Eating Habits

Whats yours? How many calories and how do you divide them throughout the day? Do you always plan ahead? I'm having trouble finding what works for me. I'm not sure if I'm a grazer or 3 square meal type person.


  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I eat two meals a day. Dinner and dessert. Within three hours.

    It's nice.
  • smiling_sushi
    smiling_sushi Posts: 46 Member
    I generally eat about 5 times a day. Not because I believe any of that junk about keeping your metabolic fire stoked or whatever (Intermittent Fasting has pretty much proved that wrong), but just because it works out well with my schedule. I work from 1:00pm-9:30pm, so I have breakfast around 8:30-9:00am, lunch around noon, a snack at 4:00pm, dinner at 6:00pm and usually a dessert or snack when I get home from work. Breakfast and lunch are each usually around 300 cal, snack is about 200 cal, dinner is about 500-600 cal, dessert/snack is 100-200 cal. On workout days, I'll have a protein shake after working out, which is about 200 cal. Those numbers can fluctuate quite a bit, especially on the weekend, but that's about average. Ideally I'd do IF, but I kind of love breakfast too much, and I hate working out fasted (and since I work out in the morning, I'd have to). I'd say experiment with different food schedules and just see what works best for you.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I eat every 3-4 hours. And like preivous poster said, not because of metablism at all. I feel less likely to cheat if I'm eating at regular intervals. If I find myself craving or hungry, I just tell myself it's not long til the next meal/snack and I have been able to stay on track that way. I started around 1300 calories and now at about 1500.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    usually breakfast, lunch, dinner, post workout protein shake. Maybe a handful or two of mixed nuts during the day if I'm hungry.

    I also try to avoid the situations that lead me to eat badly. I try to plan for breakfast and lunch each day and largely eat the same thing for those meals. For dinner I make sure I have a good supply of meat/chicken/fish in the freezer along with some frozen greens I can re-heat.

    I eat clean six days a week and have cheat day on Saturday when I can eat whatever I want.