so I was looking for someone to do it with. I won't be able to do it until tonight but I am excited to start. Add me as a friend if you would like. I'll do it with you
  • randi5000
    randi5000 Posts: 19 Member
    I bought 2 3 pound weights. I am so excited to start. If anyone wants to add me they can! I can't wait to see results.
  • randi5000
    randi5000 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for this!!
  • randi5000
    randi5000 Posts: 19 Member
    I just started today on level one. I thought I was getting in better cardiovascular shape, but Jillian Michaels proved me very wrong. It's tough, but I'm actually enjoying that my legs are still shaking two and a half hours later.

    How heavy are the weights you're using? The only ones I have at home are 8 pounds each, and I already KNOW they are too heavy for me and 30 Day Shred. On the positive side, I know my muscles got some much needed attention.

    Also, is this an every day for 30 days, no rest days system? Or is this a six days on rest one day system?

    I've heard people have a rest day one day per week. I'm going to try for that. I think you get better results if you try to do it everyday. I am not too sure!
  • randi5000
    randi5000 Posts: 19 Member
    omg!!! just did it!! day one over!!
  • Yecats1990
    Yecats1990 Posts: 18 Member
    I just did my first ever work out from the dvd about half an hour ago and OMG I tried to walk up the stairs but when I bend my knees my legs shake like crazy!! and my arms are like jelly too :) I'm seeing this as a positive lol come on only 29 more sessions! then we get to share before and after pics!! Keep up the hard work everybody x
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    Started this on Sunday. Did my 5th workout tonight. I will say, the difference that I have seen in 5 days is amazing. My stamina has increased so much, and my body is not as sore as day 1. My calves are not as tense all the time and I cannot wait to workout another day. Good luck to you all!!
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    I'm on my 5th day!!
    2nd day was very hard since I was sore from the push ups, today finally I felt stronger and was a little easier...
    I'm planning to do 30 days straight no rest plus a few walks when I feel like it (I'm using 5lbs weights) trying to lose the last 10 lbs and very happy because I'm starting to see little changes :)
    Good Luck everyone!!!
  • miss_deeana
    miss_deeana Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there Congrats! I just did my first day too! I tried it before and did like 7 days and gave up :( it became easier too. I don't want to do that again so I would like to find like a "buddy" so we can check on each other lol. would u be my buddy ?? :D
  • BeckZombie
    BeckZombie Posts: 138 Member
    I'm on day 8 of level one, but I had to take a few rest days because I was suuuppper congested. It does get easier as you go! The first day felt like it took forever, but now it goes by so quickly. I use 3 pound weights, too.
  • randi5000
    randi5000 Posts: 19 Member
    awesome advice thanks!! I know my legs are hurting but I'm interested to see not only results but change in endurance as well!
  • pietrazj
    pietrazj Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going to try to do it 6 days a week, with spin class on some of the days too. We'll see how that goes...ha! I will say, I really love doing the intense workout for 20 minutes, versus trying to get through a 50 minute DVD! My attention span does much better with the JM30DS program.
  • I just did day 5 and I still feel as tho I am going to die, lol. I have a very hard time with the jump rope because my arches in my feet start cramping. I am sure that it is due to my old shoes but I am finding that I am sore in different places than I was on day 1-3, as of day 4 my tush started feeling very worked :) - good luck to you all, I think I am noticing a difference but I can also say my eating habits have not been good these last few weeks so I am trying to get back on track and 30-day Shred is the first "shred" of exercise I have done since starting my weightloss journey Dec.1, 2012 so I am hoping it will push me forward.
  • angeliqueann
    angeliqueann Posts: 213 Member
    Did day two yesterday. Going on day 3. This is my 3rd round. Hopefully I see more muscle definition this time around. I was 61 lbs heavier when I did it the first time.
  • curvycarrie
    curvycarrie Posts: 56 Member
    Im getting ready to do day 9 this morning of level one. Im really enjoying her workout. I use 5 lb weights for most exercises except for the chest flies and the pull back rows (the back exercise) then i find i need a little more weight and use 10 lbs. I took my measurments the day i started, and will do them again when I'm done. I find that the work out just flies by! Enjoying your workout sure makes it easy to stick to it! Good luck with your shred!
  • stormydaze_02
    stormydaze_02 Posts: 68 Member
    Starting tomorrow... i'm excited (in a scared kind of way haha)!
  • cbroadberry
    cbroadberry Posts: 130 Member
    Hey all. Im on level 1 day 3. Looking for some friends who are also just starting so we can motivate eachother & let each other know of our pains!!

    Feel free to add :)