What do you do when you're STILL hungry!??



  • cococa
    cococa Posts: 122 Member
    I drink water that's infused with flavor (like sliced cucumbers, lemons, ginger, and/or mint). The water fills me and the flavor satisfies me. If it's cold and night, I'll sometimes do herbal tea instead.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    This has been my day! I'll admit, I just said forget it, and didn't log today. I know I'm way over on everything. Oh well, one day won't ruin everything.

    I agree to try some water first. Maybe add some flavor, if that's your thing. Often when I'm thirsty I crave carbs (water … another thing I failed at today …. :grumble: ).

    But if you really are hungry and water doesn't help, allow yourself a bit of a "cheat." Sometimes one day like that will do it for you, and you can get back on the horse tomorrow and do better than ever.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    agree with the 'paint nails' idea.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I eat.

    Then again, I'm weird. What do I know?
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    Tonight I had one of those nights. Hungry, hungry, hungry, carbs, carbs, carbs....

    most days, i'm satisfied, just having one of those days.

    Are you sure it is a stomach hunger? If it is, then I say EAT.
    I'd have a bowl of cereal.
    It might put you over by 200 calories but you say it doesn't happen that often and you have to learn to LIVE like this.
    If once a week or so you go over by that much it isn't going to matter.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    Have some green tea,and maybe then a piece of gum.
  • KidRada
    Drink a cup of COLD water like really cold , and a little tabasco on your lips
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    make a bowl of steamed broccoli..and have a cup of hot tea. you can do it!
  • OOjinxxOO
    drink some tea, little to no calories and really filling
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I know what you mean. I just had some Saltines, and I may have a cup of tea after my workout.
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    I must also respond to all of those who have told you to drink water. Is it just an age thing? That is the last thing I would want to do because if I was really wanting food, the water would consumption would have me up every hour on the hour fighting with myself about making a trip to the fridge on my way back from the bathroom.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    When I first started this process of losing weight, I had a little trouble figuring out how much to eat, when to eat, so that I wouldn't end up hungry in the evening. Until I sorted that out, if I was still really hungry before bed, I would have a few raw veggies dipped in humus. It was just enough to take the edge off, so I wouldn't feel hungry going to bed, but it wasn't enough calories to blow my day. (probably less than 50 calories).

    really, if a few extra calories now will save you from going crazy and having 400 extra calories a hour from now - it's worth it.
  • smiling_sushi
    smiling_sushi Posts: 46 Member
    If I'm crazy hungry at night, I find that a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese helps a lot. It makes you feel fuller longer than a bunch of quickly digested carbs.
  • Kelley_Marie
    I know it might sound gross, but I heat up a glass of V8 Vegetable juice and drink it like soup... I make it hot enough so that I have to take my time drinking it and by the end of the cup I feel full.

    It's not awful, especially of you like tomato soup :)
  • sweetjennyd
    Water is awesome fills ya up and is good for ya! I like to first exercise a little, usually abs or yoga dvd so I feel like Im ahead of the game and then its too valuable. Think getting paid time and a half b/c your controlling your unnecessary urge to eat (which is totally a process to build will power that will help you all over life) and also getting some added calories that will counter act any lapse you may have had. Remember, the pain of discipline is short, the glory of fruition is eternal!
  • sweetjennyd
    If ya need something thouh I hear boiled egg whites (which are the only part I like when boiled so its suited for me) are only 17 calories and dont have all the salt of a pickle...
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Save your calories for night time. Then meet your goal and sleep satisfied.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you're that hungry, just eat something. Some days, I'm just too hungry to stay under calories.
  • lakebarbie
    I must also respond to all of those who have told you to drink water. Is it just an age thing? That is the last thing I would want to do because if I was really wanting food, the water would consumption would have me up every hour on the hour fighting with myself about making a trip to the fridge on my way back from the bathroom.

    AMEN!!! lol I either spoon full of nutella... or PB yea I know it'll put me over but seriously.... you're human it's going to happen...especially if you're female and close to that time of month.... I know all I want is sweets and no matter how hard I chew on my Bubble Mint Orbit that craving for chocolate and sweets does not go away! so I either take a spoon full of Nutella PB or honey just to get the craving out of the way I savor every bit of it and keep it in my mouth till I'm sick of tasting it. yea it sounds a little sadistic but its much better than undoing your whole day on half a sleeve of Oreos or a box of chocolate.... things happen and as long as it isn't EVERY NIGHT or every week it will all work out.
  • crazy4fids
    How about burning some cals by doing a round of crunches or pushups, then run up and down the stairs. After that, indulge in some low fat yogurt with some nuts sprinkled on it. The extra 100 calories won't put you that much over even if you skip the mini workout.