How did you get your goal?

I was just curious, how did everyone here set their goal weight? I went with 50 pounds, and it's because the last time I lost weight, I got sick halfway through, so I only really lost 30 pounds by actually trying, and I wanted to say I could lose 50 pounds on my own.

What about you?


  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    I thought of the last time that I was happy with my weight, not counting when I was 18 and insanely fit. I figured that was a good starting point to set my goal at and I'll re-evaluate once I reach it.

    You're so close to your goal, how exciting!
  • papersparrow
    papersparrow Posts: 31 Member
    I got my goal weight based on a few things. First, I looked at the suggested weights for someone of my height/gender/age according to the BMI calculator. Feeling that it was too low, I recalled a time when I liked how I looked, and remembered the weight there. It raised it to what I consider a more 'realistic' weight (I've a heavier frame than most 5'2'' ladies). Playing with those two variables is how I got my initial goal weight =)
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I don't know. It was completely arbitrary and I never really thought I could do it but now I'm thinking maybe...
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My original goal was to be a normal BMI. I figured: I'm not going through all this to end up still overweight! I figured I'd still be chunky at that weight because I have a small frame and I'd probably want to go lower but I wanted to at least get to that weight.

    Sure enough, when I got to that weight, I knew I needed to lose more. Right now I want to stay around 115 but definitely under 120 so I recent my goal to 120.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I posted my reasoning on a blog in April:

    I thought my goal would be 160, but now that I'm 160, I feel great but would love to lose more. So my new goal is 140 . Because 140 is within the healthy BMI range. I'd no longer be categorized as "overweight". It is specific and measurable. And I believe it is totally achievable and realistic.

    If I get to 140, maybe I'll want to lose 5 or 10 more, but as long as I can stay under 145 the rest of my life, I'm happy.
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    I picked a weight in the middle of the healthy bmi range for my height. That is just a goal, if I get closer to that goal and look/feel good or start feeling like I look to thin I am absolutely willing to adjust things.
  • IceFaith
    IceFaith Posts: 81
    I picked 180 which is pretty high. But I haven't weighed that in many many years. I remember feeling very good at that weight. I have no idea what my BMI would be there and don't care too much. If I feel that I need to loose more weight when I reach then goal then I will adjust my numbers and keep going. If I feel comfortable and healthy, I will stop.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I want to be back to the weight I was when I met my husband and was very physically fit.

    Granted, back then I hated to eat.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I remembered when I was a size 14 I weighed 188. I'd like to get down to a size 12 so I figured I'd set it at 160 and see where that lands me! If I decide that I still want to lose when I get to 160, I'll just keep going!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I actually already met my goal weight when I finished the diet that I was on previously. I had chosen the weight I was when I was in high school. Once I reached that goal, I realized that I could totally go beyond on that and set my sights a little bit higher... When I started working out I gained about 10 lbs back, weather it was gaining muscle weight and/or gaining weight from eating more to fuel my body than the previous restriction from the diet, so I have a little extra to loose, but that's not stopping me from having a lower goal weight. My new goal weight is a weight that I would love to be at, it would mean I'm in super good shape (hopefully) and I would be so confident.
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    My goal weight is where I was 10 years ago! It is a realistic weight for me to reach and maintain! I don't want to set the bar too high for failure!
  • disneyfetishboy
    disneyfetishboy Posts: 65 Member
    I'm vexing over this right now, actually.

    My first goal was simply to hit my high school goal (from 20 years ago). After 12 weeks, I hit that goal this week (yay me) and do feel great. (Lost about 30 lbs, 4 inches off waist, 2 jacket sizes). But now I am reflecting and rethinking whether this was the best goal for me, since I know I can do better. I certainly know I can look better and be more fit.

    So here are some of the benchmarks/goals I'm considering:
    - Reduce my BMI or percentage of body fat by X% - This seems right, but am not sure to what, I have never gone beyond using the basic BMI calculators. Also, I do not currently have the means to test this continuously unless I can train the wife to use calipers.

    - Set a lower weight goal - Something near the middle of average BMI, which for me would be another 10 lbs or so. This seems easy but I have seen unhealthy skinny people.

    - Set an endurance or fitness goal (e.g. run 10k nonstop, 3 hours of sustained kickboxing, 20 chin ups) - Seems practical, but want to be sure it results in me looking and feeling better rather than being good at just one thing.

    You may say the goals are not mutually exclusive and maybe I should simply try for all of them. But personally, I have always been more motivated when I could focus on *one* goal and let the other things become fringe benefits. Stepping on the scale is the easiest measure, I'm just not sure it's the best.
  • BamaRose0107
    BamaRose0107 Posts: 635
    My goal was to lose 100 pounds. Now I am working out and eating right for health and I figure my body will find the weight it is happy at.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I did a few things to get there... first, I realized when I was weighed that "wow, I've gained 30 lbs in the last 3 or 4 months!!" so I thought, "I've got to get it off and get back to where I was!" (which was 150 - I'm a quarter inch shy of 5'4" with a medium frame and big hips thanks to my Italian genes) then I thought... I was still overweight and "chunky" when I was 150 and definitely not in shape... then I thought to where I LOOK back at pictures and think I was the slimmest...130. I was 15 years old and I realize my bones probably were not done growing so I picked in between, 140. That's 20 lbs from where I'm at now and I honestly think the only way I'll actually look good at 140 is if I lose about 10% body fat. I want to be in shape, sculpted, and not just "thin". So, once I get to 140, I may push for 135 just so I can have some cushion between my BMI being "healthy" and "overweight" since my healthy BMI range is 108-145.