Too thin??



  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Im 27 years old have to kids... My youngest is 6 and a 1/2 months
    Im 5'7 and right now 128 pounds
    My goal is 108. No one believes i need to lose weight
    My thighs are big and i have LOVE HANDLES over my pants!
    I dont think 108 is to skinny for my frame!!!
    HELP please let me know your opinions

    You should definitely lower your body fat as opposed to losing 20lbs. Weight training will make the WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. Give it a try what do you have to lose, your "big thighs and love handles" as you put it?!
  • typo7
    typo7 Posts: 4
    Lift weights.

    No, you won't "bulk up" and look like a man.
    ^This many knows where it's at.
  • mrsgeneric
    mrsgeneric Posts: 143 Member
    Thanx for all the support guys!! Im gunna try!!!
    Im just very self consious on how i feel and look
    But i wanna b healthy for my kids
    so ill try the lifting weights thing!
  • CMMia17
    CMMia17 Posts: 42 Member
    I pretty much agree with everyone here. 108 is too skinny for your height. I'm 5'2 with a small frame, 108 is a good number for me and I just need to do strentgh train and cleaner eating habits. So I think your are at a very good weight and just need to strentgh train and possibly add more fruit and veggies to help clean your body (toxins and fats),
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    The others have already mentioned strength training and body fat percentage. Of course, the most common way of reducing body fat percentage is to ... have a calorie deficit... which will likely cause... weight loss.

    However, according to BMI, you are currently at a BMI of 20... This is actually already at the lower end of your acceptable weight range... If you dropped to 108, you would be seriously underweight.. Like a BMI of 16+... You absolutely do not need to lose weight... You need to eat well and do strenght training to create the strong body you strive for. If anything, gain a little weight while lifting heavy weights... This will aid in the body recomposition process ... Best wishes on attaining the body you desire... the RIGHT way.
  • MisRod17
    MisRod17 Posts: 7 Member
    Uuuuummmm...I'm 5'7" and don't want to weight any less then 150 (currently 162). Its not really about the scale any more, as it is about the definition. I never really looked at it that way until I paid for a personal trainer. He laughed on my last weigh in with him because I was still over 160. (I was not happy :sad: ) He told me that I would probably never weigh much less because of my build. I have weighed in at/between 160-165 for years. I have always been a 12/14 size girl. Now, at 162 I am a 9/10 size girl. I'm a believer in weight training/strength training.

    To answer your question...Yes, too thin.